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100 Cards in this Set

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Basic trust vs.
Autonomy vs.
Shame and doubt
Initiative vs.
Industry vs.
Ego identity vs.
role confusion
Intimacy vs.
Genurativity vs.
Ego integrity vs.
Mistrust vs.
Basic trust
Shame and doubt vs.
Guilt vs.
Inferiority vs.
Role confusion vs.
Ego identity
Isolation vs.
Stagnation vs.
Despair vs.
Ego integrity
Def: CSD
Corresponding societal development
What is the first CSD
What is the 2nd CSD
What is the 3rd CSD
What is the 4th CSD
technology and specialization
What is the 5th CSD
What is the 6th CSD
What is the 7th CSD
All institutions have to make themselves adaptable to each generation
What is the 8th CSD
No institution has integrity on its own
What are the 4 qualities of mature love
Care, Responsibility, Respect, Knowledge
What is care
Active concern, nurturing
What is responsibility
It is a voluntary act; live up to your promises
What is respect
Means concern that the other person should grow and unfold as he is/respect that you can't change them
What is knowledge
It is motivated by concern; whatever you learn in a relationship, you can't use it to control *active and passive partners*
What is the development
The 8 stages; Basic trust vs. Mistrust, Autonomy vs. shame and doubt, Initiative vs. guilt, Industry vs. Inferiority, Ego identity vs. role confusion, Intimacy vs. Isolation, and Genurativity vs. Stagnation *Erik Erickson*
What are the 2 parts of the structure
Organism and self
Who did the structure?
Carl Rodgers
Organism is
internal/biological self
What is the self
how we perceive that others perceive us
Who did the dynamics
Erich Fromm *The Art of Loving*
What is the dynamics
How we should expend our energy learning to be loving people
Who did the motivation
Victor Frankl *he was motivated to find meaning in suffering*
What is logotherapy
It helps people realize that, though you may not have control over some situations, you have control over your attitude towards it
What did Abraham Maslow do
Created the Hierarchy of needs
How many tiers in the hierarchy of needs
5 tiers
First tier in hierarchy of needs
food, warmth, sex
Second tier in hierarchy of needs
safety, belongingness
Third tier in hierarchy of needs
Fourth tier in hierarchy of needs
Fifth and highest tier in hierarchy of needs
According to Maslow, what is self-actualization
An attempt to become God-like
What are the deficiency needs
food, warmth, and sex
What are the growth needs
Safety and belongingness, love, esteem, and self-actualization
What is Skinner's first argument
you can change people's actions, but you can't change their minds or opinions
What is Skinner's second argument
Some people don't want to be changed so badly that they go crazy if you try to change them
What is Skinner's third argument
You don't know what changes to make
What is Skinner's fourth argument
Power Corrupts- If you give scientists the power, they use it for their own selfish purposes (political problem)
What is Skinner's fifth argument
You can do it and make them not selfish, but you are taking away their right to do wrong - You are killing democracy
What is the first refutation
I can change people's minds if I use psychotherapy, advertising, and public relations
What is the second refutation
That's nonsense - Inept control
What is the third refutation
Hypothesizing is the job of scientists - let them do their job
What is the fourth refutation
I'll use my tools to make them not corrupt
What is the fifth refutation
Democracy is just a set of rules - Give my rules a try
What is a wrong assumption about love
The confusion between the initial experience of "falling" in love, and the permanent state of being in love, or "standing" in love
What is the first step in overcoming man's failures in love
Know that love is an ART, if we want to learn how to love we must proceed in the same way we have to proceed to learn any other art
What are the 3 necessary steps in learning any art
1) the mastery of the theory 2) the mastery of the practice 3) the mastery of the art must be a matter of ultimate concern, there must be nothing else in the world more important than the art
What are the 3 absolute truths about man
1) He has awareness of himself, of his fellow man, of his past, and of the possibilities of his future 2) Awareness of his aloneness and separateness 3) Awareness of his helplessness before the forces of nature and society
List the 5 ways that man attempts to overcome "aloneness" and achieve "at-oneness"
Orgiastic states, Conformity, Creative activity, Symbiotic union, Mature love
List the 3 types of love
motherly love, fatherly love, child love
List 5 objects of love
Erotic love, Mother love, brother love, self love, Love of God
What is brother love
The sense of responsibility, care, respect, and knowledge of any other human being - love for all human beings
Why do people in western society have a problem with being loving people
because they look at relationships in terms of capitalism and profit motive
What is the sentence to help memorize Erickson's 8 stages
rachel goes eating the ice every after noon
what are the characteristics of basic trust vs. mistrust
-age: 0-1
-self and care-givers
-physical needs causing discomfort must be met
-feed, change, hold, (nurture) -- child will feel worthy
-CSD = religion
What are the characteristics of Autonomy vs. shame and doubt
-age: 1-2 (major word= no!)
-self, caregivers
-need to explore on your own
-parent must learn when to hold on and let go
-CSD= government - so there won't be chaos
What are the characteristics of Initiative vs. Guilt
-age: 2-5 (major word = why?)
-parents and child
-child needs to set own rules
-let them set rules
-CSD= economy
What are the Identifications (5)
Narcissistic, goal-oriented, object-loss, primitive, fear
What are the types of anxiety
Reality, moral, neurotic
What is the function of the id
it is the seat of unconscious, seat of instincts, seat of primary process
What is the job of the ego
Mediates between the id and the superego, conscious/unconscious, seat of secondary process, reality principle
what is the superego
conscious, has 2 parts: ego-ideal, conscience
What are the defense mechanisms (6)
displacement, sublimation, repression, (proper and primal) regression, projection, reaction-formation
What do behaviorists believe
When you're born, you're a blank slate. You become everything you are- sum of all your experiences
What is classical conditioning
Means "learning" a lasting change in behavior as a result of experience
US ellicits
CS ellicits
What is the Thorndike principle
we repeat actions we associate with pleasure, and avoid actions we associate with pain
what is generalization
responding to a class of stimuli
What is discrimination
responding to single stimulation
What is extinction
Removal of a stimulus so response will go away
Who created operant conditioning
B.F. Skinner
Definition of operant conditioning
Creating behaviors by focusing on their positive or negative consequences
What is a positive reinforcer
any event which when used encourages the same behavior
What is a reward
An event which encourages the production of a behavior
What is a negative reinforcer
Any event which discourages the production of a behavior
What is a punisher
Associates a behavior with pain (after the behavior has occurred)
What is premacking
Rewarding low probability behavior with high probability behavior ("If you eat your carrots, you can have dessert")
What is shaping
Rewarding desired approximations of behavior
Varied interval
unfixed amount of time
Varied ratio
based on number of responses
Fixed interval
set amount of time
Who is associated with Social Cognitive Behaviorism
Albert Bandura
Who is associated with the Theory of Laws of Control (internal external, stable unstable)
Martin Seligman
What is the motivation of Behaviorism
Build a better environment, and through it, better people