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53 Cards in this Set

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1) forbidden desire
2) key to behavior
3) mostly aggression/sexual desire
4) feeling of conflict/wishes

Techs: hypnosis, dream analysis, free association, talking
1) environment most important
2)behavior = reward/punishment
3) behavior = response to stimulus

Techs: aversion, pain, pleasure conditioning
1) study of mind, structure of brain, chemicals associated with brain
2) how it affects behavior/emotions

Techs: meds, psycho surgery, talk therapy, nutrition, exercise
1) how evo. influences behavior
2) behavioral advantageous for survival
3) male and female differences in behavior
1) Man = good
2) strives for self-improvement
3) more control than they think
4) need love, acceptance, approval

Techs: eclectic
1) computer brain
2) can be reprogrammed

Techs: affirmation, talk therapy, self talk, visualization
prducts of different age, death, environment, respect, coming of age, cultural
Behavioral Genetics
difference in natural selection, gene, intelligence, aggression, mood, personality
Social Learning
-aggression/violence is learned behavior, people (esp. children) learn by modeling and observing what they see
-individuals learn thru media, TV, family, admired people. can be + or -
Nature of the mind (heart)
body and parts of mind as machine
psychobiology, clinical autopsy, examine brains
Founder of psychology as science along with William James, lab in germany
G Stanley Hall
1st American with PhD in psychology, opened lab in John Hopkins (Maryland)
main goal; cognitive reactions, sensation, perception, memory; 1st psychological research lab
Focus on environment, influenced Darwin, mental processes evolve and adapt. Functionalistm (structuralism + environmental factors)
Controversy in Psychology
dispute heredity vs environment, or environment vs heredity in learning behavior/ mental process.
2 Forms of Psychology
applied - real world problems, talking
basic - research in labs
2 ideas to consider
critical thinking - objectively evaluate, compare, analyze, and synthesize info
1) based on theor of unconscious
2) governed largel based on innate biological drives
3) human drives are referred to as instincts
4) inborn impulses or forces rule our personality. instincts shape/mold behavior
Levels of the mind
1) conscious - ones awareness at anytime
2) preconscious/subconscious - aspects of thoughts just under surface, defense mech
3) unconscious - pain/emotional trauma. life exp. we don't want t remember
Freudian way of talking to unconscious
1) free association - saying whatever comes to mind
2) dreams
3) hyponsis
Types of instinct
1) libido (sex)
2) death instinct (in, out)
Freudian principles that form personality
1) ID - pleasure principle, no mortals/vales/ethics/obligations, most primitive, ignores reality
2) Super Ego - idealistic principe, conscience/guilt/shame/empathy/compassion, part that DEVELOPS from reward/punishment, critical of thoughts + actions of ego.
3) Ego - reality principe, start age 1, center of organization/integration, balances id and superego, adaptable to change, resolves conflict, rational and realisitic, holds defensive mech
Attachment disorder
when one can't bond, trust, love (void of emotion)

(undeveloped superego)
Disassociate disorder
when one steps away from trauma (undeveloped ego)
scienitific study of behavior and mental processes, uses empirical evidence to evaluate and conclude findings
Cell specialized to receive and transmit information to other cells in the body, also called a nerve cell.
Cell Body
Cell-like support center; contains the nucleus
Branched fiber that extends outward from the main cell body and carries information to the neuron.
An extended fiber that conducts information from the soma to the terminal buttons in a nerve cell.
Myelin sheath
corner axon; helps information travel quickly
Action Potential
The nerve impulse caused by a change in the electrical charge across the cell membrane of the axon. When the neuron “fires,” this charge travels down the axon and causes neurotransmitters to be released by the terminal buttons.
area of all out-going messages
Synaptic gap
holds all neurotransmitters
Synaptic vesicles
small “container” holding neurotransmitter molecules that connects to the presynaptic membrane, releasing the neurotransmitter into the synapse
Neurotransmitters – chemical messengers that relay neural messages across the synapse; they are also hormones.
Reuptake area
area of the synapse that takes in the left-over neurotransmitters
Synaptic release buttons
area at the end of the synapse that releases the neurotransmitters
Dendrite receiver
receives the neurotransmitters
regulates sleep and dreaming, mood, pain, aggression, appetite, and sexual behavior.
Triggered by: carbohydrates
Lack of: Depression
produces sensations of pleasure and reward, used by CNS neurons involved in voluntary movement.
Lack of: parkinson’s disease
Too much: psyschosis and paranoia
Blood/brain barrier: L-Dopa
stops anxiety; prevalent inhibitory neurotransmitter in the neurons of the CNS
pleasurable sensations and control of pain, morphine-like feeling (produced in the brain’s pituitary gland)
primary neurotransmitter; important in memory, learning, and excitement.
Lack of: Alzheimer’s disease
affects learning, stress, dreaming, emotion. Used in neurons in automatic nervous system and by neurons sin every region of brain
Lack of: depression
Frontal Lobe
cortical regions at the front of the brain that are especially involve movement and thinking
Temporal Lobe
cortical lobes that process sounds, including speech. Temporal lobes are probably involved in storing long-term memories, hearing information and sound, memory, emotion, and olfactory processes.
Occipital Lobe
cortical regions at the back of the brain, housing the visual cortex, involves the visual areas.
Parietal lobe
cortical areas lying toward the back and top of the brain; involved in the touch sensation and in perceiving spatial relationships (relationships of objects in space). Involves the visual, auditory, taste, body image, awareness, and movement.
Motor Cortex
a narrow vertical strip of cortex in the frontal lobes, lying just in front of the central fissure; controls voluntary movement.
Sensory Cortex
controls body sensation, front area of parietal, thin strips.
Glial cells
“glue cells,” protects neurons