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53 Cards in this Set

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initiative vs guilt

erik erikson

initiative brings either rewards or guilt

self understanding


childs cognitive representation of self , the substance and content of the childs self conception

children around 4 and 5

describe themselves as terms of concrete observalble features

alot of optimism


young children are socially sensitive


young children are ecogcentric

self conscious emotions in children

children must be able to refer to themselves and be aware of themselves as distinct from others

18 months of age

emotion coaching and emotion dismissing aproach distinction

the way the parent deals with the childs negative emoitons

emotion coaching parents

monitor their childrens emotions, view teir childrens negative emotions as aoppertunities for teaching , assist in labeling emotions, and and are more nurturant

emotion dismissing parents

deny, ignore, or change negative emotionsm

moral development

evelopment tat involves thoughts, feelings and actions regarding rules and concentions about what people should do in their einteractions with other poeple

moral feelings

develop superego

perspective taking

infants have the capacity for some purely empathic responses, but empathy often requires the ability to discenr another persons emotion states

moral reasoning

heteronomous morality

autonmous morality

heteronomou morality



justice and rules are coceived of as unchangeable properties of the world, removed fromt he control of people

aunonomous morality



child becomes aware that rules and laws are created by people and in judging an action one should consider thee actors intentions as well as the conseuences

immanent justice

concept that if a rule is broken punishment will be meted out immediatiely

moral autonomists

accept change and recognize at rules are merely conventions subject to change

heteronomous thinker also believes in

immanent justice

thompsons view that young children are

not as ego centric as piaget envisioned

development of moral behavior in the behavioral and social cognitive approach

processes of reinforcement, punishment, and immitation

according to erik erikson the great governor of intitiative is


eridsons psycholsocial stage that characterizes early childhood

intiative vs guilt

in eriksons portrait of early childhood, the young child clearly has begun to develop _____________ which is the representation of self, the substance and content of self onceptions

self understanding

according to frued, to reduce anxiety, avoid punishment, and maintain parental affeciton. children identify with parents internalizing their standards of right and wrong and thus form the


________ is responding to another persons feelings with an emotion that echoes the others feelings



responding to another perosons feelings with an emotion that echoes those feelings

perspective taking

ability to discern another persons emotional states

judging the rightness or goodness of behavior by considering its consequences not the intentions of the actor

hereonomous moralists

heteronomous moralitst

considers the severity of consequence not the intentions

julie believes that jasons accidental act of breaking 12 plates is worse than peter intentionally breaking two plates. julie can be best descrived as a

heternomous moralist

heternomous thinker thinks that

rules are unchangable

gender roles are more harsh on

young boys

gender schema thoeyr

the theory that gender typing emerges as children gradually develop gender schemas of what is gender appropriate and gender inappropriate in their culture

at around the age of _____ children already show a preference to spend time with same sex playmates


children between tha ges of 3 and 12 usually prefer to play in groups that are made up of

same sex as theirs

according to baumarind, a parent who is very uninvolved in a childs life, showing neither responseiveness nor control, is displaying a _____ parenting style


neglectful parenting style

style of parenting in which the parent is very uninvolved in the childs life ; it is associated with childrens social incompetence especially a lack of self control

indulgent parenting

highly involved with their children but pace few demeands or controls on them; assosiated with childrens social incompetence especially a lack of self control

authoriatarian parenting

rules because i said so



rules are flexible

tom and katie have recently split up, but for the benefit of their child they attempt to provide one another support in jointly raising their child this sia anexample of



relationship between marital conflict and the use of punishment highlights the importance of this

----support that parents give each other in rasiing a child

whereas the public and many professionals use the term child abuse to refer to both abuse and neglectm developmeantlists increasingly use the term

child maltreatment

types of child maltreatment

phsycial abuse

child neglect

sexual abuse

emotional abuse

the nature o f teh parents work is more important deteminant of childrens development

parents work affects the development of their children

it is estimated that _____ percent of children brn to married parents in the us will experience their parents divorce

40 percent

types of play


practice play

pretense/symbolic play

social pay

constructive play

sensorimotor play

behavior engaged in by infants to derive pleasrue from exercising their exiting sensorimotor schemes

practice play

play that involves repetition of behavior when new skills are being learned or when phsycial or mental mastery and coordintation ofskills are required for games or sports

pretnse/symbolic play

play in which the child transforms the phsyscial environment into a symbol

social play

play that involves social interactions with peers

constructiv play

play that combines sensorimotor and repetitive activity with sybolic represneation of ideas. constructibve play occurs when children engage in self regulated creation or construction of a product or a problem solution


activites engaged in for pleasure that includ rules and ofen involve competeitiion between two or more indidivduals