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186 Cards in this Set

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what is PR in 4 words?
Research, Action, Communication, Evaluation
what comes before research?
what does the global alliance have?
60 national and regional PRs representing 160,000 members. 3 million ppl world wide practice PR as their profession
what is the PRSA and who created it?
Public relations society of america, started by Rex Harlow
what did hazelton and long say about the definition of PR?
fuction of management where organizations change enviroment to achieve goals, they dont just change target audience
what did cameron say about the definition of PR?
management of competition and conflict for the benefit of ones own organization and when possible for the mutual benefit of organization and various stakeholders/publics
what are the overall key words with PR definition?
deliberate, planned, performance, public interest, two way communication, management function
what is the circulating never ending components to PR?
research and analysis, policy formation, programming, communication, feedback, assesment
explain policy formation and programming
policy formation is advisors to top management who make recommendations on policy and what actions must be taken.
programming is taking that action made in policy, and thinking of ways to communicate it to certain audiences in a certain time line.
how does PR newsletter define PR?
its a management function by upper level management that evaluates attitude which identifies its policies and procedures of an individual or organization with public interest , then plans and executes a program of action to earn public acceptance
how is PR the interpreter in the middle (middle ground, linking agent)
on one hand they interpret philosophies policies programs and practices of the management to the public.
on the other hand they tell the attitudes of public to the management
what are 3 ways PR practitioners operate
on edge, from middle, on boundary
how does the managements interpreter work?
interprets company to the public
must have access to management (VP)
must have specific target (cant reach everyone with just one same message)
who is the father of PR and what is his claim to fame?
Bernays, he was Frauds nephew. brought psycology into PR
what does pitch mean?
to sell whether it be pictures, image, fact or idea
who gave PR a bad name, and why?
PT Barnum- huckster, flak
Robber Barons- selfish CEO
Edward Bernays- used psyc in PR
what is the Gillett Amendment?
no money can be spent to persuade congress, but they do it any way under different names like "press secretary"
what does Flack mean?
same thing as press agent who just wants to get their client in the paper. negative connotation
differences in PR and journalism
PR has more than one channel
PR has segmented audiences
PR advocates for something or someone
differences in PR and advertising
PR is uncontrolled and free
PR has many media (some internal), ads are external and have mass media
PR wants to promote, ads want to sell
*differences in PR and marketing
they overlap.
both- organization relationship, similar communication tools, PR is the 5th P in marketing
product, price, place, promotion, publicity
PR-good will
marketing- selling
what is third party endorsment?
when newspaper uses a press release
what is a gate keeper?
editor decides to take your publicity and do what ever they want with it
what is Integrated marketing communications?
the combination of advertising, PR, direct response, and sales promotion
what are reasons for IMC?
smaller budget, smaller staff, and showing that advertising isnt as good and purposeful as it used to be
what does hype mean?
a shrewd use of media to get publicity
what does pseudoevent mean?
an event only happening for publicity, planned happening
what is a press agent?
a person whose job is to get publicity for their agent
where was planned persuasion to reach a particular purpose happening and when?
1800's in iraq for farm bullitins of latest technology, and the more food they produced and ate the wealthier they were
what is rosetta stone and what was it?
ancient egypt and it helped understand hieroglyphics, used to publicity release pharaohs accomplishments
what did ancient greece do?
promotional techniques for the olympics and the atheletes. sophists extolled virtues of polititians as early lobbyists
what did rome do?
julius caesar published a book of commentaries and later he rallied public support of wars
what happened in the middle ages?
in the roman catholic church pope urban II persuaded thousands to serve god

