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Psychoanalytic Theory

1) Personalities arise feom attempts to resolve conflicts between unconscious sexual/aggressive impulses and societal demands to restrain them

2) Personality & Behavior come from constant, unique interaction of psychological forces (id, ego, Superego)

at 3 different levels of awareness (conscious, preconscious, unconscious)

3) treatment: dealing with repressed material in the Unconscious


Psychosexual Development Theory

1) Freud: personality solidifies in childhood before the age of 5

2) 5 stages: at each stage child gains sexual/sensual pleasure from each body part: oral, anal, phallic, latent, genital

3) each stage has special conflict & how child manages influences personality

4) If needs are over-gratified/frustrated at a stage, child becomes fixated at that stage

Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy: theory, treatment, Primary technique

1) Client is seen as a product of their past

2) Analysis of:




-Free Associations

3) Treatment: Dealing with repressed material in the Unconscious



-Level of Awareness: all info outside of client's attention but readily available if needed

-Thoughts, feelings brought into consciousness easily



-Level of Awareness: information client pays attention to at any given time



-Level of Awareness: thoughts, feelings, desires, & memories client has no awareness of

-Influences every aspect of their day to day lives


3 Components of Personality

-Id, Ego, Superego


- Component of Personality

-"Impulse Decision " aka devil on shoulder: resevoir of instinctual energy that contains biological urges & impulses towards sex, aggression, survival requiring satisfaction

-In Unconscious mind

-Operates according to the Pleasure Principle


Pleasure Principle

-the desire to achieve pleasure & avoid pain


Psychodynamic Theories: list them, what they explain, all emphasize...

1) Psychoanalytic Theory; Individual Psychology, Ego Psychology, Self Psychology, Object Relations Theory

2) explains origin of personality

3) All Emphasize:

-unconscious motives, desires

-importance of childhood experiences shaping personality

Explains; Emphasizes

Reality Principle

Operated by Ego: gratifying impulses must be delayed to accommodate demands of the real world


1) component of personality that manages conflicts between ID and constraints of real world

2) Parts are Conscious, Preconscious or Unconscious

3) Prevents ID from gratifying impulses in socially inappropriate ways

4) Decides best course of action from ID, Superego, and Reality

5) Operates using Reality Principle

6) Inability of Ego doing its job results in psychic distress AKA anxiety

Manages, Parts are, Prevents, Decides, Operates, inability to do its job


1) Moral Component of Personality

2) Forces Ego to conform to Reality; Ideals of Morality

3) contains Moral Standards learned from Parents; Society

4) causes client to feel guilty when going against Society's Rules


3 Levels of Awareness

Preconscious, Conscious, Unconscious


All info client is paying attention to at any given time

Oral Stage of Development

1) first stage

2) 0 - roughly 12 months

3) Sources of Pleasure: Activities including mouth: Biting, Chewing, Sucking

4) Result of Fixation: Excessive Smoking, Overeating, Dependence on Others


Oedipus Complex

1) occurs during Phallic Stage

2) Male child has sexual desire for mother; hostility towards father = rival for mother's love

Castration Anxiety

1) When male child sees naked girl for 1st time and believes her penis has been cut off, fears father will do the same to him for desiring his mother

2) As a result, child represses longing for mother & accepts father's authority = Superego develops


Anal Stage

1) 2nd stage of psychosexual development

2) 2 years old: when child is potty trained

3) Source of Pleasure: Bowel Movements

4) Result of Fixation: Anal Retentive Personality (overly-controlling); Anal Explosive Personality (easily angered)

Order of Stage; Age; Source of Pleasure; Result of Fixation

Phallic Stage

1) 3rd Stage

2) 3-5 years-old

3) Source of Pleasure: Genitals

4) Result of Fixation: Guilt or Anxiety about Sex

**Oedipus Complex/Castration Anxiety: Superego Emergence

Order of Stage; Age; Source of Pleasure; Result of Fixation; What Happens During this Phase; What Emerges in this Stage?

