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34 Cards in this Set

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What is attribution theory?
When we can attribute someones behavior to their stable traits of the situation.
What is fundamental attribution theory?
When we overestimate the influence of personality and underestimate the influence of the situation.
What is the cognitive dissonance theory?
We act to try and reduce discomfort when our thoughts are inconsistent with eachother
What is the tendency to do what others do just because they are doing it?
What factors affect conformity?
Status, Mode of Response (Anonymous or not), Number of Responses
What is the influence resulting from a person's desire to gain approval or avoid disapproval?
Normative Social Influence
What is an influence resulting from one's willingness to accept others opinions about reality?
Informational Social Influence
When we do what authorities tell us to do just because they tell us to do it that is what?
What happened in the Milgram experiment?
Volunteers administered electric shocks to people if they got an answer wrong on a question
What is Social Facilitation?
You do better at things in the presence of others
Your family comes to a soccer game and you score 5 goals! What are you illustrating?
Social Facilitation
What is Social Loafing?
When you try less in a group attaining a common goal opposed to if you are tested individually
What is the loss of self awareness and self restraint in groups that foster arousal?
What is black friday an example of in group influence?
What is Group Think?
Thinking that occurs when the desire for harmony in a group overrides a realistic appraisal of alternatives
What is Foot-In-The-Door Technique?
compliance to a large request is gained by first asking for a small request
You first ask someone to see their notes then later ask for HW?
What is Door-In-The-Face technique?
Start with a large, unreasonable request that is turned down, and then you ask a smaller request
What is Low Ball Technique?
compliance to a costly request is gained by first getting compliance to an attractive low cost; then build up to bigger cost
You see a sign in a store that says "50% off sale items" and when you go to buy a shirt they say its not on sale. Which technique?
Low Ball technique
What is the "Thats not all" Technique?
You have a planned second request with additional benefits but first present this request before a response can be made to first request
What is the Bystander Effect?
you are less likely to help in a situation when there are other bystanders
What is a stereotype?
beliefs about attributes to a specific members of a group
What is a prejudice?
a negative learned attitude toward a certain group and its members
What is discrimination?
unfair treatment of members of a group based on their membership
What is the Just-world phenomenon?
people believe the world is just and people get what they deserve
What is an ingroup?
"us" people that we share a common identity with
What is an outgroup?
"them" people that are different from the ingroup
What is an ingroup bias?
we favor our own group
What is the scapegoat theory?
our prejudice offers an outlet for anger by providing someone to blame
When non competitive, is contact between two diverse groups promoting peace?
What are superordinite goals?
shared goals that override differences among people and require their cooperation
What is GRIT?
Graduated and reciprocated initiatives in tension-reduciton- decreases international tensions
What are the4 C's to promoting peace?
Communication, Contact, Cooperation, and Conciliaiton