pope gregory XV used propoganda to propogate faith
what happened in early america?
american revolution- colonists tried to persuade the king george 3 that they had same rights
first publicity stunt was the boston tea party, PRWeek said it was best stunt of all time (sam adams)
king george refused, committees of correspondence were made
Early american education
1641 harvard college made brochures to raise money
issued first news release in 1758
who was in the 1800's press agenry
PT Barnum- huckster said the public be fooled
Amos Kendal- jacksons kitchen cabinet first press secretary
Davey Crockett- subject for press agents, used in opposition of jackson
how did PR relate to moving west in the 1800's
PR helped get ppl to move west and populate the US
american railroads used press agentry and pr- 4.5 mill moved
what happened after civil war with industrial revolution with PR
things became factories, Robber Mills said public be damned, he was a selfish profit maker CEO
In the american revolution who wrote common sense, and what did it do?
Tom Paine, and it persuaded lukewarm citizens to the cause of american independence
What happened with Robber Baron and muckrackers, and what is a muckracker?
muckracker is term for a journalist and they attacked Baron by his scandelous operations. he later had to use honesty in PR
what was the 1900's-1950's? who were the pioneeres? what was the first pr agency? when did it open?
the pioneers of the early PR- Lee, Ford, Insull, Roosevelt
first PR agency- Publicity Bureau 1900 (parker and lee opened in 1905)
what was unique about Lee?
first PR counsel, declaration of principles of truth as opposed to the press agentry (two way communication)
what was unique about ford?
first to use positioning- first to do something get credit and publicity
first to be accesible to the press
what was unique about roosevelt
master of generating publicity
first to use news conferences as presidential publicity tours
what was unique about bernays as a pioneer?
publicist in 1913
freuds nephew
wrote crystallizing public opinion
taught first class in 1923
recruited first female practitioner- doris e. fleishman (married)
used psycology
ivory soap contest
Ballet- perhaps what made bad image for PR relating to him
what was unique about Creel?
worked for wilsons presidential campeign called Creel Committee. assembled a great team of PR people
who was the first female PR practitioner
Doris E. Fleishman
in the 1950's-2000, what were the influences on PR?
it became firmly est.
WW2 brought growth
growth of urban pop
growth of impersonal business
scientific advancement
mass media growth
emphasis on bottom line
what is the result of PR today from the past when it was firmly established?
internet influence
global village influence- we are all connected like a villiage through internet
internet is the #1 way for social media
what are the classic models of PR?
what are they?
the time eras and transformation of PR
publicity, public info, two way asymmetry, 1960's, two way symmetry, 1980-1990
Classic models of PR- Publicity?
press agentry, 1800's, one way communication, no reasearch clearly
Classic models of PR- public information?
extension of one way distributation of info with more credibility, little research but with a little scientific persuasion
Classic models of PR- Two way asymmetry
persuasion through science is the purpose, there is not equal information coming in as going out to the public
Classic models of PR- 1960's
civil rights, women added issues management which means more dialogue with the publics
Classic models of PR- two way symmetry
as a result of issues management, public was heard more. gains mutual understanding, balanced, research is started, and evaluations are started to see results
Classic models of PR- 1980s`
PR booms as a management function, strategic becomes buzz word
Classic models of PR- 1990
enviromental marketing, PR audits, communication audits, social audits (people are researching to find out how things are going in all 3 realms)
what happened with feminization and PR?
women now 70% after 90's, pr is more inviting, they are good with details so are good in this field without a lot of capital, but dont make as much money as men
what is the velvet ghetto?
the idea that women are hired as window dressing and for feminate touch, but they could never get to the top (glass ceiling). their power in management is stronger than ever
Minorities in PR?
33% of pop is minority
whites comprise 90%
blacks, asians, spanish, N.A.
what must happen for the future in PR?
what is CSR?
the world is multicultural-must be sensative and provide knowledge
must me more transparent
must own roles of positioning, branding, reputation management and build relationships
must practice CSR
what must happen in the future?
more research and measurement
manage 24/7 news channels
fragmented mass media
use social media
life long learning
Is paying journalists frowned upon in ethics? why?
yes, because PR is free
what is zakazukha? is it ethical in our society?
russian word for paying for journalists to get new releases and photos in paper or news. it is unethical in our society. "pay for play"
what is ethics?
my feelings saying right or wrong
my religious beliefs
doing what the law requires- least followed
standards of behavior in society- greatest followed
(public knows unethical behavior...like paying for publicity)
what are the catagories/definition of ethics? (how should we live our lives?)
is it:
right or wrong
fair or unfair
caring or uncaring
good or bad
responsible or irresponsible
what are the three theories of ethics?
what is absolute theory of ethics?
every decision is right or wrong
what is existential theory of ethics?
immediate practical decision seeking a balance between two extremes or a midpoint. "never say never"
what is situational theory of ethics?
each decision is based upon what would cause least harm (the end justifies the means)
what is the formal definition of ethics?
ethics is how we should live our lives. it focuses on question of what is wrong or right, fair or unfair, caring or uncaring, good or bad, responsible or irresponsible.
how do PR firms follow ethics?
governed by a commonly accepted sense of professional conduct translated into a code of ethics (by the book)
how do PR firms enforce ethics to satisfy?
they must satisfy public interest, employer, the professional organizations code of ethics (PRSA could tell you), and their own personal values
