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62 Cards in this Set

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Absolute threshold

The lowest intensity at which a stimulus can be detected 50% of the time


The vertical size of sound waves-that is, the amount compression and expansion of the molecules in the conducting medium

Basilar membrane

A sheet of tissue that runs the length of cochlea

Binocular depth cues

A way of measuring depth that requires both eyes

Binocular disparity

Each eye sees a slightly different image

Bottom-up processing

Taking in individual elements of a stimulus and then combining them into a unified perception


A coiled, snail-shaped tube about 3.5 centimeters in length that is filled with fluid

Conduction deafness

A type of deafness that involves problems with the mechanical system that transmits sound waves to the cochlea


Color receptors in the eye that function best in bright illumination


A binocular distance cue that is produced by feedback from the muscles that turn your eyes inward to view a close object

Critical periods

Periods in perception during which certain kinds of experiences must occur if perceptual abilities and the brain mechanisms that underlie them are to develop normally

Dark adaptation

The progressive improvement in brightness sensitivity that occurs over time under conditions of low illumination

Decibel (dB)

A measure of the physical pressures that occur at the eardrum

Decision criterion

A standard of how certain people must be that a stimulus is present before they will say they detect it

Difference threshold

The smallest difference between two stimuli that people can perceive 50% of the time

Dual-process theory

A theory that combines the trichromatic and opponent-process theories to account for the color transduction process


The nervous system's own built-in analgesics with opiatelike properties. Also referred to as internally produced morphines.

Feature detectors

Detectors that fire selectively in response to visual stimuli that have specific characteristics

Figure-ground relations

Our tendency to organize stimuli into a central or foreground figure and a background


A small center of the retina that contains no rods but many densely packed cones


The number of sound waves, or cycles, per second

Frequency theory of pitch perception

A theory that proposes that nerve impulses sent to the brain match the frequency of the sound wave

Gate control theory

A theory that proposes that the experience of pain results from the opening and closing of gating mechanisms in the nervous system

Gestalt laws of perceptual organization

Similarity, proximity, closure, and continuity


The sense of taste

Hering's opponent-process theory

A theory that proposed that each of the three cone types responds to two different wavelengths

Hertz (Hz)

The technical measure of cycles per second


Compelling but incorrect perceptions

Inattentional blindness

A term that refers to the failure of unattended stimuli to register in consciousness


The sense which provides us with feedback about our muscles' and joints' positions and movements


An elastic structure in the eye that becomes thinner to focus on distant objects and thicker to focus on nearby objects

Menstrual synchrony

The tendency of women who live together or are close friends to become more similar in their menstrual cycles

Monocular depth cues

Depth cues that require only one eye

Nerve deafness

A type of deafness caused by damaged receptors within the inner ear or damage to the auditory nerve itself


The sense of smell

Olfactory bulb

A forebrain structure immediately above the nasal cavity.

Optic nerve

An axon bundle formed by synaptic connections between bipolar cells and ganglion cells

Organ of Corti

A part of the ear that contains about 16,000 tiny hair cells that are the actual sound receptors


The active process of organizing stimulus input and giving it meaning

Perceptual constancies

Constancies that allow us to recognize familiar stimuli under varying conditions

Perpetual schema

A mental representation or image containing the critical and distinctive features of a person, object, event, or other perceptual phenomenon

Perceptual set

A readiness to perceive stimuli in a particular way


Chemical signals found in natural body scents


Rods and cones translate light waves into nerve impulses through the action of protein molecules called...

Place theory of pitch perception

The specific point in the cochlea where the fluid wave peaks and most strongly bends the hair cells serves as a frequency coding cue


A scientific area which studies relations between the physical characteristics of stimuli and sensory capabilities


A multilayered light-sensitive tissue at the rear of the fluid-filled eyeball


Black-and-white brightness receptors


The stimulus detection process by which our sense organs respond to and translate environmental stimuli into nerve impulses that are sent to the brain

Sensory adaptation

The diminishing sensitivity to an unchanging stimulus

Sensory prosthetic devices

Devices that can provide sensory input that can substitute for what cannot be supplied by a person's sensory receptors

Signal-detection theory

A theory that is concerned with the factors that influence sensory judgments

Stroboscopic movement

Illusory movement produced when a light is briefly flashed in darkness and then, a few milliseconds later, another light is flashed nearby

Subliminal stimulus

A stimulus that is so weak or brief that although it is received by the senses, it cannot be perceived consciously


Mixing of the senses

Taste buds

Chemical receptors concentrated along the tip, edges, and back surface of the tongue

Top-down processing

Sensory information is interpreted in light of existing knowledge, concepts, ideas, and expectations


The process whereby the characteristics of a stimulus are converted into nerve impulses

Vestibular sense

The sense of body orientation, or equilibrium

Visual acuity

The ability to see fine detail

Weber's law

A law which states that the difference threshold, or jnd, is directly proportional to the magnitude of the stimulus with which the comparison is being made

Young-Helmholtz trichromatic theory

A theory that claims that there are three types of color receptors in the retina