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48 Cards in this Set

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Surfactant is secreted by

Type 2 pneumocyte. Have the ability to proliferate in response to injury.

Amniotic fluid is added to a test well containing ethanol and shaken to form stable ring of foam

Surfactant test(lung maturity) Lecithin:sphingomyelin >2 mature.

History of smoking, exertional dyspnea,Unable to extinguish a lit m.h matchstick with single breath(reduced fev1)

Copd.Air trapping causes increase in residual volume.

Cough syncope(overweight Male patient with copd)

Increase intrathoracic pressure causes decrease venous return to the heart,decrease cardiac output and cerebral perfusion.

Same mechanism during valsalva maneuver

Pa02,sa02 and oxygen content in some diseases

Chronic blood loss- only oxygen content is decreased.

Cyanide poisoning- everything is normal.

High altitude- everything is decreased

Polycythemia-oxygen content is increased. Rest are normal.

CO poisoning-sa02 and oxygen content are decreased.


Ohio and Mississippi river

Filamentous mold

Bird or bat droppings

Exploring caves

Inhaled into alveoli,phagocytosed by macrophage which reveals intracellular ovoid or round yeast.

Ciliated cells are absent where

Alveolar ducts and sacs.present in terminal bronchioles-simple ciliated Before that is pseudostratified,ciliated,columnar.

Goblet cells produce what? And agree absent where

Mucin-producing cells. Absent in alveolar mucosa

Secretory cells that can act as regenerative source of ciliated cells in bronchioles

Club cells.

Exacerbation of Copd is usually triggered by

Viral or bacteria respiratory infection.

Fungal species associated with gardening

Sporothrix schenckii. Transmitted by thorn prick,cigar shaped budding yeast.

Ohio and Mississippi river


Blastomyces- large round yeast with doubly refractile wall and single broad based bud.

What stimulates central and peripheral chemoreceptors?

Central(located in medulla)-ph and pCo2 of brain interstitial fluidPeripheral(located in carotid body and aortic body)- decreased po2 <60mmhg), decreased ph of blood and increased pco2 .Peripheral senses pa02 and central senses pc02

Selective igA deficiency

Recurrent Sinopulmonary and Gastrointestinal infection.eg pneumonia and celiac disease. Anaphylaxis during transfusion

The binding of oxygen to hemoglobin in the lung causes what effect

Haldane effect- the affinity of co2 for hemoglobin is reduced. And proton H+ is released from hemoglobin binding site the H+ combined with Hco3 in the lungs to form h2co3. Then h20 and co2 which then goes to the alveoli and expired. While o2 is taken up by the hemoglobin. In peripheral tissue the opposite occurs bohrs effect.

In the lung, the binding of oxygen to hemoglobin drives the release of H+ and Co2

Effect of hyperventilation on o2 and pc02 exchange

High v/q region have little capacity to absorb additional oxygen and compensate for low v/q region.

High v/q region can easily exhale co2 and compensate for low v/a region.

Pulmonary embolism

Increased dead space ventilation->v/Q mismatch->hypoxemia->increase in respiratory drive->hyperventilation. Acute onset dyspnea and chest discomfort. Increased A-a gradient. Normal 5 to 10

Physiological dead space

Anatomical + Alveolar dead space

Anatomical- nose, mouth, pharynx, trachea, bronchi

Alveolar- ventilated but not perfused.

Cystic fibrosis-cftr defect.

Cl and Na are not reabsorbed into epithelia cell of eccrine duct. Hyponatremia- excessive salt wasting from sweat.

If a parent is a carrier the probability thay the child will inherit that mutation is

1/2.eg.1/30×1/100×1/2(1/2 from father and 1/2 from mother. =1/12,000.

Dependent lung segment in aspiration pneumonia

Posterior segment of right upper lobe and superior segment of right lower lobe. The right lung is more prone because the right main bronchus has a large diameter.

Progressive dyspnea and recurrent upper respiratory infection.


Secondary polycythemia

In response to hypoxemia, the renal tissue secretes erythropoietin to simulate bone marrow to increase red blood cell production and improve oxygen carrying capacity.

Strain of h.influenzae thay causes otitis media

Nontypable- they do not produce a capsule.

Cystic fibrosis in respiratory mucosa and sweat gland

. In sweat gland due to defect in cftr cl and Na cannot go to the epithelium of the eccrine gland while in respiratory mucosa cl cannot go out of the epithelia cells to the respiratory mucosa and there is increased absorption of Na and H20 into the epithelial cells.ATP gated cl channel

Most common cause of copd exacerbation

Upper respiratory infection by H.influenzae,moraxella,strep pneumo,rhino virus.opportunistic pseudomonas


An anticholinergic agent and derivative of atropine, blocks acetylcholine at muscarinic receptors which prevents bronchoconstriction and reduces mucus.

Methylxanthines such as theophylline and aminophylline

Cause bronchodilation by blocking phosphodiesterase and increasing CYclic AMP.

Chronic granulomatous disease

NADPH oxidase defect.The bacteria and fungi responsible for infection are catalase positive organism which have the ability to destroy their own hydrogen peroxide which allows phagocyte to generate hypochlorite(bleach)-microbicidal agent.

patients undergoing mechanical ventilation weaning tv and respiratory rate

weakened respiratory muscles results to low tidal volume to minimize the work of breathing and increased respiratory rate to maintain minute ventilation

Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine

T cell mediated robust immune response. Contains a polysaccharide material attached to protein antigen


Tgf-b inhibitors. Slows pulmonary fibrosis

Radial traction

Decreased reaction-emphesema

Increased traction-fibrosis

Exudate vs transudate

Pleural Effusion that develops as a result of pressure changes(heart failure,cirrhosis,nephrotic syndrome are typically transudative. Those that develop due to inflammation and increased vascular membrane permeability (infection, malignancy, rheumatologic disease) are exudates.exudates have high fluid to serum ratio of total protein >0.5 and high lactate dehydrogenase>0.6

Obstructive sleep apnea

Daytime somnolence, Non restorative sleep, Elevated blood pressure in the setting of underlying obesity.

Obesity hyperventilation syndrome(pickwickian)

Decreased expansion of the chest wall due to obesity. Causing hypoventilation.Increased pc02 and decreased p02.

most common cause of rhinitis


chlid with nasal polyps

think cystic fibrosis.repeated bouts of rhinitis.also seen in aspirin intolerant asthma.

nasal tumour of adolescent male


most common cause of community acquired pneumonia

strep pneumo

increased risk for aspiration

klebsiella pneumonia

four classic phases of lobar pneumonia

congestion-vasodilation and congestion of blood vessels

red hepatization-red blood cell infiltration

gray hepatization-break down of the rbc


Metabolic profile for emphysema

Chronic Co2 retention leading to respiratory acidosis with compensatory high paco2, high bicarbonate and slightly acidic ph with hypoxemia pao2<75

Nerve that crosses between the flexor digitorum superficialis and Profundus muscles.

Median nerve.

Reduces bronchoconstriction by Inhibiting interaction of inflammatory meditators with cell surface receptors


Drugs that worsens asthma


Blocks binding of acetylcholine to muscarinic receptor arms commonly used for copd


Hypoventilation leads to

Co2 retention and acute respiratory acidosis. Seen in benzodiazepine overdose. ------With elevated oxygen gradient(copd).PE is alkalosis