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24 Cards in this Set

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In explaining vocational choices this theory emphasizes the interrelationships among inborn abilities, one's particular environment and unique learning history , and one's skills.

Social Cognitive Theory

Developmental theories trace occupational choices over stages. _________ views vocational development as progressive narrowing of choices that at first reflect only fantasy, then tentative career choices, and, with increasing age, realistic choices.


Ginzburg's first stage of vocational dev., lasts thru childhood. During this time, children imagine themselves in the roles of those w/ whom they identify.

Ex: i want to be a fire fighter when i grow up.

Fantasy Stage

Ginzburg's second stage of vocational dev. , ages 11-17. Career thoughts begin to reflect adols., own interests abilities and values.

Tentative Stage

Late adols enter the third stage of Ginzburg's vocational dev., when they explore and commit to a vocational path.

Realistic Stage

_______ suggests that people choose occupations that are consistent with the way they see themselves, that reflects their interests, values, and strenghts.

Donald Super

In Super's first stage, adols discover more about themselves than about an occupation.

Growth Stage

In Super's second stage, adols begin to make choices that relate to their future work.

Exploration Stage

Super's third stage of vocational dev. , in which one settles into one's work.

Establishment Stage

Super's fourth stage of vocational dev. , in which one maintains one's occupational skills and position.

Maintenence Stage

Occurs in late adulthood. Involves retirement.

Decline Stage

According to _________ different work environments either complement or conflict with the qualities than make anytype.

Ex: As an artist Picasso excelled. As a banker, he would have been a flop.

John Holland

Holland's Personality Types

This type of personality is practical and down to earth.

•Very concrete

•Orderly approach to things

Ex: -Engineers



Realistic Personality Types

Holland's Personality Types

Individuals who perfer work requiring intellectual curiosity.



Ex: -Scientists



Investigative Personality Types

Holland's Personality Types

Individuals who perfer work requiring imagination and creativity.

EX: -Graphic artist

- Poet

Artistic Personality Type

Holland's Personality Types

In general this type os extroverted, friendly, comfotable with feelings.

EX: - Priests



Social Personality Types

Holland's Personality Types

Individuals who perfer to work involving interoersonal skills and assertiveness.

EX: -Sales

-Real Estate


Enterprising Personality Types

Holland's Personality Types

Individuals who perfer highly structured environments and well-defined tasks.

EX: -Banking

-Secretarial services


Conventional Personality Types

Critique of Holland's Theory

Ethnicity, gender weren't factors therfore many were stuck in realistic personalities. It was based on S.E.S.

Step outside your system and consider another approach. Think outside the box.

Structured Analytic Thinking

You gotta get the right answer. Single set of answers.


1st of Belenky et al "3 forms of thought "

A covert examination of issues while maintaining a surface conformity to traditional ideas.

Subjective Knowledge

2nd of Belenky et al " 3 forms of thought"

Idependant thought that is none the less limited to a single frame of reference.

*Assume responsibility for discovering things for themselves.

Procedural Knowledge

3rd of Belenky et al " 3 forms of thought "

An awareness that knowledge is constructed; the ability to examine one's beliefs.

Constructive Knowledge