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106 Cards in this Set

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You read a news story about a psychologist who provided expert testimony during a criminal case. This sort of activity is characteristic of which type of psychologist?
Developmental psychologist Arthur Chang wathes children in a day-care center through a one-way mirror. Chang is utilizing which form of research?
Naturalistic observation
In survey research, _______ are segments of the total group who are the subject of interest to the researcher
According to the text, all but which of the following are emerging specialty area in psychology?
________psychologist have worked to identify the cluster of psychological characteristics and behaviors that distinguish people
Which type of psychologist would evaluate whether overcrowding in urban areas is associated with increased violent crimes?
Regarding training to work in the field of psychology, which of the following statements is FALSE?
The Bachelor's degree is recognized as the entry-level degree for professional work in some specialty areas like school psychology and industrial/organizational psychology
Social desirability bias and volunteer bias are problems associated with which research method?
Caroline Sherry is a counseling psychologist. Which of the following is she LEAST likely to see as a client
Mr Andrew has depression
Regarding behaviorism, which of the following statements is false
BF Skinner conducted most of his research with humans
Who is generally recognized as the founder of american psychology
In an experiment, the ______ group receives the manipulation of the independent variable
Which term best captures the meaning of the word "gestalt"
Which theorists are associated with humanistic psychology
Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers
Your psychology professor refers to a research study and says the results were statistically significant what does this mean
The results were unlikely to have been due to chance or other random factors
Dr. Vickers just took a position as an educational psychologist with the blackstone school system. Of the following tasks which is Vickers Least likely to do in this position
Administer intelligence test to students
Which subspecialty represents the largest group of psychologists
A developmental psychologist would most likely
study the psychological crises people experience at different ages
Generalizing from research presented in the text which internet user is most likely to have poorer academic performance as a result of their internet use
Abigail, uso uses the internet to visit chat rooms
I a study of the effects of various brands of ice cream on weight gain, type of ice cream consumed represents the
Independent variable
Which of the following correlations represents two variables with the strongest relationship
The word psychology comes from two greek roots that mean
knowledge and mind
humanistic psychologists stress all of the following except
unconscious forces
the approach that studies the relationships between biological processes and behavior is termed
physiological psychology
which perspective in psychology would suggest that depression is related to changes in brain chemistry
in an experiment the factor that changes in response to some other factor is referred to as the
dependent variable
The behaviorist emphasis on observable events as the focus of inquiry can be traced to which philosopher
dr wilmington is a social psychologist who studies the topic of love. he goes to a variety of places where couples are found and watches how they interact with each other. which research method is dr. wilmington using for his study
naturalistic observation
G stanley hall is known for all but which of the following contributions to psychology
he is considered the founder of american psychology
which of the following statements would be made by a humanist
aggression results when people are blocked from pursuing their goals
a movement with modern psychology that applies principles from darwins theories is called
evolutionary psychology
which of the following is the most complete definition of psychology
the science of behavior and mental processes
an emphasis on the unconscious and early childhood experience is characterless of which school of psychology
dr mpingus keeps a very detailed record of a series of interviews with an individual who is suffering from a rare brain disorder. This is an example of which research method
case study
Graduate student felicity farraday has just completed her dissertation entitled the role of observational learning in the development of prejudice what is farradys major in college
social psychology
A single cubic centimeter of human brain consists of well over ______ nerve cells
50 million
the brain's ability to coordinate information from all five senses best reflects which of the following characteristics of the nervous system
the term plasticity refers to the
brains special capacity for modification and change
you are listening to a lecture. then the bell rings in the hallway. in order to hear this stimulus, ______ neurons must carry electrochemical messages from your ears to you brain
information from the brain and spinal cord to the muscles is sent through ________ thus enabling the body to move
efferent nerves
the brain and spinal cord make up the ___
