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40 Cards in this Set

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A relative permanent change in behavior brought about by experience or practice

When people learn anything, some part of their brain is __________________ to record what they have learned.

Physically changed

Any kind of change in the way an organism _______ is learning.


Ivan Pavlov

Russian physiologist (person who studies the workings of the body) who discovered classical conditioning through his work on digestion in dogs.

Classical conditioning

Learning to make a reflex response to stimulus other than the original, natural stimulus that normally produces the reflex

Neutral Stimulus (NS)

Stimulus that, before conditioning, has no effect on the designed response. Ex. Ball

Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS)

Naturally occurring stimulus that leads to an involuntary response. Ex. Food served involving no learning

Unconditioned means

"Unlearned" or "Naturally occurring"

Unconditioned response (UCR)

An involuntary response to a naturally occurring or unconditioned stimulus Ex. Salivation. involves learning

Conditioned Stimulus (CS)

Stimulus that becomes able to produce a learned reflex response by being paired with the original unconditioned stimulus

Conditioned means


A neutral Stimulus can become a conditioned ________ when paired with an unconditioned stimulus


Conditioned Response (CR)

Learned reflex response to a conditioned stimulus.


The training stage during which a particular response is learned.


The disappearance or wakening of a learned response following the removal or absence of the unconditional stimulus- ringing the bell but not presenting the food. Salivation dies out

Spontaneous Recovery

The reappearance of a learned responses after extinction has occurred. After several weeks, bell was rung and the dog salivated. Did not last long and was weak.

Learning is a relatively ______ change in behavior


Stimulus Generalization

A process that involves giving a conditioned response to stimuli that is similar to the conditioned stimulus

Pavlov's Dogs salivating in response to a ____ instead of a tuning fork


Conditioned emotional response (CER)

Emotional response that has become classically conditioned to occur to learned stimuli.


Irrational fear of an activity, object, or situation that is of proportion to the actual danger

Systematic Desensitization

Classically conditioning a desired response (relaxation) to the phobic stimuli

Taste Aversion

Development of a dislike or a version to a flavor or food that has been paired with illness


Any event or stimulus that make the behavior if follows

Primary Reinforcer

making a basic biological

Positive Reinforcement

The reinforcement of a response by the addition or experience of a pleasurable consequence. EX. AN Award

Negative reinforcement

The reinforcement of a response by the removal or avoidance of an unpleasant stimulus


used to decrease a behavior or reduce its probability of recurring

Punishment by application

The Punishment of a response by the addition or experience of an unpleasant stimulus

Punishment by removal

The punishment of a response by the removal of a pleasurable stimulus.

Negative reinforcement occurs when a response is followed by the _____ of an unpleasant stimulus. Punishment decreases the likelihood of a behavior happening again. Punishment ______ responses, whereas reinforcement(nb matter whether it is positive or negative) ________ responses.




Behavior modification

The use of operant conditioning techniques to bring about desired changes in behavior.

Token economy

Type of behavior modification in which desired behavior is rewarded with tokens

Time out

A form of mild punishment by removal in which a misbehaving animals, child or adult is placed in a special area away from the attention of others.

Observational learning

Learning that occurs through watching and imitating the behavior of others

4 Eements of Observational learning






to learn anything through observation, the learner must first pay attention to the model


The learner must also be able to remain the moray of what was done, Such as remembering the steps in preparing a dish.


The learner must be capable of reproducion or imitating the actions of the model


Finally the leader must have the desire to perform the actions.