what else must PR firms do besides satisfy to make ethical decisions?
they are advocates, and justified in disseminating truthful persuasive information AS LONG as the objective and public would view statements as truthful
what are differences in goals and objectives?
goals are broad and objectives are narrow (objectives are strategies to carry out the goal sucessfully)
what must Professional groups do when making ethical decisions as organizations for PR?
professional organizations set ethical stands for and foster professionalism among PR practitioners
what are some professional organizations?
IABC (international association of business)
Internal PR association
council for advancement and support of education
florida public relations association
what is a weakness of codes of conduct enforced by professional organizations controling PR actions?
no strong means to enforce, no ones watching over their shoulder to make sure they are ethical
what are the elements of PRSA code of ethics?
why have VNRs (video news releases) caused raised eye brows about ethical violations?
questions of whether the public is notified of the source of tape
questions of if the sponsor (client) is clearly identified on the tape
what are some problems with internet ethics?
it isnt clear if people should build buzz in chat rooms with identifying themselves (saying they work for a certain company). it seems sneaky.
how does a PR professional get a "liscense"?
issued by governments (professional associations through accredidation, not a technical liscence)
who started the liscensing movement and why?
Bernays, and to protect the profession and public from sketchy people. also to continue education of the profession
what is required to become accredited to be a PR professional?
5 year experience and bachelors degree, passing a test
what are ethical problems with news media?
anything less than total honesty destroys credibility.
What are ethical rules regarding to gifts?
pr practitioners should not provide junkets (free air fair) or expensive gifts
what are the ethical rules of third party endorsement?
lack of ethics can weaken the third party endorsement (loose trust)
objectivity of what media you choose creates public trust
what is different about early years to current years in building relationships?
early years were one-way. this era is building relationships strategically by using social media, but you have to listen to publics. you cant just have relationships out of no where
building these relationships can save you money (litigation, regulation, legislation, boycotts can all get you in court and drop sales by 2-3%)
what was the first public relations DEPARTMENT?
1889 Westinghouse pet project alternating current electricity (AC)- he hired two men to publicize. He won over edisons DC system today
why do executives see PR as all about relationships?
PR is a complex and dynamic process of negotiations and compromise with a number of key publics. establishing relationships is key.
what is ROI?
return on investments
what is ROI with PR operations?
ROI is 184$ return. CEO's give this, and consider PR to be a good investment
who helps top management in developing policy?
professional public relations people
what is a more popular term for PR and by how much?
Corporate Communications and by 4-1
what are some other more popular positive names for PR?
corporate relations, investor relations, marketing communications, public affairs, public and community relations, external relations
what are the titles for head PR people?
manager- small sized co
directer- middle co
vice president- major co
(you can still answer to a president for all these titles)
what is the organizational divide in pr corporations?
its like a military type structre- line and staff
what are line producers (manager) and what do they do?
they are the head people like VP's, delegate authority and produce revenue. (hire ppl and directly influence work of others)
what are staff producers (manager) and what do they do?
they have little or no authority and in contrast to line producers they indirectly influence others with suggestions, etc they use revenue (PR people)
what is the difference between PR people and lawyers?
lawyers say nothing and say it slowely
"no comment"- people think you are hiding something
PR people say it all and say it quickly
advice may be different
who does a good CEO listen to first, PR or Legal?
They listen to both, and then do what the PR department says
what is litigation?
managing the media process in the course of the legal dispute so as to affect the outcome and its impact on clients reputations
what are litigation PR principles?
settle issue fast so media cant take a story and ask too many questions leading to bad reputation
then try and settle again
what is outsourcing, and why do PR associations do it?
usuing outside PR personelle in communications activities . they do it to bring in expertise and resources not able to be found on the inside of their organization and to suppliment ongoing activity inside
what are most frequent NEEDS for outside PR?
writing and communication needs, media relation expertise, and publicity needs
what are pros and cons of outsourcing?
pros- objectivity: variety of skills, extensive resources
cons- superficial grasp of problem, lack fulltime commitment, theres a need for prolonged briefing periods, theres a need for strong direction by top management, theres a need for full information and confidence
what are the charges for outsourcing?
basic hr fee, plus out of pocket
monthly retainer
fixed project fee
pay for the placement they help get you
what is RFP?
request for proposal
what does RFP do?
its a common approach to engage the service of a PR firm (outsourcing) a firm makes a presentation to get the clients business
what is IMC?
integrated market communications
what does IMC do?
when PR firms merge with advertising firms or become subsidiaries of larger purpose firms (combine with ad companies or get owned by larger companies)
what are reasons for US pr growth?
increased urbanization, expansion of govt bureaucracy and regulations, more advances mass media, rise of consumers, international trade, demand for more info by publics
what is research?
the controlled, objective, and systematic gathering of information for the purpose of describing and understanding