central nervous system
the _______ nervous system connects the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body
you are walking to school when you encounter a strange barking dog you tense up and contemplate whether you should run away. which nervous system is responsible for this fight or flight reaction
essential body functions such as heart rate breathing and digestion are under the control of the
autonomic nervous system
the cell body contains the ______ which directs the manufacture of substances that a neuron needs for growth and maintenance
your relative is experiencing memory loss related to alzheimer disease research suggest that there may be insufficient production of the neurotransmitter ________in this individuals brain
_____ are natural opiates that shield the body from pain and elevate feelings of pleasure
electrical activity in the brain can be captured by placing multiple electrodes on the scalp and then measuring the underlying electrical activity this method of studying the brains activity is called
if a persons cerebellum were damaged in an accident you would expect the person to have a problem with
balance and muscle coordination
the most comples mental functions such as thinking and planning take place in
cerebral cortes
____is the process by which the brain actively organizes and interprets sensory information
____are specialized cells that detect stimulus information and transmit it to afferent nerves and the brain
sensory receptors
michael a famous musician is designing a new apartment tht will serve as both his residence and his recording studio. since the music studio shares a wall with his bedroom michael want to be sure that the recording studio is soundproof. this mean that michael want to sure that the sound from this studio is well under his _____ while he is i his bedroom
absolute threshold
what theory of perception proposes that detection of stimuli depends on a variety of factors including, but not limited to physical intensity of the stimulus fatigue of the observer and expectancy
signal detection theory
jennifer is a chain smoker. when her friend irene a non-smoker jets in the car with jennifer she is overwhelmed by the smell of smoke. one day she mentioned this fact to jennifer who was surprised by the comment. jennifer claims that when she sniffs her hair and clothing she cant sense the smoky scent. jennifers inability to detect the smoky sent is an example of
sensory adaptation
are specialized receptor ells that enable us to see color
you try to note the incredibly fine details of a computer micochip through a magnifying glass. on which area of the retina should you be focusing this image
the simultaneous distribution of sensory information across different neural pathways is called _____
parallel processing
the pitch of a sound is a function of the sound waves ______ whereas the loudness of a sound is a function of the sound waves_______
the major function of the _____ is to amplify vibrations and pass them on to the inner ear
The cutaneous senses consist of sensory receptors that provide information about _____
touch, temperature, pain
pain receptors________
are dispersed widely throughout the body, Have a much higher threshold for firing than receptors for temperature and touch. Are all anatomically similar, although they differ in the type of physical stimuli to which they most readily respond
endorphins are ______
neurotransmitters that function as natural opiates in producing pleasure and pain
taste buds the sensory receptors for taste are located in the
which of the following components are essential to the definition of consciousnesses
awareness and arousal
what part of the brain is typically most involved in awareness
cerebral cortex
the biological cycle that regulates our pattern of sleep is called
circadian rhythm
jet lag may be explained by the
effect of tie shifts on the circadian rhythm
when you go to check on your sleeping child you observe tht his eyes are moving back and forth rapidly under his eyelids it is likely that he is
in the deepest level of sleep
insomnia is a disorder involving
difficulty going to sleep and staying asleep
courtney insisted that her husband see the doctor. she suspected that he had a sinus problem. periodically during the night he would seem to be startled jump and change his position. his snoring was driving them apart and the jumping kept her from getting a good nights sleep. he was always tired regardless of the number of house he slept. courtney was surprised when the doctor suggested that her husband was suffering from
night terrrors
narcolepsy is a sleep disorder characterized by
irresistible and uncontrollable urges to fall asleep
according to _____ dreams are the brains attempt to make sense of the random firing of brain cells during sleep
the activation-synthesis theory
blake smokes marijuana. when he first started using he used to get high off one joint but now he finds he needs to smoke more and more to get the same high. this is an example of
drug addiction occurs when
physical and / or psychological dependence develops
how does alcohol affect the brain
alcohol affects the concentration of the neurotransmitter gaba... alcohol affects the frontal cortez, a region of the brain invoved in judgement and impulse control......alcohol affects the basal ganglia, a region of the brain involved in compulsive behavior
