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11 Cards in this Set

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How many conditions should always be used in an experiment and why ?

2 so there can always be a comparison

What are the two different groups?

The experimental group and the control group

What is the independent variable?

What the researcher manipulates in the experiment

what is the dependant variable?

What the researcher measures in the experiment

What is the point of an experiment?

To establish the cause and effect ( one thing causes another to change)

What are the three types experiments?




What needs to be outlined for each experiment?

They key features and the strengths/ weaknesses

What are the 5 questions to find the key features of a experiment?

1- where does it take place?

2-what happens to the IV?

3- what happens to the DV?

4-are there any EVs?

5- what happens in the procedure?

What is EV?

Extraneous variables are variables other then the IV which could cause a change to the DV

What is bandauras theory?

That we learn from models and if we see someone do something we will learn from this behaviour

What are the key features of a lab experiment?

Back (Definition)