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7 Sins of memory

-Transcience/memory decay

-Blocking/retrieval failure

-Absentmindedness/encoding failure





Transcience/memory decay

Reduced memory over time

Blocking/retrieval failure

Inability to remember needed info

Absentmindedness/encoding failure

Reduced memory due to failure to pay attention


Resurgance of unwanted memories one wants to forget


Assigning memory to the wrong source


Influence of current knowledge on memory for past events


Altering a memory because of misleading info

Proactive interference

Prior info inhibits ability to remember new info

Retroactive interference

New info inhibits ability to remember old info

Retrograde amnesia

Loss of memories formed prior to brain trauma

Anterograde amnesia

Inability to form new memories after brain trauma

Flashbulb memory

Vivid recollections of surprising events

Memory Bias

Changing memories over time to they are consistent with current beliefs.

Source amnesia

shows memory for events for cannot remember where he encountered info


Type of misattribution where a person thinks they have come up with a new idea, yet has only remembered stored info

False fame effect

Implicit memory leads people to believe familiar names are famous people.

Social brain hypothesis

The size of a primates social group is related to the context of brain size


If person A helps/harms person B, person B will help/harm person A.


People share their friends opinions of other people

Out group homogeneity effect

Tendency to view out group as less varied than in group.

Social Identity theory

In group members perceive themselves in the same social category

In group favoritism

Favoring in group members over non in group members

Social facilitation

Presence of others enhances performance


Reduced individuality/self awareness, due to being part of a group

Risky shift effect

People in groups make riskier decisions than individuals

Group polarization

initial attitudes of groups become more extreme over time

Group think

Tendency for groups to make bad decisions under pressure


Altering behavior to match other people

Social loafing

Not working as hard in a group as you would alone

Normative influence

Conforming to fit in with the group

Informational influence

Conforming when they believe others behavior is correct


Tendency to agree to do things requested by others


Following orders from authority

Foot-in-the-door effect

If agreeing to a small request, you are more likely to agree with a larger request

Door-in-face- effect

Likely to agree to small request if you have already agreed to a larger request

By stander intervention effect

The more people available to help, the less likely a victim will be helped

Kitty Genovese

Murder victim that is an example of by stander intervention effect


Providing help without reward

Explicit attitude

Attitude a person can report

Implicit attitude

Attitude that influence behavior/feelings on an unconscious level.

Cognitive dissonance

Uncomfortable mental state from contradiction between 2 attitudes

Festinger experiment

Performed a boring task and paid others to tell people it was interesting

Post decisional dissonance

Focusing on chosen objects positive aspects and non chose aspects negatives

Insufficient Justification

Changing attitudes to justify our actions that we don't approve.

Justifying effort

Resolve dissonance by inflating importance of the group



Explanation for why events/actions occur

Personal attributions

Explanation of behavior through internal characteristics

Situational attributions

Explanation of behavior through external factors

Fundamental attribution error

In explaining others behavior you overestimate personality traits and underestimate situational factors.


Negative feelings/opinions associated with a stereotype


Unjustified treatment as a result of prejudice

Passionate love

state of intense longing/desire

Compassionate love

Strong commitment based on trust/friendship

Faces we perceive attractive

Symmetrical, averaged, biracial faces


Sickness/disorder of the mind


Contributing factors of the disorder


a person putting themselves/others in danger


Underlying vulnerability (genetic predisposition, childhood trauma)

Diathesis stress model

A disorder may develop when an underlying vulnerability is paired with a stressful life event

Most common disorders

Depression, anxiety, adhd, and substance abuse

Anxiety disorder

Excessive fear in absence of true danger

Social anxiety

Fear of being negatively evaluated by others

(Public speaking, meeting new people)

Generalized anxiety

Constant anxiety not associated with anything specific


Distracted, fatigue, irritability, headaches, muscle pain

-in anxiety

Panic disorder

Sudden terror attacks and agoraphobia

-linked with suicide


Fear that you cannot escape


Disproportionate fear of something

Anxiety disorder components

Cognitive, situational, biological

Anxiety symptoms

Apprehension, fear, difficulty sleeping/concentrating


Nightmares/flashbacks of a trauma, tension, anxiety, and constant high alert

Major Depressive disorder

Severe negative mood, lack of interest, suicidal thoughts, difficulty concentrating

Persistant Depressive disorder (Dysthmia)

Form of depression not sever enough to be major depressive disorder

Dissociative disorders

Disruption in identity, memory, or conscious awareness

Dissociative amnesia

Memory loss of a block of time

Dissociative fugue

Loss of identity and traveling to a new location

-must rare/extreme


Split between though/emotion. Alterations in thought, perception, and consciousness

Schizophrenia symptoms

Hallucinations, paranoia, disorganized speech/behavior, dellusion

Bio factors of schizo

Larger brain ventricles, increased dopamine, more mutations in dna

Positive Schizophrenia

Abnormal behavior gained (hallucinations)

Negative schizophrenia

Lost functions (emotional/social withdrawl, loss of speech)


People will schizo are more likely to be born in the winter

Personality disorders

Pattern of maladaptive ways relating to the world

Anti social personality disorder

Lack of empathy, flashy/charming, narcissist, willing to lie and cheat, commits illegal acts, more common in men, tend to age out of it

Borderline personality disorder

Unstable moods, behavior, and relationships. Biopolar like emotions, more common in women

Cluster A

Odd or eccentric behavior. (Paranoia, Schizophrenia)

Cluster B

Dramatic emotional behavior (Anti social, borderline, narcissistic)

Cluster C

Anxious or fearful behavior (OCD, anxiety)

Autism spectrum disorder

Deficits in social interaction by impaired communication, and restricted interests.

Autism symptoms

-odd speech patterns (echolaia)

-Impairments in verbal/non verbal communications

-Playing is repetitive/obsession

-as babies do not smile/eye contact with caregivers

-reject physical touch


Impulsitivity, inattentiveness, restlessness, and hyperactivity


Shifts in moods from extremely happy to depressed. Men and women equally


Used to treat seasonal depression, exposure to high intensity light

Electroconvulsive therapy

Effective when all else fails, works quickly, but chance of memory impairment

Gender and depression

Women diagnosed twice as much, men mask it with irritability/alchohol

Dialectil behavioral therapy

Treats borderline by combining cognitive treatment with mindfulness approach.

Applied behavioral analyis

Operant conditioning for autism, 40 hrs a week, gains IQ

Difficulties of treating APD

they lie and dont care about others, often manipulate therapists

Loftus experiments

Possible to implant memories in people, lost in the mall

Eye witness testimony

People make poor/inaccurate eyewitnesses

-Improve: no leading questions

Zimbarac Prison Experiments

Situational vs. personal factors

-situation=more important

Asch experiment

conformity with line length

Rosenthal study

Being sane sane in insane places

-normal behavior interpreted as insane


Projective test, unconscious thoughts come through in unidentified images.