Latent Stage

1) 4th Stage

2) 5 - Puberty

3) Source of Pleasure: None; Sexuality is Latent/Dormant

4) Result of Fixation: None; No Fixations at this Stage

Order of Stage; Age; Source of Pleasure; Result of Fixation

Genital Stage

1) 5th & Final Stage of Psychosexual Development

2) Begins @ Puberty

3) Source of Pleasure: the Genitals; Sexual Urges Return

4) No fixations at this stage

Order of Stage; Age; Source of Pleasure- What Returns in this Stage? Result of Fixation


1) Ability of Ego to effectively deal with demands of ID, Superego, & Reality

2) Maintains Emotional Stability- Copes with Internal/External Stress

3) Too much Ego-Strength: Rigid, Unyielding

4) Too Little: Torn between Competing Demands of ID, Superego and Reality

Ability of; Maintains; Too Much; Too Little


Ego is comfortable with its conclusions; behaviors

•Ego= Behaviors "InSync" with Ego (No Guilt)


1) When client is bothered by some of their behaviors

•Dystonic=Behaviors "Dys-n-sync" with Ego (Guilt) aka Ego Alien

Individual Psychology

1) Alfred Adler

2) Striving for Perfect: Main Motivation in Human Behavior (vs Freud)

3) Children feel inadequate compared to adults.


-develop skills

-master challenges

4) Normal Inadequacy in children drives them to:


-develop skills

-master challenges

Psychologist; Main Motivator for Behavior, Children feel....; driving them to..


Adler, Individual Psychology

•Normal, Healthy attempt for child to shed feelings of inferiority

•Result: Child becomes healthy adult

"Healthy people have broad social concern/contribute to welfare of others"

Which Psychologist/School of Thought does this term belong to; Definition, Result

Over-Exaggerated Inferiority

1) Adler; Individual Psychology

2) Overcompensating by covering up inferiority using outward signs of Superiority: Power, Wealth, Status

3) Unheathy People are Overwhelmed by Feeling Inferiority

Which Psychologist/School of Thought does this term belong to; Definition, Result

Over-Exaggerated Inferiority

-Adler, Individual Psychology

- Child learns to overcompensate using outward signs of Superiority

"Unhealthy people are overwhelmed in feelings of inferiority:

Individual Psychology: Goal of Treatment

Adaptive lifestyle by overcoming inferiority & superiority (self-centeredness)

Self Psychology

•Heinz Kohut

•The "Self" is the central organizing & motivating force of personality

•Sense-of-Self/Self-Esteem depend on quality of relationships with early caretakers (Self Objects)

•Self Objects must be available for infant to develop sense of self.

Psychologist, personality motivator, depends on____, _____ must be available

Empathetic Responses vs Empathetic Failures; Self Objects

Self Psychology, Heinz Kohut

♡Receiving Empathetic Responses from Self Objects (Caretakers): Child's needs are met = Strong Sense of Selfhood, Self Cohesion♡Empathetic Failures: Caretakers (Self-Objects) Unavailable = results in Lack of Self-Cohesion

Self-Psychology: Goal; Technique

•Goal: Help client develop greater sense of self-cohesion

Technique: By using Therapeutic Regression, client reexperiences frustrated Self-Object needs


Self-Object Need

-Behavior validates child's sense-of-self

•Mirroring Self-Object recognizes child's capabilities/talents

Self Psychology


-Self-Object Need

-Child borrows strength from others/identifies with someone more capable

•Idealizing Self-Object links child with admired caregivers



-Self Object Need

- Child needs Alter-Ego for sense of belonging

•Twinning Self-Object provides sense of being the same


Ego Psychology Theory, Basis of Treatment, Treatment Focus

•Anna Freud, Hartmann, spin-off of Freud

•Focuses on Rational, Conscious Processes of EGO

•Basis of Treatment: Uses Assessment of client presented in the Here & Now

•Treatment focuses on Ego Functioning of Client because Healthy Behavior is under the control of Ego

What does Ego Psychology Treatment Address?

BEHAVIOR: in various situations

•REALITY TESTING: perception of a situation


CAPACITY: for relating to others


Ego Psychology: Treatment Goal

Strengthen & Maintain Ego's Control to manage stress and its effects


Object Relations Theory, Objects, and Object Relations Definitions, Key Psychologist

"Lifelong relationship skills are strongly rooted in early attachments with parents, especially Mothers"

•Objects refer to:


Parts of People,

Physical Items Symbolically Representing Person/Part of Person

•Object Relations = Relationships to those People; Items

Margaret Mahler, Separation-Individuation Theory

Normal Autism

1st Stage of Separation-Individuation Theory

Age: 0-1 months; first few weeks of life

▪︎Infant is detached and self-absorbed

▪︎Spends most time sleeping

☆phase abandoned following later research

Order of Stage, Age, Characteristics

Normal Symbiotic

Mahler, Separation-Individuation Theory

•2nd Stage: 1-5 months

▪︎Child becomes aware of mother; no sense of individuality

▪︎Baby and Mom are "One" and there is a barrier between them and the rest of the world