gloria cant get through the day without several cups of coffee and energy drinks. she says she needs the caffeine to function normally. what type of drug is gloria dependent on
the most widely used stimulants in the world are_____and_____
involves a systematic change
involves a relatively permanent chang in behavior
is central to behaviorist theories
your psychology assignment is to observe and list any behaviors of you relatives that indicate learning. which of the following should be included on you list
your sister bumps into a door when she has a high fever
dr meyer is known for his difficult pop quizzzes. immediately before he spings a pop quiz on his students he typically goes to the classroom door and closes it. students soon learn to anticipate a pop quiz whenever dr meyer closes the classroom door closing the door has become a
pavlovs dog salivates each time he hears a bell, now however after several trials of salivating to the bell and not receiving any food the dog stops salivation. what happened
extinction has occurred
robert drank too much tequila last night he spent much of this morning vomiting and nauseated according to the principles of classical conditioning how will robert likely react today when he tastes or smells the tequila bottle that he drank our of last night
he will find the scent and taste of tquila aversive
whenever baby nimo cries, his mother picks him up. from a behaviorist perspective picking up baby nimo whenever he cries
is a negative reinforcer for nimo for crying
which of the following is the best example of negative reinforcement
abbys dad kept nagging her to clean her room she eventually complied and did what her father wanted in order to get her dad to stop nagging
a reinforcer that is innately satisfying and does not require any leaning to be perceived of as pleasurable is a ______reinforcer
according to thorndikes law of effect
behaviors followed by desirable outcomes are strengthened and behaviors followed by undesirable outcomes are weakened
bubba a very smart german shepherd has leaned that if he barks at the neighbors while theyre grilling they will throw him a treat. however his owner paul does not want bubba to eat people food so does not allow bubba to eat treats from the neighbor. when paul is in the yard bubba never bars at the neighbors. according to operant conditioning principles, bubba is demonstrating that he can
applied behavior analysis behavior modification programs rely on what principles of leaning to help people develop programs to change
latent learning is
based on insight
tolman demonstrated that rats can lean to run a maze correctly even though they were never reinforced for successfully running through it. this demonstrated the phenomenon of
latent learning
akira haraguchi recited the digits of pi to the first 83431 decimal places in 2005 psychologists consider haraguchi_____
a mnemonist
____ refers to the process of transforming information into a form that can be stored in memory
fifteen year old matt and his father are in an elecronics store looking at video games systems. matt gives his father a complete breakdown of the pros and cons of each of the different video games systems on display. according to research on encoding processes matt is able to accurately recall all this information because he
has deeply processed this information
______states that memory storage involves three separate systems sensory memory, short term memory, and long term memory
atkinson shiffrin theory
although _____ is rich and detailed we lose the information in it quickly unless we use certain strategies that transfer it into other memory systems
sensory memory
unrehearsed information stored in short term memory lasts about
30 seconds
chunking involves
reorganizing information that exceeds the 7 plus or minus 2 rule into smaller meaningful units
shannon is an excellent student she rewrites her class notes after each class rewriting her notes is a form of
your knowledge of the alphabet and multiplication tables is stored in you _______ memory
working memory ______
is an active memory system
long term potentiation is a concept that explains
how memory functions at the neuron level
george has jsut graduated from college and is going on his first big job interview. he has leaned that here are 10 other applicants for the job because of information on the serial position effect that he leaned in his psychology class, george asks to be either the first or the last candidate interviewed why
the serial position effect predicts that either the first or the last job applicant interviewed will be remembered better than the applicant interviewed second
eye witness accounts of crimes are
prone to errors
a few years ago you had a boyfriend named steve now you have a new boyfriend named stephen because of _____ you sometimes call stephen by steves name
proactive interference
tamara is writing a paper about reactions to the tragedy that occurred at the twin towers on sept 11. she interviews ten of her classmates and asks them to remember that day. she is surprised to learn that nearly all of the students she interviewed offer very detailed vivid accounts of where they were and what they were doing when they first learned of the terrorist attacks. tamara has discovered that most of her classmates have_____ of sept 11
implicit but not explicit memories