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24 Cards in this Set

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Confounding of Variables
When two variables are linked together, resulting in them being difficult to distinguish
Control Group
Consists of similar subjects who do not receive special treatment given to the experimental group.
When two variables are related to each other
Data Collection Techniques
Procedures for making empirical observations and measurements
demand Characteristics
any cues in a study that suggests to subjects the purpose of the independent variable
Dependent Variable
the variable that is thought to be affected by manipulation of the independent variable
Descriptive Statistics
Used to organize and summarize data
Double-Blinded Procedure
research strategy in which neither subjects experimenters know which subjects are in experimental or control group
Experimental Group
consistent of the subjects who receive some special treatment in reguard to independent variable
Experimental Bias
Occurs when a researcher's expectations or preference about the outcome of the study influence the results obtained.
Extraneous Variables
Any variables other than the independent variable that seem likely to influence the dependent variable in a specific study
a tentative statement about the between tow or more variable
Independent Variable
A condition or event that an experiment varies in order to see it's impact on another variable
Inferential Statistics
Used to interpret data or event that an experiment varies in order yo see its impact on another variable
A periodical that publishes technical and scholarly material, usually in narrowly defined area of inquiry
Combines the statistical results of many studies of the same question, yielding an estimate of the size and consistency of a variable's effect
Response Set
A tendency to respond to the questions in a particular way that is unrelated to the content of the questions
the collection of subjects selected for observation in an empirical study
Sampling Bias
When a sample is not representative of the population from which it was drawn
Socially Desirability Bias
Tendency to give socially approved answers to approved answers to questions about ones self
the use of mathematics to organize, summarize, and interpret numerical data
the persons or animals whose behavior is systematically observed in a study
how much the scores in the data set vary from each other and form the mean
any measurable conditions, events characteristics, or behaviors that are controlled or observed in a study