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46 Cards in this Set

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ddx the following:

systematic desensitization
vs therapeutic graded exposure vs flooding
all are common behavioral therapy techniques where the patient approaches an anxiety-provoking stimulus:

systemic desensitizatoin = enter after in relaxed state and stimulus is graded


therapeutic graded exposure = pt is not in a relaxed state, but stimulus is graded


flooding = no relaxed state and no grading
drawing a specific conclusion without sufficient evidence
cognitive distortion

"arbitrary inference"
forming and applying a general conclusion based on an isolated event
overgeneralization (cognitive distortoin)
a tendence to categorize an experience as all or none
dichotomous thinking (cognitive distortion)
over or undervaluing the signitificance of a particular event
(cognitive distortion)
theory that ego development exists throughout one's life and psychosocial event drive change, leading to development -- indivs will experience development crisi and resolution of this conflict will reseult in development
developmental theory
What is the difference between repression and suppression?
both are ego defense mechanisms

repression = feelings/ideas distressing ego are relegated to unconscious

suppression = remain components of conscious awareness
this form of psychotherapy focuses on the present rather than early childhood and past events with the goal of targetting patterns of behavior/feelings, and attention to wishes, dreams and fantasies
short term psychodynamic therapy
this form of psychotherapy emphasizes that the relationhsips in person's life are given primary importance in producing happiness or misery.

what is it and what theory is it derived from?

used in?
interpersonal therapy (IPT)

from object relations therapy (he theory describes the process of developing a mind as one grows in relation to others in the environment -- emphasis on primary caregivers in infancy)

what is CBT used for?
social phobia
panic disorder

better effects than drugs = long term
what is CBT?
examination of cognitive distortions and the use of behaviroal techniques to rx psych d/o
1st line tx for borderline?
dialectical behavioral therapy -- focus on acceptance that patient is foundation for behavioral and emotional change
best therapies for tx of depression and anxiety/
school of thought that behavior arises from unconscious mental process including defense mechanism and conflicts between ego, id, superego, and external reality
pyschoanalytic school (freud)
what are the mature defense mechanisms?
are defense mechanisms conscious or unconsciou processes?

they are used by the _____ to protect oneself and relive _____by keeping conflicts out of awareness
unconscious processes

ego, anxiety
what are the neurotic defense mechanisms?

who experiences these?
isolation of affect
reaction formation

OCD, hysterical pts, adults under stress
give the defense mech:

student who is angry at this mother talks back to his teacher the next day and refuses to obey her instructions
displacement -- shifting emotions from an undesireable situatoins to one that is personally tolerable
give the defense mech:

woman describes the recent death of her beloved husband w/o emotoin
isolation of affect - neurotic

unsconsciously limiting experience of feelings associated with a stressful life event in order to avoid anxiety
give the defense mech:

physican dying of colon cancer describes the pathophysiology of dz to his 12 yr old son
intellectualizatoin - neurotic

avoiding neg feelings by focusing on irrelevant details or inanimate objects
give the defense mech:
man in love with coworker insults her
reaction formation -= neurotic

doing the opposite of an unacceptable impulse
give the defense mech:

person with unconscious urges to physically control others becomes a prison guard
sublimatoin - mature

satisfying socially objectionable impulses in an acceptable manner -- channel impulse rather than prevent it
give the defense mech:

nausea via wound on pt, but grit and bare it
suppression - mature

purposely ignring unacceptable impulse (feelings of disgust) to accomplish task
what are the immature defense mechanisms?
Acting out
give the defense mech:

;woman scheduled for breast mass biopsy cancels b/c she feels she is healthy
denial - immature

not accepting reality that is too painful
give the defense mech:

man's therapist is leaving for vacation and he conveniently "forgets" his last appt and skips it
acting out

give in to impulse even if socially inapprpiratre to avoid anxiety of suppressing impulse
give the defense mech:

husband is attracted to other women -- believes wife is having an affair
projection - immature

attributing your own objectionable thoughts to others
which defense mechanism are the most primative
give the defense mech:

man fantasizes of killing wife by sabotagin her car takes the car for complete checkup

attempt to reverse a situaiton by adopting a new behavior
when are the following present:


which is your moral conscience?

mediator between id and external environement?

which involves reality testing?
id - at birth
ego after birht = mediator, reality testing
superego by age 6 = moral conscience
what is the goal of psychoanalysis?

who is it best suited for?
resolve unconscious conflict -- bring repressed experience and feelings into awareness and integraate them into patient's personality == insight oriented

under 40, not psychotic, intelligent, stable in relationships and daily living
psychoanalysis helps with which disorders? (7)
personality d/o
anxiety d/o
problems in copine with life events
sexual d/o
dysthymic d/o
patient who has repressed feelings of abadonment by her father b/comes angry when her thearpist is 5 mins late for an appt

important concenp in psychoanalysis

project unconscious feelings about important figure in pts life onto therapist
psychoanalytic related therapy that is NOT insight driven
supportive psychotherapy -- feel safe in difficult time
what the 5 important concenpts in psychoanalysis
free association
dream interpretation
therapeutic alliance
therapy that helps patients change behavior
behavioral therapy

(phobias, compulsions, sexual dysfunction)
behavioral therapy used to treat addictions and paraphilias
aversion therapy
(ex: antabuse)
behaviroal therapy used to treat phobias
systemic desensitization
behavioral therapy used to encourage IDLs in mentally retarded
token economy
+ reinforcement with tokens
behavioral therapy used to tx somatic problems (migrain, chronic pain, etc)
type of theory that attempts to correct faulty assumptions and negative feelings that exacerbate psych conditions
cognitive therapy
which type of therapy can be more beneficial than meds in treating depression and anxiety d/o
cognitive therapy
main goals of DBT?

how long is it?

key topics?
reduce self injurious behaviors
decrease hospitalizations

2-3x/wk for 1-2yrs

interpersonal effectiveness
emotion regulation
distress tolerance
two therapists each see couple together
four-way therapy
each person in couple may have separtae therapists and seen individually (therapists are different)
couple seen by therapist together

if they were seen both as couple and individuall by the same therapist?
conjoint therapy

concurrent therapy