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75 Cards in this Set

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According to Allport ______ traits tell us how people from a particular nation or culture are similar, or which traits a culture emphasizes.


Calvin has been on a "pleasure binge" for the last three days. He has cleaned out his bank account spending the money on anything that gains his attention. He would be described as loud, elated, and hyperactive. A week ago he was feeling like a failure and was withdrawn and unhappy. Calvin would most likely be diagnosed with?

bipolar disorder.

The idea that threatening thoughts are sometimes repressed would be of most interest to a:



are characterized by all of these.

A person who has trouble getting to sleep is said to suffer from:


Reinforcement is most effective:

when it is immediate

Jimmy is about to eat supper when suddenly he has an irresistible, sudden attack of sleepiness, which is accompanied by several minutes of muscle paralysis. When Jimmy awakens, he finds that he has fallen face first into his large plate of spaghetti. Jimmy's "nap attack" is characteristic of which sleep disorder?


If you wear a particular tie and get teased and laughed at, you are less likely to wear the tie again. This illustrates:

operant conditioning

Acrophobia refers to fear of:


In psychology, the term ______ is defined as an individual's unique and relatively stable patterns of thinking, feeling, behaving, and expressing feelings.


Primary reinforcers:

are characterized by all of these.

Which approach would explain that phobias are acquired through classical conditioning and the hypochondriac's "sickness behavior" is reinforced by sympathy and attention?


If a personality test measures consistently every time it is given, we say that the test is


________ psychologist attempt to explain our current behavior by looking back at human history to learn how natural selection and genetics affect us.


Which theory of personality was developed by Sigmund Freud?


Which of the following is TRUE regarding the length of most REM dreams?

None of these statements are true

A glandular secretion that affects body functions and behavior is known as:

a hormone

Sarah says that she feels "sick" all the time and has consulted many different doctors regarding her numerous physical complaints. However, no organic cause can be identified for any of these physical complaints. Sarah most likely has

somatization disorder

In the _____ view of development, the core of personality is shaped by early learning experiences and by social reinforcement.


Which of the following is considered an anxiety disorder?

obsessive-compulsive disorder

A behavioral therapist would explain the hypochondriac's "sickness behavior" as

reinforced by the sympathy and attention he or she gets

The unconditioned stimulus, by definition, leads to a(n)

unconditioned response

Compared to anxiety disorders, an adjustment disorder:

is a temporary pattern associated with stress

According to Rogers, the self is:

a flexible and changing perception of personal identity.

"I'm a man 36 years of age. That, of course, gives me the 'capacity of the flag itself' and, therefore, gives me the 'capacity of the President of the United States of America'. This statement shows the presence of which type of delusion?

delusions of grandeur

An obsession is an unwanted _________, while a compulsion is an unwanted _______.

thought; behavior

According to Freud, the ego often employs ______ in order o reduce the anxieties resulting from an imbalance among the three parts of the personality.

defense mechanisms

Depersonalization is a(n):

robot-like or detached feeling sometimes associated with dissociative disorders

Which of the following is NOT a risk factor that contributes to psychopathology?

high intelligence

According to Freud, which part of the personality operates on the pleasure principle?


Psychology is BEST defined as the

scientific study of the behavior and mental processes

In any given year, _______ % of the U.S. population suffers from a mood disorder.


A person with a _______ personality disorder would have an extremely unstable self-image, would be moody, extremely sensitive to any hint of criticism or rejection by others, and unable to form stable relationships.


If you were a particular tie and get lots of compliments, you likely to wear it more ofter. This illustrates

operant conditioning

Freud became interested in the study of personality when he realized that

his patients lacked physical causes for their problems

In Pavlov's experiments with dogs, the conditioned response was the

salivation to the bell

______ is achieved by watching and imitating the actions of another person or by noting the consequences of the person's actions.

observational learning

As used by Freud, the unconscious refers to

the area of the mind that lies outside of personal awareness

Which of the following is TRUE regarding adjustment disorders and anxiety disorders.

all of these statements are true

The _______ approach to personality asserts that our personalities are shaped by the stories we tell about ourselves.


Operant conditioning is to Skinner as classical is to:


The characteristics of social anxiety and evaluation fears represent basic features of ______.

shy people

Aaron flexes his muscles as he shoots a basketball into the basket. His voluntary use of his muscles is controlled by which nervous system?


A substance capable of altering attention, judgement, perception, and emotions.

is classified as a psychoactive drug.

The "father of psychology" and founder of the first psychological laboratory was

Wilhelm Wundt

Which of the following is NOT a part of a neuron?


All interval schedules of reinforcement are

related to the passage of time

Behavioral problems in which the person exhibits symptoms suggesting physical disease or injury, but for which there is no identifiable cause, are called:

somatoform disorders

Which of the following is/are TRUE regarding axons?

all of these statements are true

Receptor sites on a neuron are primarily found on

dendrites and soma

The tendency of persons being surveyed to give polite or socially desirable answers in known as the

courtesy bias

The 16 Personality Factor (16PF) test was developed by


Koro, Susto, and Zar are

folk names for affictions seen in other countries

Gina likes to upset Tim by scratching her fingernails against the chalkboard as she enters their classroom. Now, whenever Gina enters a classroom that Tim is in, he automatically tenses up because he expects her to scratch the chalkboard. This explanation of Tim's behavior is consistent with

the informational view

Correlations allow us to

predict behavior

Which of the following statements about patterns of suicide is FALSE?

suicide rates decrease with advancing age

Which of the following is NOT one of the four critical situations that Dollard and Miller believed o be capable of leaving a lasting imprint on personality?

language skills

The approach that has proved to be the most successful at helping alcoholics to stay sober is

mutual-help approaches, like Alcoholics Anonymous

Which of the following is a major function of the primary somatosensory area of the cerebral cortex?

analysis of body sensations

Sensations during hypnosis include

feeling being anesthetized

The story of Sybil, a woman who had 16 seperate personalities, illustrates multiple personality, which id rare form of

dissociative disorder

________ is involved in language production, while _______ is involved in language comprehension.

Broca's area, Wemicke's area

To assess the degree to which one is right-handed or left-handed, you would most likely use the

Waterloo Handedness Questionnaire

One of the limitations of face-to-face interviewing is that:

interviewers can be swayed by preconceptions

_____ is a psychosis characterized by delusions, hallucination, apathy, and a "split" between thought and emotion.


The _____ is the highest functioning and largest brain are found in humans.


Which dream theorist believed that dreams are based on wish fulfillment with these unconscious desires and conflicts being disguised as dream symbols?

Sigmond Freud

Operant conditioning involves which of the following?


In Dollard and Miller's learning theory of personality, cues are:

signals from the environment which are associated with rewards.

The ______ system is the emergency system and is also known as the "fight or flight" system because of its importance in responding to emotional events.

sympathetic nervous

Which of the following drugs can result in psychological dependence, but is not physically addicting?


Which of the following coefficients of correlation indicates the STRONGEST relationship between two sets of variables?


Myelin covers which part(s) of the neuron?


Three to four times a year, Chelsea has a panic attack. What additional information would suggest that Chelsea has panic disorder with agoraphobia?

Chelsea shops in the mall at least twice a week and attends her son's basketball games.

Which of the following is/are examples of neurotransmitters?

all of these