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33 Cards in this Set

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temporary inability to recall important personal information

1. informatoin lost for a specific period of time
2. personal informaiton lost for entire life span
3. some info during time period retained, other info is lost
4. particular categories of info are lost
dissociative amnesia

1. localized amnesia
2. continuous amnesia
3. selective amnesia
4. systematized amnesia
amnesia for one's identity coupled with sudden unexplained travel away from home



dissociative fugue

no sx - seem fine

ppt: severe trauma or stressor?

tx: eventually remits w/o tx
presence of 2 or more spearate personalities that recurently take control of a person's behavior?

type of amnesia associated?

dissociative identity d/o

losing time

sexual/physical abuse, satanic or cult abuse
pervasive sense of being dtached from or being outside one's body

feel mechanical or automated
easily hypnotized
prone to dissociate
depersonalization d/o
ddx somatoform d/o with malingering and factiious d/o
somatoform: not willfully producing sx = subconscious

malingering = willful productoin of sx to obtain 2ndary gain (finacial, etc)

factitious = willful production of sx to perpetuate the sick role
specific DSM criteria for somatization d/o
pain in 4 diff body sites or involving 4 different body functions

2 GI sx (not pain)

1 sexual sx (not pain)

1 pseudoneurological sx (not pain)

sx to begin before 30 yrs of age
somatization d/o:

female: male ratio?


SSRIs if depressed
structured visits with single provider (tend to have mutliple)
patient unwillingly has sx of non-medical origin, involving sensory (numbness) and voluntary motor function (paralysis) that are NOT caused by neurologic dysfunctoin
conversion d/o
requirements that must be met for adjustment d/o

time req:
occurs w/in ____ of stress and resolves wihtin _____ unless stressor b/comes chronic
cannot meet criteria for Axis 1 d/o

cannot be in response to bereavement

changes in emotional state/behavior in response to psychosocial stressor out of proportion to expected human experience

within 3mo
resolves in 6mo
sexual fantasy and desire for sex very low or absent
hypoactive sexual desire disorder
aversion to genital sexual contact with another person
sexual aversion d/o
inadequate vaginal lubrication and inadequate engorgement of external genitalia
female sexual arousal disorder
inability to attain or maintain an erection
male erectile d/o
orgasm is absent or delayed and sexual excitement phase is abnl
male/female orgasmic d/o
genital pain assoc with sexual intercourse
involuntary contraction of external vaginal musculature as a result of attempted penetration
key dx criteria for all paraphilas
d/o must cause indiv to experience significant distress or impairment in social or occupatoinal impairment
define the following paraphilias:

1. observing unsuspectinv indivs naked, undressing or having sex

2. inflicting humiliation/suffering on another

3. receiving humiliation, bondage or pain

4. rubbing one's genitals agains or by sexually touching nonconsenting stranger

5. objects are the focus sexual arousal

6. exposing one's genital's to a stranger
1. voyeurism

2. sadism

3. masochism

4. frotteurism

5. fetishism

6 exhibitionism
gender identity d/o
cross gender ID and discomfort with one's assigned sex

no ambiguous gentialia

cuases severe distress or functional impairment
ddx primary and secondary sleep d/o
primary: caused by disturbances in sleep wake cycle = dyssomnia or parasomnia

secondary = 2/2 mental d/o, general medical condition, or substance abuse
define dyssomnia

what are the 5?
difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep, feeling rested or refreshed after sleep, or sleeping excessively

primary insomnia
primary hypersomnia
breathing related sleep d/o
circadian rthythm sleep d/o
define parasomnia

what are the 3
associated with complex behavioral eventa that occur during sleep or that arouse a person from sleep

nightmare d/o
sleep terror d/o
sleepwalrking d/o
time spent in REM sleep

most of non-REM sleep is which stage?

stage 2 = 45% of total sleep time
Delta wave sleep = which stages?

which is deeper stage of sleep

which stage of sleep is the transition from wakefulness to sleep
stages 3 and 4 (slow wave sleep)

stage 4

stage 2
give the waveforms associated with each stage of sleep
stage 0 = awake = a and B waves
REM = B waves
Stage 1 = theta
stage 2 = spindle and K complex
stage 3 = delta
stage 4 = delta
nightmares in nightmare d/o occurrs during which stage of sleep? do they wake up?

sleep terrors? do they wake up?
REM, yes

stage 3/4 (delta), no
major NT associated with suicide risk
low 5HT (alterd tryptophan hydroxylase which is involved in 5HT synthesis)
which gender attempts suicide more often?

which gender commits suicide more often?

one of the most reliabe predictors of long term suicide risk is _________

4 RFs for suicide
women (age ~55)

men (age ~45)


RFs: first degree relative, white, professional, higher social groups

marriage lowers
meds commonly associated with increased risk of suicide

those associated with reducing risk?
antidepressants (particularly in starting, tapering, or adjusting dose); abrupt Li d/c

lithium for bipolar pts
clozapine for schizophrenia
mental d/o commonly assoicated with SA
personality d/o
how do we tx SA/SI?
tx underlying psych d/o
incidence of elderly abuse
DSM IV limits nl beraeavement to _______months


when should you lean toward MD episdoe over bereavement?

2 months

sad mood
loss of appetite
ruminating loss of loved one, trouble sleeping

- guilt unassociated with actoins related to death
- SI other than wanting to join deceased
- excess worthlessness
- psychomotor retardation
- severe impaired function
- AH/VH (other than hearing/seeing deceased)
