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43 Cards in this Set

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Knowledge is inborn

Nature vs nurture


Knowledge is gained through experience

Nature vs nurture

Parents of psychology

Philosophy and Physiology



American psychology association

Canadian psychology association


Based on the notion that the task of psychology is to analyze consciousness into its basic elements and investigate how those elements are related

Battle of the schools


Based on the belief that psychology should investigate the function or purpose of the consciousness, rather than its structure

Battle of the schools


Theoretical orientation based on the premise that scientific psychology should study only observable behavior

Watson and Skinner

The Unconscious

Contains thoughts, memories, and desires that are well below the surface of conscious awareness but that nonetheless exert great influence on the behavior


Psychoanalytic Theory

Attempts to explain personality, motivation, and mental disorders by focusing on unconscious determinants of behaviour


John B. Watson

Ivan Pavlov

B. F. Skinner

Principal Contributors of Behavioural psychology

Sigmund Freud

Carl Jung

Alfred Adler

Principal Contributors of Psychoanalytic psychology

Carl Rogers

Abraham Maslov

Principal Contributors to Humanist Psychology

Jean Piaget

Noam Chomsky

Herbert Simon

Principal Contributors to Cognitive Psychology

James Olds

Roger Sperry

David Hubel

Torsten Wiesel

Principal Contributors to Biological Psychology

David Buss

Martin Daly

Margo Wilson

Leda Cosmides

John Tooby

Principal Contributors to Evolutionary Psychology


Theoretical orientation that emphasizes the unique qualities of humans, especially their freedom and their potential for personal growth

Applied Psychology

The branch of psychology concerned with everyday, practical problems

Clinical Psychology

The branch of psychology concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of psychological problems and disorders


Refers to the mental processes involved in acquiring knowledge

Evolutionary Psychology

examiines behavoural processes in terms of their adaptive value for members of a species over the course of many generations

Positive Psychology

uses theory and reesearch to better understand the positive, adaptive, creative, and fulfilling aspects of human existence


the science that studies behavior and the psychological and cognitive processes that underlie it, and it the profession that applies the accumulated knowledge of this to practical problems

Developmental Psychology

Looks at human development across the life span. Childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age

Social Psychology

Focuses on Interpersonal behaviour and the role of social forces in governing behaviour

Experimental Psychology

Encompasses the traditional core of topics that psychology focosed on heavily in its first half-century as a science: sensation, perception, learning, conditioning, motivation, and emotion

Physiological Psychology

Examines the influence of genetic factors on behaviour and the role of the brain, nervous system, endictrine system, and bodily chemicals in the regulation of behaviour

Cognitive Psychology

Focuses on "higher" mental processes, such as memory, reasoning, information processing, language, problem solving, decision making, and creativity

Personality Psychology

Interested in describing and understanding individual's consistency in behaviour, which represents their personality.


Concerned with the measurement of behaviour and capabilities, usully through the developoment of psychological tests.

Aristotle's theory of memory

3 principles of association: similarity, contrast, and contiguity

Rene Descartes

Belived in the dualism of mind and body

Wilhelm Wundt

(1832-1920) The founder of Psychology as a modern science. Focused on the study of counciousness

William James

Founded Functionalism

Edward Titchener

Founded Structuralism

John B. Watson

Founded Behaviouralism

Sigmund Freud

Inventer of Psychoanalysis. Belived in the importance of the Unconsciousness

B. F. Skinner

Radical Behaviourism. Behaviour is entirely determined by surroundings. Mental thought is present but unimportant.

Stanley Hall

Founded the first psychology lab in North America

First president of the APA

James Mark Baldwin

Founded the first lab in the British Empire in Toronto

Donald Hebb

Emphasizes the importance of the brain and physiological/neurophysiological perspective

Martin Seligman

Began the Positive Psycology Movement

3 themes related to psychology as a field of study

Psychology is Empirical

Psychology is Theoretically Diverse

Psychology Evolves in a Sociohistoric Context

Themes relating to psychology's subject matter

Behaviour is determined by ultiple causes

Behaviour is shaped by Cultural Heritage

Heredity and environment jointly shape behaviour

People's experience of the world is highly subjective