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38 Cards in this Set

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The science of Mental Processes
What we can see, observative acts.
3 Acts of Analysis
Brain, Person, Group
Psychology has its roots in__________and _________
Philosophy and Physiology
Wilhelm Wundt
Considered founder of Psychology, set up first lab, focused on identifying blocks of consciousness, introspection looking within
Focused on Identifying the building blocks of consciousness, state of being aware, sensations and feelings. Introspective
How our mind helps us to adapt or interact. Why do people think and feel and behave as they do? Credited to Williams James, influenced by Darwin.
Gestalt Psychology
Big picture Psychology. Whole. Focused on consciousness and principles of perceptual organization. the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. How our eyes and brains organize the world. Max Wertheimer
What did Freud say about unconscious thoughts?
That they would eventually be expressed.
The mind cannot be observed, but behavior can be. Science should study the the observable. Stimulus, Response, Reinforcement
Watson and Skinner
Who researched pioneer behaviorism?
Watson and Skinner
People have positive values, free will, creativity, which lead to choice and personal growth. Person has worth.
Rogers and Maslow
Key focus of Carl Rogers?
Client Centered Therapy
Key focus of Abraham Maslow?
People want to self-actualize, reach full potential.
Counseling Psychologist
Help with common issues, career and vocational testing
Clinical Psychologist
Treat Disorders, address and change troublesome thoughts or behaviors
Academic Psychologists
Teach class, conduct research.
Applied Psychologists
Solve problems in practical areas, Education, Industry and Marketing. School, sports, human factors, personality
Receives signals from neurons or sense organs and sends then to other parts of the body
Difference between Dendrites and Axons.
Dendrites extend from the cell body and extend into the cell, Axons lead away and send signals to the terminals.
Reuptake Process
The process of reacquiring surplus neurotransmitters into the terminals.
Central Nervous System
The spinal cord and brain, the largest conduit for info going to and from the brain.
When repeated exposure to a stimulus decreases an organisms response to the stimulus.
Discovered Classical Conditioning
Unconditioned Stimulus, Unconditioned Response, Conditioned Stimulus, Conditioned Response
Unconditioned is what is normal, US-Food, UR- Salivation
Conditioned is what is trained, pairing of CS and US results in CR of salivation
When the CS is repeatedly paired with the US, the bell with the food
Conditioned Compensatory Response
The bodies reaction to a stimulus
Systematic Desensitization
A type of conditioning used to help patients overcome fears and phobias.
Difference between classical and Operant Conditioning?
With operant conditioning you have a choice.
Law of Effect
Actions lead to satisfying state of affairs=behavior repeated.
Who invented Puzzle boxes and what does it represent?
Edward Thorndike, Operant Conditioning
Why is reinforcement in the eyes of the recipient?
The reinforcement is based on what is needed
Primary Reinforcers
Food, Shelter, basic necessities
Secondary Reinforcers
Money, Cars, the wants of life
Negative Reinforcement
Taking away something negative for a good action. Taking away chores for obeying
Negative Punishment
Stopping actions with consequences that take freedom. Taking away a cellphone for desobeying
Difference between Punishment and Reinforcement
With Reinforcement you want the behavior to repeat, with punishment you want it to stop.
When is punishment most effective?
When combined with reinforcement for desired behavior.