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15 Cards in this Set

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Edward Thorndike (behaviorism)
Law of Effect: any response which leads to an outcome satisfying the organism is likely to be repeated, any response that leads to an unpleasant outcome is not likely to be repeated
John Watson (behaviorism)
-we are what we learn
-emphasis on observable response and environmental stimuli
-focus on learning and experience as a central to understanding of human behavior
-rejected the notion that there is anything unknowable about the mind
Stimulus vs. Responses
-Stimulus: any event, situation, object, or factor that is measurable and may affect behavior
-Responses: is any reaction to a stimulus
John Watson (Behaviorism)
-We are what we learn
-Emphasis on observable response and environmental stimuli
-Focus on learning and experience as central to understanding of human behavior
-Reject the notion that there is anything unknowable in the mind
Edward Thorndike (Behaviorism)
Law of Effect: any response that leads to an good outcome is likely to be repeated, any response that leads to a unpleasant outcome is not likely to be repeated
Classical Conditioning
The study of learning which involves reflex responses, in which a neutral stimulus comes to elicit an existing response
-Pavlov Dogs
Stimulus Gerneralization
The tendency to produce the CR to both the original CS and stimulus which are similar to it in some way
Selective responding to the CS, but not to stimulus that are similar in some way, as a result of training
The elimination of responding when the CS is repeatedly presented w/o being paired with the UCS
Spontaneous Response
The re occurrence of the CR when the CS is presented after some time has elapsed since extinction
Conditioned Emotional Response
An emotional response, such as fear, that is established through classical conditioning
-Little Albert
Operant Conditioning
-Learning from your own actions
-the form of learning concerned with changes in emitted responses as a function of their consequences
A stimulus which when it follows a response, results in an increase in the probability of the response repeating
The process by which a reinforce increases the probability the probability of a response
Conditioned Reinforcers
Are stimulus which assume reinforcing properties because they have been reliable associated with a primary reinforcer