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19 Cards in this Set

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Principles of bloa

1. Emotions + behaviors = products if anatomy/physiology of nervous/endocrine system

2. Animal research may inform understanding of behavior

3. Patterns of behavior can be inherited so are innate bc genetic

Outline 2 effects of NT on behavior

NT: chem stubstances released @ nerve's axon terminal in2 synapse + binds w receptors @ other neuron's dendrites. Released by action potential by presynaptic neuron 4 communication. Diff NT have diff effects, can have multiple effects
Acetylcholine: Motor control @ junction between nerves, higher level functions eg. mem, dreaming, slp, learning. Imp 4 PNS + CNS
Dopamine: Pleasure, goal-oriented behavior, reward, motivation, motor control/planning, esp 4 reward-related stuff

Outline 2 effects of NT on behavior - Martinez + Kesner (91)

A: Effects of ach on mem formation
P: Rats ran thru simple T-maze + b4 mem = consolidated injected w: a) scopolamine (block ach receptors) b) physostigmine (destroys acetylcholesteras enzyme that break ach down) c) saline solution (placebo; control group)
R: a) = fastest + least mistakes, b) = slowest + most mistakes
E: Controlled 4 confounding variable so direct causation, v reductionist look @ mem, implication 4 demetia + alz, on animals so maybe cant generalize, ach affects mem positively

Outline 2 effects of NT on behavior- Fisher (2000s)

A: Determine neural mech involved in romantic love @ early stages. Is m8 choice associ8d w specific brain part?

P: Use fMRI 2 test a) if romantic love involves subcortical dopaminergic pathways that medi8 reward b) neural pathways w goal-directed behavior. Interviewed, questionnaire about how in love. Shown pic of love, countback distraction task, neutral acquaintance face, countback. x6

R: Activated specific areas, eg right ventral tegmental area, where dope cells are, so romantic love is associated w subcortical dopaminergic pathways @ reward/motivation systems + human mating drive. More activity in dope-rich areas 4 reward, motivation, goal orientation; same area as addiction

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Detects changes in cerebral bloodflow via magnetic field/radio waves

Subcortical dopaminergenic pathways

Collection of dope-releasing neurons

Ventral tegmental area

@ midbrain, rich in seratonin + dope

Part of pleasure/reward system, so incentives + behavioral motivation

Imp in addiction

Explain the reliability of 1 cog process w reference 2 1 relevant study

Memory: act of encoding, storing, processing, and recalling past info

Reliability: being trustworthy + performing consistently well. Degree 2 which smth can be depended on 2 be accurate

Mem = constantly changing, affected by schemata, leading question, fbm, etc so not consistent

Loftus' argument: mem = reconstructive, ppl reconstruct mem based on schema + relevant info, so mem is unreliable and can be influenced.

Ppl think mem = cam, irl it's just the gist of the events

Schema: mental unit of knowledge 2 categorize info + make sense of world

Explain the reliability of 1 cog process w reference 2 1 relevant study - Loftus + Palmer (70s)

A: does changing the verb in a leading question activate diff schemata and thus alter mem?

P: Particip shown videos of car crashes + asked 2 recall what happened + questionnaire. Imp Q: How fast were the cars going when they hit/bumped/smashed/collided/contacted w eachother

R: smashed: 40.8 mph, contacted: 31.8 mph

Describe situational/disp factors in explaining behavior

Situational: outside world, things around us, ppl, events, etc

Disp: internal, personality, innate, etc

Describe situational/disp factors in explaining behavior - Zimbardo (70s)

A: Investigate power of situation

P: 22M Stanford uni students. Psych + med test. randomly assigned 2 prisoner/guard situations. P: arrested, taken 2 stn, fingerprinted, blindfolded 2 prison, stripped, deloused, given uniform, number, shower cap. G: given costume, props. Told 2 keep order + no physical abuse.

R: Ended after 6 instead of 14 days bc of reactions. P: dehumanized, depressed, loss of identity, etc. G: awful

Still had some individual differences: Tom = v compliant, obedience, wouldn't swear bc morals. Hellmann = brute, enjoyed it, worst, some guards nice(r), passive

Describe situational/disp factors in explaining behavior - Milgram (60s)

A: Effect of authority on obedience

P: Told that testing effect of punishment on behavior. Actor + particip drew parts (rigged so particip teacher). Taken 2 other rm, actor strapped down w electrodes, particip given 45V shock so looks legit. Taken 2 other rm, given switchboard w max 450V, asks Q, every wrong ans gives higher shock. If protests prompts: pls cont, the experiment requires u 2 cont, it is absolutely essential for u 2 cont, u must cont

R: no1 stopped b4 300V, 65% cont 2 450V. Individual diff so somewhat disp

Discuss why 2 research methods are used @ BLOA

Research method: need 2 have method of collecting data, diff good 4 diff things. Experiments, case studies, observational, interview, survey/questionnaire, tech, correlation

Researcher bias: researcher's expectations influence study outcome.

Observer bias: Particip know are observed/act diff bc know aim. Deception

Discuss why 2 research methods are used @ BLOA - Experiments

Strictly controlled cond w @least 1 IV manip 2 determine causation between IV + DV. Field vs lab

May be unethical so use animals but less valid

Considered most scientific

Discuss why 2 research methods are used @ BLOA - Meaney et al (80s)

A: determine effect of glucocorticoid lvls on mem/hippo degen

P: 2 groups of rats separated from mom 4 15 mins per day: handled (brushed), non-handled. Measured lifetime gluc lvls + MSM

R: less lifetime gluc lvls or handled rats + less hippo degen + better @ MSM

IV: Gluc lvl, manip by 2 cond DV: mem/hippo degen

Discuss why 2 research methods are used @ BLOA - Wedekind (90s)

A: Relationship between F's major histocompatability complex (gene that code protein @ surface of cells that helps immune system detect foreign substances)

P: 6M wore t-shirts 4 2 days, no scents. Women smelled them (3 = same, 3 = diff MHC) + control, not worn shirt. R8d based on sexiness, pleasantness, intensity

R: Diff MHC = more attractive unless on BC

IV: MHC, BC DV: Attractiveness

Discuss why 2 research methods are used @ BLOA - Case Study

Conducted on individual/group, naturalistic, so more eco valid but less generalizable bc not random, v. small sample size. Holistic approach via triangulation (uses multiple research methods so less rm 4 errors, more credible concl). Useful if smth hasn't been researched yet, can't be induced artificially, or is v. unethical. Lot's of pathalogical stuff. No firm forrelation so less credible, researchers form relationship so more personal and skewed data. Qualitative. Longitudinal, so takes long time; expensive + inneficient

Discuss why 2 research methods are used @ BLOA - Feinstein (2011)

A: Investigate SM w bilateral amy lesions so no amy

P: Presented diff stimuli 2 try 2 induce fear, administered self-reports, questionnaires, reported traumatic events. Observed 4 3 months

R: no fear, emotions = ok tho

Discuss why 2 research methods are used @ BLOA - Squire et al (Eugene Pauly)

A: Investigate EP who had major brain damage + mem loss

P: IQ test, interviewed him/fam, life history interview, mem pairing game, observation, mri, post-mortem brain study

R: Major symmetrical bilateral damage so no hippo/amy, scarred white matter, degen of other brain parts. 95% @ mem game after 36 days. No semantic/episodic knowledge, major anterograde/retrograde amnesia, could rmbr childhood. Basal ganglia intact so could form new habits. Could go places but not describe/draw it, if interrupted = lost