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57 Cards in this Set

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Hand gestures and facial expressions are both examples of ____.

Nonverbal symbols

Speakers who post their speeches online use the internet as their ____.


____ the values, traditions, and rules for living that are passed between generations that influence all aspects of a person's life.


In the ____ stage speech preparation, speakers generate ideas for their speeches.


Though effective ____, speakers state their ideas clearly, make their ideas memorable, and avoid bias.


Speakers who practice can work on their ____ ____, the ability to speak naturally and confidently without reading from notes.

Extemporaneous delivery

People who vary their behaviors in different circumstances are said to practice ____.

Situational Ethics

Speakers who commit ____ mislead the audience by leaving relevant information unsaid.


____ ____ or, widely known and disseminated information, requires no direct citation in speech making.

Common knowledge

____ the first step in effective listening, involves actively thinking about the verbal and nonverbal cues of the message.


The ability to remember information that is heard is known as ____.


Written or oral feedback after a speech, known as a ____ ____, helps speakers learn from their experiences.

Speech Critique

Characteristics such as, age, religious orientation, and sexual orientation combine to create a picture of a person's ____.


The beliefs, values, and experiences speakers and audiences share are known as ____.

Common Ground

To be able to analyze an audience in the moment - that is, to conduct ____ audience analysis - allows speakers to react when audiences fail to understand or embrace their messages.


When a speech has a ____ purpose, it is intended to be educational.


At the close of a ____ speech, the audience should be inspired to consider or adopt a new position or belief, strengthen an existing, belief, or take action.


A speech delivered on the ____ ____ is generally entertaining or emotionally moving.

Special occasion

When people become prejudiced and develop biases, they lose the ability to demonstrate ____.


The ____, of sources factors into credibility, because newer evidence is generally more reliable than older evidence.


In general, articles in scholarly journals undergo ____ ____, a process of approval by other experts in the field.

Peer Review

In presentations, ____ are samples or instances that support or illustrate speakers general claims.


____ testimony is likely to increase audience members acceptance of speakers claims because it comes from sources with professional or in-depth knowledge of a topic.


Supporting data that come in numeric form, known as ____, help listeners quantify points and understand how often situations occur.


One key to a well-organized speech, ____, involves creating a hierarchy of main points and the information that supports them.


In addition to subordination, the outlines of a well-organized speeches demonstrate the principle of ____, which means that all main points are at the same level of significance.


____ such as "finally" or "according to" - are words/phrases that help audiences understand a speech's structure.


A ____ question is meant to be answered in one's head, not aloud.


Speakers with ____ have earned their audiences trust because because they know what they're talking about.


In a speech's conclusion, the ____ leaves a lasting impression on the audience.


____ is the process of organizing the content of a speech in structured form.


____, which is used to support speech claims, is cited using such pieces of information as an author's name and qualifications, the source publication, and the date of the publication.


In a speech outline, a ____ serves to list all sources cited in a speech, using such information as author name and publication name and date.


____, also known as word choice, can help speakers connect with their audiences as well as convey their messages effectively.


____ specialized or technical words or phrases that are familiar to people in a particular field or group - includes technical terms as well as abbreviations, acronyms, and slang.


Mental impressions, or ____ paint graphic pictures of scenes, inspiring listeners to experience spoken words with their senses.


In public speaking, presenters who have learned to use their voices to enhance their messages have mastered ____ delivery skills.


____ refers to the crispness or clarity of spoken words.


During presentations, the principle of ____ determines how much space and space distance speakers place between themselves and their audience.


Using slices, a ____ chart shows how proportions, and percentages (%) relate to one another.


A ____ ____ is a better choice than a picture if a speaker wants to show a moving process, such as an eagle using its speed and talons to capture prey.

Video Clip

Whether numbers, letters, words, sentences, and graphics can be easily distinguished on visual aids is a function of those aids ____.


As a technique in informative speaking, an ____ traces a line of reasoning or series of casual connections between two events.


A presentation focused on how to saddle a horse qualifies as a ____ because it pairs physical modeling and verbal elements with the use of props and visual aids.


A series of steps or stages that lead to a particular outcome, also known as a ____, can be classified as a micro/macro in an informative presentation.


Maslows hierarchy of ____, which classifies the human desires and feeling that must be satisfied, has five levels ranging from physiological at the bottom, or most basic, to self-actualization at the top.


____ beliefs, which are particularly immune to persuasion, are viewpoints people hold closely, often for many years.


Often used with policy claims in persuasive speeches, a ____ sequence aims to establish five points, starting with attention and ending with action.


A speaker with ____, or credibility, has far more persuasive power than one without.


When speakers present trustworthy facts to back their claims and clearly show how those facts led them to those claims, they use ____ effectively.


An emotional appeal, or ____, helps a speaker put a human face on a problem addressed in a speech.


____ rhetoric-speaking that praises or blames - was one of the three genres of oratory identified by the fourth-century B.C.E. Greek philosopher Aristotle.


As a special-occasion speech, a ____ comments on the passing of an individual, celebrates that individual's life, and often shares personal reflections about the deceased.


During a presentation speech, a speaker should adopt the ____, or personality of a presenter, which involves demonstrating authority as a presenter by speaking respectfully and knowledgeably about the subject.


The way in which group members relate to one another and view their functions, known as ____ ____, can determine whether a group achieves its mission.

Group Dynamics

The ____, which is one type of maintenance role in the group, serves to decrease tension in a group, perhaps by using humor at an appropriate point or making positive or optimistic comments.


In a panel discussion, the person who is responsible for introducing the panelists and the facilitating their discussion is known as the ____.