research allows companies to map out strategies and make policy decisions for effective communication programs (remember the 6 cyles of steps in process of PR other than RACE)
why wont flawed research work?
managers dont understand pr and they want proof that advice is good
clients are interested in what pr advisers know, not think
what is the first step in PR as a process?
research (RACE)
how many pronges does research have, and what are they?
2 pronged,
it is DEFINING problems(step one in RACE)
it is EVALUATING solutions to the problems(step 4 in RACE)
what questions do you start with in research?
what is the problem?
how will the results of research be used?
what specific public/publics should be reached?
how will data be analyzed?
what is secondary research?
using exsisiting data from magazines, news articles, etc
what is primary research?
in depth interviews, focus groups, serveys and polls
what is PRs use for research?
to establish credibility with management, and to find the right strategy (sometimes your strategy needs to change based on other factors). helps management stay in touch with with is on consumers minds (periodical surveys) but caution, because peoples attitudes change, so research is needed

it helps prevent crisis because 90% of crisis's are caused by operational errors, not natural disasters

can sway public opinion with research statistics, surveys can be used then to get publicity

can measure success of program, "did the program accomplish the stated objectivity?"
what are steps in research?
1. state the question/issue
2. dig through secondary resources (exisiting articles)
3.do primary research (focus groups, surveys, internet, phone, very personal) these are the most EXPENSIVE (piggy back=gallop, get one question in nationwide)
what are forms of qualitative (primary) research?
focus groups, interviews, content analysis, copy testing
what are forms of quantitative(primary) research?
random sampling, sample size
what are questionares (primary)?
mail, telephone,web and email surveys, piggy back
what are 2 important factors in quantitatve research?
randomness and large numbers of respondents
what are other forms of primary research besides just surveys (indepth)?
focus groups, content analysis, online research, interviews, copy testing
what are strengths of content analysis?
informal, gives info about competition, can let an agency know how they are doing
what is content analysis?
systematic and objective counting or catagorizing (did someone or a target group see or think something in the media?) measures amount media coverage and content
why is quantitative more expensive?
large groups
what are types of interviews?
intercept(convinience) polls
what are strenghts and weaknesses of intercept interviews?
strength- gives a sense of what current thinking is of a key message
weakness- unreliable, and unscientific because of the randomness
what is a purposeful interview?
people being questioned are picked carefully based on their roll in community
what are focus groups?
8-12 people carefully picked based on the target audience. better than interviews
what are strengths of focus groups?
a trained person encourages groups to talk freely for a period of time about a topic which gives them qualitative information and attitudes.
more online interactivity with focus groups
what is copy testing?
one or more people are asked to read material in draft form to see if that target audience will understand, and if not, it can be changed to meet the target group
what are strengths of copy testing?
fog an flesch is a readability formula which takes the number of words and syllables per sentence and uses that to rank the level of education the target audience should be
what is content analysis testing?
the amount of media coverage and the type of media people are seeing.
what is a nonprobable sample?
intercept sample
what is the formal name for probable sample?
random sampling
what are strengths and weaknesses of online research?
strength-immediate results, broad span
weakness- annonymous
how large does the large sample size have to be for quantitative research?
how should word construction be with questionares?
short, clear and ambiguous
what are strengths and weaknesses to mail questionares?
strength- cheap, to specific target
weakness- low feedback
what are strength and weaknesses to phone surveys?
strength- personal immediate
weakness-getting numbers
what is another name for omnibus survey and what is it?
piggyback survey(cheaper to do this than make own survey, and they are paying for someones expertise)
organization pays to have questions put in someone elses national campaign, and take research findings to work into action(policy) and later programing

omnibus means several purposes
what is the second step of RACE?
is PR subjective?
yes, because you dont pay for PR
what was the case of the bell helmets, and how does it relate to the PR process "action"?
they did their research-sales told them they had 2 targets (adults, and kids)
secondary research told them big stores sold their helmets
primary research- asked mountain bikers as focus groups, found that bikers didnt know name of their helmets
bell wants to stand out as a safe helmet
BEGIN ACTION PLANNING-setting objectives- correct conception that all helmets are the same, and make kids think they are like corrective shoes.

