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73 Cards in this Set

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What is psychotherapy
a systematic interaction between a therapist and a client that applies psychological principles to affect the clients thoughts feelings and or behavior to help client overcome psychological disorders
originated in european monasteries
- an insititurion for the care of the mentally ill
-inmates were chained and beaten
Phillip Pinel
unchained patients at la salpetriere asylum
Mental Hospiatals
Psychodynamic therapies
are based on the thinking of Sigmund Frued- founder of psychodynamic theory
- This therapy assumes that psychological disorders reflect early childhood experiences and internal conflicts.
-involves the shifting of psychic energy among the three psychic structures the id, ego , and superego
what are the three psychic structures
the id, ego, and superego
the spilling of feelings and urges that had been repressed through the belief that you spill your psychic energy that had been repressed .
Providing relief by alleviating some of the forces assulting the ego.
Where id wasm there shall ego be
Frueds common saying
Free assosciation
the uncensored uttering of all thoughts that come to mind.
client centered therapy
Carl Rogers method
-provide insight into the parts of us that we have disowned so that we can feel whole
-non directive
-client takes lead by stating and exxploring problem
what are some qualities of client centered therapy
-unconditinal postitve regard
-empathetic understanding
Gestalt Therapy
Fritz Perls method
-create social mask
-focuses on here and now
Gestalt excersises
dialogue- verbal confrontation between opposing wishes
Playing the projection- role play with whom they are in conflict with
I take responsibility- clients end statement about themselves by adding and i take responsibility for it
Royal road
how Frued viewed dreams as a road to unconciousness
perls and dreams
perlz saw the content of dreams as the disowned parts of the personality
what is Behavioral Therapy?
focuses on what people do
-applies principles of learning to directly promote desired behavioral changes.
-conditioning and obsevational learning
-direct; tell clients what to do
What are some behavior therapy methods for reducing fears?
systematic desensitization
flooding - fear reduction
when the client is exposed to the fear evoking stimuli until the fear response is extinguished
Systematic desensitization - fear reduction
A gradual process for reducing phobic responses
-joseph wolpe
- being counter conditioned to anxiety
- pictures
Wish fulfillment
accting out of ideas and impulses that are reprssed when one is concious
phallic symbol
a sign that represents a penis
latent content
psychodynamic theory
the symbolized o underlying content of dreams
manifest content
the preported content of dream
ego analyst
a psychodynamically oriented therapist that focuses on the conscious, coping behavior of the ego instead of the hypothesized, unconscious funtctioning of the id.
fear reduction models
systematic desensitization
aversive conditioning
knock bad habits
- overexposure leads to discontinue
operant conditioning procedures
the token economy
succesive approximiations
social skills training
biofeedback training
behavior therapy
fear reduction
operant conditioning
self control
token economy
tokens used in psychiatirc wards and hospitals
tokens used to purchase tc time or private room
- enhances cooperations
successive approximations
used to help clients build good habits
social skills training
behavior therapists decrease social anxiety and build social skills through operant conditioning procedures that employs self monitoring, coaching, modeling, role playing, behavior rehearsal, and feeback
-rehearse how to ask something politely
biofeedback training
therapist helps clients become more aware of and gain control over bodily funtions
-attach hear rate monitors
-electromyograph monitors muscle tension
-releive stree and headaches
-regulates functions beyond "conscoius" control
Self control method
begin with functional analysis of the problem
-use diary to expain thoughts and feelings and reactions of yourself and others .
-keeping a record of where and when you engage in bad habits can help you end them and may occasionally be all that you need to end them
functional analysis
systmeatic study where one identifies what causes a problem
Cognitive therapies
aaron becks cognitive therapy : corrective cognitive errors
albert elliss rational emotive behavior therapy
cognitive behavior therapy
What is cognitive therapy
form of therapy that focuses on how clients expectations, attitudes beliefs lead to distress and may be modified to relieve disttress and promote adaptive behavior
Becks cognitive therapy
and - absolute think
Ellis's REBT
-active and directive
-less missory and less blaming and more action
-form questions to irrational beliefs
-replace irrational beliefs with rational alternatives
-behavioral changes to cement cognitive changes
cognitive techniques
changing maladaptive thoughts
behabioral techniques
exposure to fearful situations
Cognitive-behavioral therapy
-fear hiearchy
-share feelings about fearful thoughts
-anxiety disorder, depression, systmeatically reinforce appropriate eating behavior
Group Therapies
couple therapy
family therapy
self help and support groups
Couple therapy
helps communication and how to deal with conflict
-cognitive behavioral
systematic approach
-family therapy approach where family interaction is studied and modified to enhance the growth ofi ndiviual family members and of the family unit
Meta analysis
method for combining and averaging the results of individual research
evidence based practice
random controlled experiments
controlled experiments
Biological(medical) therapies
Drug therapy
Electroconvulsive Therapy
Drug Therapy
Antianxiety Drugs(minor tranquilizors)
chemical class of benzodiazepines
-valium, libruim, serax, and xanax
-patients who complain about genrealized anxiety or panic attacks or sleeping pills
-depress the activity of the central nerrvous system, decreasing sympathetic activitym reducing heart rate, respiration rate, and feelings of nervousness and tension.
-tolerance occurs quickly must up dosage
- can have withdrawl symptoms
tired or drowsy
- common side effect of antianxiety drug
rebound anxiety
antxiety that can occur when one discontinues use of a tranquilizer
Antipsychotic Drugs (major tranquilizors)
-given to people with schizophrenia
-reduce agitation, allucination, and dilusions.
-Blocks dopamine receptors in the brain.
-used for major depression, eating disordersm panic disorders, OCD, and social phobia
-work by increasing levels of noradreanline and / or seratonin
-nausea, agitiation, and weight gain
Monamine Oxidase-antidepressant
inhibitors block the activity of an enzyme that breaks down noradreanline and seratonin
selective seratonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRISs)
antidepressant drugs that work by blockin the reuptake of seratonin by presynaptic neurons
-prozac, effexor
-flattens manic behavior and depression
-hand tremors, memory impairment, and exessive thirst and urination
Electrocompulsive Therapy
Electrodes are placed on each side of the patients head and a current is passed between them, inducing a seizure.
-used in major depression when drugs and psychotherapy are not sufficient
-given sedative
drug that releives nervousness or puts one to sleep
Surgery intended to promote psychological changes or relieve disordered behavior
Prefrontal Lobotomy
Prefrontal Lobotomy
-antonio moniz
pick severs two hemispheres of the brain
Psychodynamic Therapy Goal
to strenthen the go and provide self insight into unconsious conflict
Psychodynamic Therapy
Humanistic Therpay Goals
help clients get in touch with parts of themselves that they have disowned and acutalize their unique disires and abilities.
Humanistic methods
client centered-
non directive unconditional positive regard
highly directive
Client centered therapy
Carl Rogers-client centered
Friz Perls - gestalt
Behavior Therapy goals
help clients engage in adaptive behavior and discontinue maladaptive behavior
Behavior method
fear reduction(systematic desnsistaztion)
self analysis(functional analysis)
operant conditiong (social skills )
Behavior method
Joseph Wolpe -systematic desensitization
Albert Bandura- integrated behavioral and cognitive factors in forming his theraputic methods, such as modeling
Cognitive therapies goals
to make client aware of beliefs, attitudes, and thinking that creates their problems.
to turn irrational to rational
Cognitive therapies
Aaron Beck-cognitive therapy (self defeating)
Ellis-RET (irrational)