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41 Cards in this Set

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side effects of lithium?
- acne, rash, DI, hypoTH, tremor, GI, arrhythmias, weight gain
side effects of lamotrigine
- SJS, anemia, thrombocytopenia, liver failure, pancreatitis
side effects of risperidone
- EPS, NMS, metabolic syndrome, increased salivation, lactation
side effects of oxcarbazepine
- aka trileptal, anticonvulsant
- leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, SJS
attachment vs bonding?
- attachment: emotional dependence of infant on mother, involves getting resources and security ==> help child later form healthy relationships
- bonding: mother's feeling for infact; doesn't involve resources sand security; via skin to skin contact
dx of huntingtons?
- PCR ch4p16.3
> 35 trinucleotide repeats in adults
> 50 in children
low serum ceruloplasmin
- wilson's dz
CSF 14-3-3 protease inhibitor
dx creutzfeld-Jacob dz
damage to orbitalfrontal lobe causes what?
- medial frontal lobe
- left frontal region
- right frontal region
- frontal = personality change, executive fx
- medial frontal: apathy, limited spontaneous mvmt, gestures, speech
- left frontal: depression
- right frontal: mania
what is coprolalia?
- compulsive utterance of obscene words e.g. tourette's
cohort aka
longitudinal study
case control study aka
retrospective study
crossover study
- at some point placebo and treatment groups switch over
- good enough parenting: mother brings world to baby and offers empathic anticipation of baby's needs ==> baby dvlps healthy sense of self
cognitive development consisting of sensorimotor, preoperational thought, concrete operations, formal operations
oral, anal, phallic and latency stages of dvlp
stages of separation- individuation to describe how children dvlp identity separate from mothers
- stages of normal autism, symbiosis, differentiation, parenting, approchement object, constnacy
8 stage of life cycle- trust vs mistrust, autonomy vs shame, initiative vs guilt, industry vs inferiority, identity vs role diffusion, intimacy vs self-absorption, generativity vs stagnation, integrity vs despair and isolation
wernicke's encephalopathy
- man is confused, tachy, ophthalmoparesis, diaphoresis, ataxia, dies in hospital 48 hours later
- brain bx shows hemorrhage in 3rd ventricle and superior vermis from microhemorrhages in periventricular gray matter
path of parkinson's
depigmentation of pars compacta of substantia nigra in midbrain
Dawson's fingers
- subcortical white matter perpendicular to the ventricles = demyelinating dz e.g. MS
MAOI's increase which NTs?
How to switch from MAOI to SSRI?
Need 14 day washout
which MOAIs don't require a tyramine free diet?
- moclobemide, selegiline b/c they weakly potentiate pressor effects
which antipsychotic can be given to agitated pt?
haloperidol, olanzapine, ziprasidone b/c they are IM
what is countertransference?
- conscious and unconscious feelings of therapist towards pt
when is middle adulthood?
primary versus secondary versus tertiary prevention
- primary: prevent dz
- secondary: identify dz in early stages and tx promptly
- tertiary: decrease deficits caused by an illness to obtain high fx
projective test?
- used to detect psychosis: e.g. draw a person, sentence completion test, thematic appreception test, roschach
hallmarks of MS?
- callosal thinning and atrophy
ethical issues according to APA?
- can't participate in executions
- no romantic/sexual relationship with pts
- report unethical behavior of other psychiatrist
- when retiring, need to give pts sufficient notice and find f/u care
Skinner's theories?
- operant conditioning e.g. positive and negative reinforcement
Bandura's theory?
- social learning theory: learn through modeling others and through social interaction
seligman's theory
- learned helplessness model- organisms learn that no behavioral changes can influence the environment => organism becomes depressed
Kandel's theory
- habituation theory: animals can learn to stop responding to a repeated signal
- sensitization theory: an organism can be taught to respond more easily to a stimulus
Pavlov's theory
- classical conditioning
attribution theory
- by Heider, Weiner, Kelly: people are likely to attribute their own behavior to situational causes and the behavior or others to personality traits
tx absence seizures?
- ethosuximide
- 2nd: depakote
depakote for sz tx?
- absence, partial complex, primary generalized
phenytoin in sz tx?
- partial, generalized, tonic-clonic sz
- attack of refreshing day time naps everyday for 3 months, cataplexy, increased REM at awaking or sleep transition => hypnopomic and hypnogoic hallucinations, sleep paralysis
- tx: stimulants, amphetamines, ritalin, modafinil