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21 Cards in this Set

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What is the difference between aerobic and anerobic give examples

Aerobic= cardiovascular includes swimming and biking. Anaerobic= muscule strength includes weight lifting and baseball

What is extreme binge drinking

Having 10 or more drinks in a row

Name a statistic about having hiv and aids

It it transmitted through the contact of infected bodily fluids.

How to protect yourself from an sti

Abstinence, don’t have multiple partners, know your partners risk status, have protected sex, get tested

Name 3 ways to perceive work.

1: means of survival,2: chance to be creative and productive 3: as an addiction

Name advantage and disadvantage of dual earner couples

Advantages= more money. Disadvantage= less time with kids

Name 3 things that contribute to desk rage

1: overcrowded working conditions 2: bullying by boss 3: uncontrollable noise

What is sternbergs love triangle

1:intimacy-emotional closeness. 2:passion- sexual desires.3: commitment- desire to maintain a long relationship

What is he difference between traditional marriage and egalitarian marriage

Traditional marriage= clear division of husband and wife roles. Egalitarian marriage= they both attempt to balance time for occupations

Name 2 marriage myths

What mine is yours, everything will work out as long as we love each other

Name and describe one male selection

Complimentary needs theory= opposites attract

Name 2 reasons for divorce?

Unrealistic expectations, want more from the marriage than their getting

What are pathological aging factor examples

Cancer, glacoma

Name 2 differences between fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence

Fluid intelligence= memorization, decreases with age. Crystallized intelligence= logic and reasoning, increases with age

What are the 3 names for middle adult adults

1:sandwich,2: command generation,3: midolse

How to avoid burnout

Be realistic, keep rest of life separate from work, develop interests outside of job

What is the most effective element in a relationship

Effective communication

What is the empty nest syndrome

The idea that parents fall apart after their last child leaves

When caring for aging parents what are daughters most likely to do

Give physical support

What are boys most likely to do when caring for aging parents

Give finical support

What is the filial obligation

The feeling of the responsibility to care for ones parents