Order of Stage, Age, Characteristics


Mahler, 3rd Stage

▪︎Ages 5-24 months

▪︎3 subphases:

Differentiation/Hatching (5-9mo)

▪︎Practicing (9-15mo)

▪︎Rapprochement (15-24mo)


Mahler, 1st Subphase of Separation-Individuation

▪︎Age: 5-9 months

▪︎Infant becomes aware of differentiation between self and mother

▪︎Increased Alertness/Interest for Outside World while using Mother as Point of Orientation (security, safety, trust)

Order of Stage, Age, Characteristics


Mahler, 2nd Subphase of -Separation-Individuation

-Age 9-15 months

▪︎Infant begins to "practice " crawling, walking on own

▪︎Explores Actively, Becomes Distant from Mother

▪︎Still sees self as "one" with mother


Mahler, 3rd Subphase of Separation-Individuation Stage

▪︎15-24 months

▪︎Child returns to wanting to be close with mother.

▪︎Realizes physical mobility means psychic separateness from mother

▪︎Toddler may be unsure and want mother in sight/have eye contact to continue exploring their world

☆Risk of mother misreading this need; responding with impatience; unavailability, can lead to anxious fear of abandonment in toddler

Object Constancy

Mahler, 4th stage Separation-Individuation Theory "Positive Internalization"

1. Child understands mother as a separate person with separate identity

2. Able to carry whole object representations of mother when separated from mother

3. Gives unconscious level of guiding support; comfort

☆Deficiencies in Positive Internalization can lead to sense of insecurity, low self-esteem in adulthood

Sensorimotor Phase of Cognitive Development

-Piaget, Stage 1, 0-2 years old

-Learns Through Sensors (sensori) and Environment (Motor)

-3 Milestones:

Object Permanence: knowing somethings there even though it's out-of-sight (peek-a-boo)

Causality: Babysitter arrives means Mommy is leaving

Symbiotic Thought: Making word-image connections. Word "dog" means 🐶

Age, stage #, definition and 3 Milestones

Preoperational Stage of Cognitive Development

Piaget, Stage 2, 2-7 years old

-Thinking is Ego-Centric

-Symbiotic Function, Pretend Play: learns through use of mental images, language & other symbols representing objects that aren't there (child pretends to be nurse for doll whi broke leg)

-Magical Thinking: thinks thoughts, desires directly cause event/environment (child thinks not wanting brother to benefit around is the reason why he's in the hospital)

Age, stage #, Thinking is... and 2 Milestones

Concrete Operational Stage of Development

Stage 3, 7-11 years old

-Ego Centrism goes away

-Concepts attached to concrete situations

-Plays Games w/ rules to understand Cause and Effect

3 Milestones

Conservation: Something stays the same although it looks different (ball of Play-do rolled or flattened is same amount in different form.

Classification: sorting things into categories & subcategories (Flowers; Animals) (Red Flowers; Blue Flowers)

Reversibility: Golden Retriever is a dog that is an animal

Stage #, 3 definitions and Milestones

Formal Operational Stage of Cognitive Development

Stage 3, 11+

Adolescence, Ego-Centrism reappers

-Thinks abstractly (solving algebraic equations)

-Thinks hypothetically (ability to ponder hypothetical situations)

-Metacognition thinking about thinking)

Definition, 3 Milestones

3 Domains of Cognitive Development

Cognitive- mental skills (knowledge)

Affect- growth in feelings, emotional areas (attitude or self)

Psychomotor- manual, physical skills


Cognitive Development focuses on; is emergence of

Emergence of the ability to think and understand

-Information Processing

-Conceptual Resources

-Perceptual Skills

-Language Learning


6 Levels of Cognition

-Knowledge: rote memorization

-Comprehension: understanding it

-Application: Correct Use of Facts Memorized

-Analysis: Breaking it down into component parts

-Evaluation: Forming an opinion abt info

Mnemonic: Kevin Can Act As Someone Else

Piaget's Developmental Theory and How We build/construction higher levels of Knowledge

-Motivation for Cognitive Development occurs in state of Disequilibrium brought on by deviation from person's current understanding of world; reality

-Equilibrium/Adaptation achieved thru combo of:

Assimilation: incorporation of new info into existencing schemas

Accommodation: modification of existing schemas

Motivation, how we achieve equilibrium

Erikson's Psychosocial Developmental Theory

-Based on Freud’s Unconscious Motivation & Greater Emphasis on Ego

-Behavior is largely due to Ego Functioning

-Psychosocial Task to be Mastered at each stage. If not, Ego is damaged