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9 Cards in this Set

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What is rehearsal?
a repeating or relating, conscious rehearsal
What is encoding?
to convert (a message, information, etc.) into code for the brain to process
What are mnemonics?
the process or technique of improving or developing the memory
What are the capacities of short and long-term memory
Short term: (limited, seven plus or minus two) Conscious, brief retention of information that is currently being processed in a person's mind.
Long term: (unlimited) The storage of information indefinitely so that it can be used again and again at a later time.
What are the different types of memory: explicit, implicit, etc.
EXPLICIT: A type of memory that has the self as the agent or experiencer of the event in question and requires conscious recall; for example, memory of facts, episodes, and images. Also known as declarative memory
IMPLICIT: A type of memory that is expressed through performance, rather than conscious recall, such as information acquired during skill learning, habit formation, classical conditioning, emotional learning, and priming. Also known as nondeclarative memory.
What is the serial position effect? (primacy, recency, and interference?)
refers to the finding that recall accuracy varies as a function of an item's position within a study list. people tend to begin recall with the end of the list, recalling those items best (the recency effect). Among earlier list items, the first few items are recalled more frequently than the middle items (the primacy effect).
Describe automatic and effortful processing
The activation of a learned sequence of elements or behaviours in the permanent memory. A task performed using automatic processing is fast, effortless, does not require conscious control, and can also be carried out without attention
What do memory experts believe about repressed memories?
A memory that is repressed because of the anxiety it engenders.is a theoretical concept used to describe a significant memory, usually of a traumatic nature, that has become unavailable for recall; also called motivated forgetting in which a subject blocks out painful or traumatic times in one's life.
What is infantile amnesia?
An infant's or child's capacity for and enjoyment of activities and experiences that are essentially sexual.