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24 Cards in this Set

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Glenoid fossa is directed ______________________

Humeral head faces ___________________________

__antero-laterally with slight upward rotation.

__medially, posteriorly and superiorly.

Resting position of GH joint

~55° abduction

30° horizontal adduction

slight external rotation

Closed Packed Position of GH joint

max abduction and external rotation

Capsular pattern of GH joint (frozen shoulder)

External rotation> abduction>internal rotation

GH Flexion degrees

~120° GH movement, scapulothoracic is ~60° with a 2:1 ratio, 180° total

Prime movers of GH Flexion

Anterior deltoid

pectoralis Major (clavicular head)


biceps brachii

GH extension degrees

~65 ° actively, ~80° passively

GH extension prime movers

posterior deltoid

trees major

latissimus dorsi

long head of triceps

pectoralis major (sternocostal portion)

GH Abduction degrees

~120° (when in ER)

GH Abduction prime movers


lateral deltoid

GH Adduction degrees

0° pure adduction

GH Adduction prime movers

posterior deltoid

anterior deltoid

pectoralis major

long head of triceps


trees major

latissimus dorsi

GH External rotation degrees

~60-70° of pure ER

~90° when shoulder abducted

GH External rotation prime movers

posterior deltoid

teres minor


supraspinatus (between neutral and full ER)

GH Internal rotation degrees

75-85° of pure IR

GH Internal rotation prime movers

anterior deltoid

pectorals major

trees major

latissimus dorsi


Arthrokinematics of flexion- type of movement

most of the motion occurring is a spinning of the humeral head around a fixed point.

because the spinning is often not 100% pure, rolling and gliding also occurring.

Flexion of GH joint roll and glide direction

Rolls in a anterior/superior direction

Glide occurs in a posterior inferior direction

At the end ranges of flexion, the direction may switch to a posterior roll and an anterior glide.

Adduction of GH joint roll and glide direction

The humeral head rolls inferiorly while gliding superiorly

External rotation of GH joint roll and glide

Roll posteriorly and glide anteriorly

Stabilizing structures

rotator cuff muscles, capsule, GH ligaments, coracohumeral ligament, coracoacromial arch, long head of the biceps, gleaned labrum, negative intra- articular press, compressive forces

Variables which determine the pattern of movements within the fossa

articular geometry, capsuloligamentous influences, positional influences, muscle dynamics

Muscles of the rotator cuff

supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor and subscapularis (SITS)

Rotator cuff stability

provide static stability through reinforcement of the capsule, provide most of the dynamic GH stability