strategies- bell is safest u can get, allow u to do what you want
what is the order of things (3) in the Action process?
objectives , goal, and then strategy to get those objectives accomplished (all are in the programming phase with in the action phase)
what is strategic planning?
deciding where you want to be in the future(goal) and how you get there(strategy)

proactive direction

aviods drift

repetition of activities

coordination of many methods- web page, press kits, news conferences, media interviews (all things to convince the audience through different outlets)
what is an objective?
overall outcome
what should the program planning be?
strategic (deciding how to get the goal)

systematic (blueprint, thought out)
what are two approaches to planning in the action phase?
MBO (management by objective) and Strategic planning model
what does MBO do when dealing with strategy and achieving objectives in the planning phase of action?
establishes objectives to measure campaign results against- they must link with companys objectives.
what must objectives in MBO be?
able to address a situation (change situation)

be realistic

be measureable

what are motivational objectives?
to change attitudes (difficult to do, easy to measure)
what does the gatekeeper look for in MBO?
publicity angles
what are 8 elements of a program plan?
tactics (accomplish strategy)
what are the steps of situation of program planning?
*with out a clear situation, you cant have objectives

decide if remedial, one-time, or ongoing effort plan is needed

situation analysis
what are the steps of objectives in program planning?
address situation


measurable in the end
what are the steps of strategy in program planning?
what to do to get there

how objective will be reached once there

what tactics to use to do it

*strategy statement tells how objective will be reached
what are the steps of audience in program planning?
must be specific group from research

*audience is a part of strategy because it describes how an objective will be met
what is the third step in the PR process?
what is the most visible part of PR work?
what is communication/execution?
the immplimentation of a decision
what are the goals of communication?
get mutual understanding
what makes communication effective?
what constitutes communication/how do people recognize it

how do people process info and change ideas

what tools to use for certain audience
what would a communicator ask himself about a method given to get a message out there?
what are objectives for a communicator with audience and message?
accurate dissemination (message stays intact)
people acceptance it
attitude change
change in behavior
what are the elements of communication model?
feedback(two-way communication)
what does Grunig say about communication?
it is balanced between sender and receiver. in symmetric model, understanding is the principal objective of PR, rather than persuasion
what is the most effective two way communication between two ppl?
facial expressions
why is it important for audience to pay attention to message?
all is lost if they dont pay any attention to it, or disregard it. thats why objectives are important
what is the gratification theory?
comminicator want to persuade

recipient wants to be entertained, so there cant be a passive audience because they demand something from the communicator
what are the different reasons audiences come to messages?
survey enviroment (what is happening that effects me)

may come with cognative dissodence (wont believe message contrary to disspositions)


reinforce predisposition

make decision about buying something
what is a passive audience?
they use these messages only when they have nothing else to be doing. they need creativity.

objectives- exposure and dissemination
when talking about the mental state of an audience how can you devise a strategy to communicate?
attract attention of those who seek info
how can you determine strategies for audiences?
research attitudes- interest or apathy

segment as much as possible so more similar mind sets
what is communication doing?
transfering information, ideas from one person to another
what is the most common symbol?
what comprehension formula can be used for communications that is also used in copy testing?
Flesch formula (based on sentence length and syllables)
short sentences
short words- per 100 words
strives for 9th grade level

*clarity is the key, and calls for readability formulas
what helps with clarity in communication?
symbols, pictures, slogans
what do you avoid in communication messages?
jargons. but symbols and pictures etc are ok
why is believability so important in methods of comunication?
credible sources- audience is already bias at ads

sleeper effect- concept that says even if a source hasnt been credible, audiences may seperate this idea from them eventually
what is necessary to make a message in communication memorable?
what are the 5 steps to get audiences to adopt message?