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68 Cards in this Set

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what is short term memory?

holds non-sensory information for only about a minute at a time

how many short term emory things can we remember at once?


what is consciousness

subjective experience between world and mind

how things seem to the conscious person is what


what are the four properties of consciousness

intentionality - being directed towards an object

unity - resistance to division

selectivity - the capacity to include some objects, but not others

Transience - the tendency to change

what are the levels of consciousness?

minimal form - rolling over when sleeping

full conscious - able to understand whats going on

self consciousness - drawn to yourself

what is experience sampling?

People are asked to report their conscious experience at particular times.

what is daydreaming?

when you have a stream of purposeless thoughts come to mind.

what is mental control?

trying to change your conscious state

thought suppression

conscious avoidance of a thought

what is the problem with thought supression?

rebound effect

what is the rebound effect?

a tendency of a thought to return, after it has bee suppressed. pink bear white gorilla

what are the states of sleep?

Hypnagogic state - pre sleep consciousness

Hypnopompic state - entering post sleep consciousness

Hypnic Jerk?

sudden feeling of falling

Circadian cycle

naturally occurring 24 hour cycle.

Humans have how many hours of circadian cycle?


what are zeitgerbers

environmental cues that reset the cycle each day

What was the first cue regarding the human sleep cycle?



beta waves


alpha waves

stage 1 sleep:

theta waves

stage 2 sleep:

spindles and k complexes

Stage 3/4 sleep:

delta waves:

what stage does sleep walking/talking occur in?

stage 3

REM sleep:

random waves

memories deteriorates unless:

sleep occurs


theory that sleep allows muscles and body to repair during


unable to fall asleep

People with insomnia often take sleeping pills, what is bad about this?

the pills shorten the time of REM sleep

Sleep Apnea


What age does sleep walking occur the most?


Sleep Paralysis

not being able to move


sudden sleep attacks

What are the 5 characteristics of dreams?

1) intense emotion

2)illogical thought

3) meaningful sensation

4)uncritical acceptance

5) difficulty remembering

Day residue

dreaming about things that happened in the day time

What stage(s) do night terrors and nightmares occur?


what is the difference between REM and non-REM dreams?

non - minor experiences in compressed form, taking the past and how it might relate to the future,

REM - higher emotional content, taking the past and applying it to future

what is REM dreaming associated with



confusing content because dreams represent wishes

manifest content

dreams apparent topic or superficial meaning

latent content

true underlying meaning

activation synthesis model

Dreams are produced when the mind attempts to make sense of random activity that occurs in the brain during sleep

when the brain starts dreaming

Amygdala activates, motor cortex is activated but spinal neurons inhibit motor activation

dynamic unconsciousness

an active encompressing a lifetime of hidden memories

freudian slips

organism vs orgasm

Cognitvie unconscious

processes that influence thoughts, choices, emotions, and behaviours not expected by the person

subliminal perception

a thought or behaviour that is influenced by stimuli that a person cannot consciously report perceiving

hypnotic induction

me at dry grad, bowing every time people clapped


thinking youre not gonna be hypnotized = wont be


block out world stimuli


come from childhood truama, know how to escape unpleasent events

what is hypnotherapy mostly used for?

phobias, smoking, insomnia

Hypnotic analgesia

relieving pain through hypnotizing

depressents ?

substances that reduce the activity of the CNS

what does depressant drugs decrease?


most common depressant is


expectancy theory

how you see people drink is how you see it booze in your life

grape juice experiment is an example of

balanced placebo experiment

alchohol myopia

leading people to respond in simple ways to complex questions (inlove with bestfriends partner)


substances that excite the CNS

stimulants increase levels of what?

dopamine, serotonin, and norephenphrine

Ecstasy increases

serotonin and oxytonin

motivational toxicity

describes a distribution of motivational hierarchy

motivational toxicity increases what and decreases what

Increased motivational efficacy of drugs Decreased motivational efficacy of natural rewards

cocaine does what

triple reuptake inhibitor, antagonist

narcotics or opiates

- drugs delivered from opium that are capable of relieving painHeroin, morphine, methadone, codeine


involved in regulation of mood, memory, appetite

