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8 Cards in this Set

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What are 5 types of fixed fire dection systems?

- Automatic smoke detectors

- Automatic heat detectors

- Automatic flame detection

- Gas detection

- Multi-criteria detection

State the four types of fixed fire Supression systems.

- Sprinklers

- Deluge

- Flooding

- Explosion

State the four types of fixed fire Occupant systems.

- Manual fire alarm

- Smoke management

- Emergency lighting


What is the purpose of a fixed fire system?

- Warn occupants of a fire

- Help occupants escape from a fire

- Detect and or suppress fire

- Assist NZFS with search and rescue

- Assist NZFS with finding and extinguishing fire

- Save both lives and property

Under what fire conditions do photoelectric smoke alarms work better than ionization smoke alarms?

Photoelectric detectors sense smouldering fires better than ionization systems which detect flaming fires better.

State three purposes of a sprinkler system.

- Detect the presence of fire

- Attack the fire

- Contain or extinguish the fire

- Warn building occupants and alert fire brigade

What are the advantages of a heat detection system?

- Respond at a pre-determined temperature, so useful in areas where fumes or steam is common

- Generally inexpensive

- Low rate of false alarms

Name four passive fire systems?

- Smoke doors

- Exit signs

- Fire resistant building material

- Fire cells

(Passive is fire rated construction and warning signage)