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97 Cards in this Set

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The process of recieving stimuli, from our surroundings.
Attempting to understand the stimulation we recieve.
When our brain interprets and ascribes meaning to sensation.
Selective Attention
The fact that we focus our conciousness on only a partial aspect of all that we are capable of experiencing.
Positive Psychology
What makes life worth living, and how we enhance human functioning
What does positive psychology focus on?
Understanding and Facilitating the healthy aspects of human functioning.
The recognition that mental health is more than the absence of mental illness.
What is optimal functioning?
being effective, and succesful in your life, relationships, and career.
Effectiveness and Positive psychology are...
one and the same.
how a person organizes and understands our world, our perceptions, and our experiences
also known as schema or paradigm
actively changing perspectives to create paradigm shifts
Reframing allows us to
be creative, increase joy, reduce suffering, and solve problems
Functional Fixedness
Being held back by not using flexibilty of thought
the capacity of the brain to change it's internal structure by reorganizing neural pathways based on new experiences

Biological (Genetic Determinism)
The theory that all of our behaviours normal and abnormal can be traced back to our genetic make up.
Freudian(Psychic Determinism)
The theory that your early experiences determine your personality, and by the time you reach 6 it is pretty well set.

Biological (Genetic Determinism)
The theory that all of our behaviours normal and abnormal can be traced back to our genetic make up.
Behavioral (Enviornmental determinism)
You are who you are because of the pressures asserted on you, and the rewards you recieved
Free will theories
The theory that deterministic paradigms only tell part of the story. While you are influenced by deterministic paradigms you ultimately are free to choose.

Life throws waves at you that are outside of your control. But how you ride them is up to you
Our personalities and behaviors are not so much a product of our conditioning, but our reaction in response to it.
Cognitive Behavior
All behavior is controlled by the stimulous which precedes it.
Positive psychology
acknowledges the role of genetics. But focuses on what we can do about our situation. Placing it on the free will continuum
The belief in cause and effect relationships
paradigm guiding the behavior of effective individuals
is an external locus of control. which means, people who see themselves as victims, buffeted and abused by external events which they have no control over.
Internal locus of control
people that believe they are responsible for the outcome in their life.
Self talk
the running commentary that goes on in your head over the course of a day.
when you give yourself messages that a situation is too awful or overwhelming to bear
Self efficacy
Your belief in your capability to produce desired affects by your own actions.
A marriage between internal locus of contol and proactive behaviour
Self efficacy
a positive perspective one has in dealing with the world
Attitude of gratitude
noticing, approaching, and being thankful for the people, events, and even the small benefits of your life.
Authentic Happiness
satisfaction or contentment rather than happiness in the form of jumping for joy.
Living a meaningful life, utilizing your skills and talents and taking the time to live your life with purpose.
Authentic Happiness
age, gender, education, income level, social class, intelligence, ethnicity, physical attractiveness
are not directly related to happiness
being married, number of friends, physical health, agreeableness, religiousity, level of leisure activity, internal locus of control, conscientiouness, open mindedness
Moderately related to happiness
optimism, gratitude, being employed, good self esteem, high frequency of sexual intercourse, extraversion, happily married
highly related to being happy
The research of positive emotions
joyful emotions lead to expanded concepts of what people are willing to do at a given moment in time.
Hedonic treadmill
The theory that the two main reasons riches, beauty, health, education or any combination doesn't lead to lasting happiness.
1.)your genetic make up reflects that your level of positive emotion is inherited. But happiness set points are only partially determined by genetics.
2.)we tend to adapt to fortunate circumstances and take them for granted.
the theory that happiness is about identifying your inner strenghts and virtues, and then living your life according to those.
Self esteem
the relationship you have with yourself in a positive or negative light. It is a measure of how you value yourself, and if you feel useful and neccesary to the world.
Why is positive self regard important to effectiveness?
Because in our culture when you have faith in yourself, it increases your ability to do your best
self concept
how you might describe yourself
pathelogical critic
a negative inner voice that attacks and judges you.
how do you train your pathelogical critic?
aprroach yourself as you would someone you love, admire, and respct, then we find we feel better about ourselves
Unconditional positive regard
when parents show acceptance of them having instrinic regardless of their behavior at the moment
Conditional positive regard
they judge the child's value and deliver their love based on their behavior.
Conditional positive regard causes
children to develop conditions of worth meaning, they only feel worthwhile or lovable if they behave a certain way.
What the malevolent attitude? ?
the belief that one is surronded by enemies
authoritative parenting;
warm and nurturing while at the same time setting meaningful limits and controls for the child.
permissive indifferent
are uninvolved in their childs life
permissive indulgent
very involved and often very loving but fail to set limits or provide meaningful controls over their behavior.

