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50 Cards in this Set

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Describes our awareness of internal and external stimuli.

Two main theories as to why we sleep

Adaptive functioning sleep and cognitive function sleep.

What are the effects of sleep Deficiency

Decreased mental alertness and cognitive function also depression like symptoms

Decreased mental alertness and cognitive function also depression like symptoms

Circadian rhythm

Biological rhythms that occurs over approximately 24 hours.

What is the normal range of sleep need it for the average adult.

7 to 9 hours a night.

7 to 9 hours a night.

Identify the class of drugs divine to and stimulate the nervous system natural receptor sites for endorphins.


What method is used to measure brain waves and sleep studies.


Major sleep disorders.

Parasomnia and insomnia.

What are some of the medical benefits the research shows can come from meditation

You can manage hypertension.

Are drugs known to stimulate the central nervous system.

Cocaine,Amphetamines,Methamphetamine,cathinones, Nicotine and caffeine

These drugs are known to act as depressants on the central nervous system.

barbiturates, benzodiazepines And alcohol.

The effects of psychoactive drugs.

They occur through their interactions with our indoor Janice new drill transmitter

Absolute threshold

The minimum amount of stimulus energy that must be present for the stimulus to be detected 50% of the time.

Noticeable difference

How much difference in stimuli is required to detect a difference between them.


Conversion from sensory stimulus energy to actually potential.

Inattentional blindness

Failure to notice something that is completely visible because of lack of attention.

Electromagnetic spectrum as it relates to human vision.

Visual spectrum and Human wavelengths 380nm to 740nm.

Optic Nerve

Retinal ganglion cells converge and exit through the Back of the eye.


Normal sighted lens focus images perfectly small indentation back of the eye.




Photoreceptor that works well in low light conditions.


Photo receptors that work best and bright light and detect color.

Negative at the image of vision

Continuation of a visual sensation after removal of the stimulus.

What are pheromones

Chemical messages and reproductive cues.

Vestibular System

Hey contribute to our ability to maintain balance and the body posture.

How do we define learning

Any relative permanent change in behavior brought about by Experience or practice.

Operant conditioning

A method of learning that occurs through rewards and punishments for behavior. ( Skinner, 1938 )


Reinforcement of simple steps in behavior that leads to a desired more complex behavior.

2 Types of Reinforcement

Primary & Secondary

Primary reinforcement

Hunger and thirst

Secondary reinforcement

Praise and tokens

Modeling/observational learning

Is a behavioral base seizure that involves the use of why was symbolic models demonstrate a particular behavior, thought, will add to that a client may want to acquire or change.

2 types of punishment ( Operant Conditioning )

Negative punishment & Positive punishment.

Extinction ( Operant Conditioning )

Is the disappearance of a previously learned behavior when the behavior is not reinforced. ( This behavior can occur in all types of behavior condition.)

Primary reinforcement

Any reinforcement that is naturally reinforcing my meeting a basic biological needs such as hunger and thirst or touch.

Secondary reinforcers

Any reinforcement that becomes reinforcing after being paired with a primary reinforcer such as praisetokens of gold stars.

4 Main Reinforcement schedule

4 Main Reinforcement schedule

Specific learning disabilities

Dyslexia ,ADD, ADHD, Dyscalculua not understanding signs and

Key components of classical conditioning

UnConditional stimulus - Any condition that evoke a response without going through any previous learning occurs naturally.


Neutral stimulus- initial produces no specific response other than focusing attention.

Condition stimulus- I have to become an associate it with unconditioned stimulus eventually becomes a trigger a conditioned response.

Unconditioned response a class of a condition as I learned that occurs naturally in reaction to an unconditioned stimulus.

Conditioned response I know automatic response establish my training to an ordinary neutral stimulus.

What is The audible range for humans

12 to 14 kHz

The gustation and olfaction

Gusation detects taste and olfaction detects odor.

5 Main elements of Language j

Grammar-structure Of language

Syntax-Set of rules and principles

Semantics-Is the study of meaning in language

Phonemes-Is one unit of sale that is distinguished one more from another in particular

Morpheme-smallest units of meaning in a language

Ramen Cattell Theory

Theory in 1965 say that you have to look at 16 personality traits known as 16PF.Based on three dimensions introversion versus extroversion, neuroticisms versus stability, psychoticism versus socialization

Robert Sternberg Theory

Three types practical intelligence, creative intelligence and analytical intelligence.

Defining validity and reliability

Reliability refers to the extent to which assessments are consistent.

ValidityRefers to whether in the study or measuring test is measuring what is claims to measure.

Reliability and validity

These two concepts are important for defining and measuring bias and distortion.

Intellectual disability

Describes below average IQ and lack of skills needed for daily living

Learning disability

Refers to weakness in certain academic skills reading writing and math are the main ones


Is a mental construct consisting of a cluster or collection of related concepts.


Colored portion of the eye