authoritative parenting
a restrictive punitive style of parenting
inferiority complex
chronically low self esteem
What is a mistake?
Any behavior, which you do or fail to do, which late as you reflect about it, you wish you had not done or had done differently.
Why do mistakes happen?
All decisions are made on a basis of insufficient information, for none of us can tell the future. Mistake is a label which you apply later on, when you wish you had done something else on 20/20 hindsight
What are the effects of mistakes?
They provide information for what works, and what doesn't.
The pyschological principle of the feel good/do good effect
People who feel good about themselves are more helpful.
The do good/ feel good effect
the theory that people who help others feel better about themselves, they feel better in general.

These 6 core virtues encompass good character;
wisdom and knowledge
love and humanity
spirituality and transcedence
Signature strengths
traits and behaviors you can develop by exercising proactive choices
What is stress?
anything that requires you to make change or an adjustment is stressful
Positive Stress
Eustress. Positive stress can help motivate you to perform and meet challenges you will face.
Negative stress is
Distress. Which can affect your physical, psychological and occupational functioning.
You need an optimal level of stress and arousal in order to
perform at your best.
Fight or flight response
A survival response in humas which prepares us to deal with physical danger.
The fight or flight response tells us wether to
fight or flee the scene.
Can the fight or flight respsonse be triggered by precieved danger?
The yerkes-Dodson law
the theory that you will perform at your best when moderately aroused or stressed
balance or relaxation
When you are under prolonged stress
your immune system can be weakend, creating vulnerability to weakness and bodily system breakdown.
Psychological stress is a major factor in developing
anxiety, phobias, panic attacks, depression, post dramatic stress disorder, ect.
The ability to focus is sighnificatly affected by stress, causing problems where?
In the work place
Placebo effect is
proof of mind body healing
Cortisol is
a stress horomone unleashed by the adrenal glands in times of stress, it increases free fatty acids in the bloodstream which contribute to the buildup of plaque in the lining of the blood vessels
Stress mastery, Nutrition, interpersonal competence, Relationships, Career satisfaction, Social Support, positive attitudes, exercise
Refer to well being as well being as an interegation of the mind, body, and spirit, encompassing many components of human functioning
lowers stress levels
Progressive relaxation encourages you to
relax you body, which leads to mental relaxation, and lowered stress levels.
Autogenic Training
talking yourself into relaxation
Differential relaxation
relaxing the necessary muscles to accomplish the task at hand
One of the most powerful and efficient methods for reducing stress is
is to meditate regularly.
People who are capable of dealing with stressors are
Stress Hardy
The 3 c's of Stress Hardiness are
Control, Commitment, and Challenge
Active relaxation involves
becoming aware of your body and your physiological reactions so that you may consciously reduce your level of arousal.
Passive relaxtion such as sitting down watching tv is
not nearly as effective as active relaxation.
Minimizes stress and helps with other aspects that being active engenders.
Psychosomatic disorders
where a physical disorder is affected or sometimes even caused by stress, or emotional/psychologicla factors
Aerobic exercise conditions your
cardiovascular system
Strength training
builds, strengthens and maintains muscle capacity and balance.
Flexibility exercise helps maintain
healthy joints, good posture, body alignment,and the capacity to move the body in its potential for full range of motion
Morphic Resonance
all matter and living things are conncected and affected by fields that influence not ony thier structure but also their behaviors.
time honored method of using imagery, visual and otherwise to alter your feelings, your behavior, and even your physiology.
Repeatedly visualing yourself achieving a goal is said to
increase the probablity of success
Transpersonal psychology explores the overlap between `
realms of psychology and spirituality
Collective Unconcious
a storehouse experience that shows all of us are connected.

implies events in our lives are connected in a way that is beyond our measuring devices
Mission statements is a
personal consitution that can function as the basis for making major decisions
Appreciative inquiry
a method for establishing positive goals