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86 Cards in this Set

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What is personality?
Typical ways of acting, thinking, and feeling that differentiate one person from another.
What are the 5 Trait Theories of Personality?
Allport's Theory
Big 5 Personality Traits
Psychoanalytical Theory
Social Learning Theory
Humanistic Theory
What is Allport's Trait Theory?
Common, general traits
Secondary, specific traits
What are the Big 5 personality traits?

What is openness?
New ideas/experiences, trying new things
What is conscientiousness?
Keep in mind things about self and others.
What is extraversion?
outgoing, pursuing activites
What is agreeableness?
What is neuroticism?
emotional, worrisome, nervous
What is the psychoanalytical theory?
-Focus on sex
-3 levels of conscious awareness
-3 parts of the mind
What are the 3 levels of conscious awareness?
-Preconscious (temp. unconscious)
-Unconscious (more perm. unconscious)
What are the 3 parts of the mind?
What is the Id part of the mind?
-Instincts (pleasure)
-All it wants is to be pleased
-Drives most of what we want
What is the Ego part of the mind?
-Realistic thinking
-Helps monitor and regulate the Id (reality)
What is the Superego part of the mind?
-Constant battle with Id of right vs. wrong
What is a "freudian slip"?
-Calling someone the wrong name
-Snapshots into the unconscious mind
What is the Social Learning Theory?
-Your personality is learned
-Reciprocal determination
-Cognitions (thoughts) determine our behavior
What is reciprocal determination?
-A person's behavior is learned, but the learning environment is affected by us.
What are the 2 types of cognitions that determine our behavior?
-self-efficacy (capable of reaching goals)
-self regulation (reward when doing well, inhibit desires)
What is the Humanistic Theory?
-People are basically good
-Innate tendency to improve lives
What is stress?
-Any event that strains or exceeds and individuals ability to cope.
What are some causes of stress?
-life events
What did Holmes & Rahe research?
-They associated high levels of stress in the past year with medical problems
(Sheldon Cohen @ CMU)
What are the stages of General Adaptation Syndrome?
-Alarm (Fight or Flight)
-Resistance (resistant to current stress)
-Exhaustion (resistance to stress is lowered and body can break down and become sick)
What are cognitive factors of stress?
-Stress is in the eye of the beholder
-Personality factors
What is involved in effective coping of stress?
-Removing stress
-Cognitive coping (change your way of thinking, think positively)
-Managing stress reactions ( plan relaxing activities)
What is involved in ineffective coping of stress?
-Withdrawal (procrastinate)
-Self-medication (alcohol/drugs)
-Defense mechanisms
What is "abnormal"?
-Actions, thoughts, or feelings that are harmful to self or others.
What are the Historical views of cause of abnormality vs. Contemporary views of cause of abnormality
-Historical- supernatural sources or biological sources
-Contemporary- natural causes (biological or psychological)
What are the 3 hypotheses of defining "abnormal"?
-Continuity Theory
-Discontinuity Theory
-Threshold Model
What is the Continuity Theory of defining "abnormal"?
-More severe form of normal psychological problems
-Continuous approach to classification
What is the Discontinuity Theory of defining "abnormal"?
-Categorical approach to classification
-Completely different from normal theory
What is the Threshold Model of defining "abnormal"?
-Combines continuous and categorical approaches
What is the concept of "insanity"?
-Legal term, not psych diagnosis
-Not guilty by reason of insanity
-Competence to stand trial
-Commitment to mental institution against will
What are anxiety disorders?
-Excessive levels of negative emotions (nervousness, tension, worry, fright, anxiety)
Who are anxiety disorders more common in?
What are phobia's?
-A type of anxiety disorder
-And intense, unrealistic, or irrational fear.
What are the 3 kinds of phobia's?
-Specific phobia
-Social phobia
What is a specific phobia?
-A fear of one specific thing
-Least disruptive
What is a social phobia?
-An extreme fear of social interactions
-Unrealistic negative view of social skills
-Extremely disruptive
What is an agoraphobia?
-An extreme fear of leaving home or other familiar places
-Most disruptive
-Varies in severity
-Can have "panic attacks"
What is generalized anxiety disorder?
-Vague, uneasy sense of tension
-Free-floating anxiety
What is panic anxiety disorder?
-Panic attacks (sharp, intensely uncomfortable, feel like your dying)
-Accompany agoraphobia
What is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)?
-After witnessing or experiencing a traumatic experience (sometimes life threatening) become very fearful, helpless, and full of horror
-Re-experiences (hallucinations, recollections)
What are some ways of treating PTSD?
-Draw attention away from injury/situation
-Give independence
What is obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)?
-Have obsessions and compulsions
-Obsessions- anxiety provoking thoughts
-Compulsions- irresistible urges to engage in behaviors repeatedly
What are Somatoform disorders?
-a mental disorder characterized by physical symptoms that mimic physical disease or injury for which there is no identifiable physical cause
-Person has symptoms, but no physical cause
-Symptoms aren't faked, but there is no reasoning behind them.
What are the 4 types of Somatoform disorders?
-Somatozation Disorder
-Conversion Disorder
-Somatoform Pain Disorder
What is Somatozation Disorder?
-Chronically uncomfortable bodily symptoms (aches, pains, etc.)
-Sometimes anxiety, depression, drug addiction
-Often time surgery is necessary
What is Hypochondriasis?
-Life dominated by concerns over physical health
-No depression, anxiety, or surgery
What are Conversion Disorders?
-No physical cause
-Anxiety converted to physical symptoms
-blindness, deafness, paralysis
-Not upset
-Sometimes beneficial (escape stressor)
What is Somatoform Pain Disorder?
-Similar to conversion disorders but characterized with pain
-sometimes doesn't follow nerve pathways
-comes during anxiety
-can be beneficial
What are Dissociative Disorders?
-Sudden changes in cognition
-Most common under intense stress
What are the 4 types of Dissociative Disorders?
-Dissociative Amnesia
-Dissociative Fugue
-Dissociative Identity Disorder
What is Depersonalization?
-Distorted, unreal feeling
-Feel as though you have left your body
-Know it's not real, but feels real
What is Dissociative Amnesia?
-Form of memory loss (psychologically caused)
-Usually after a traumatic event
-Unable to recall important information
-Causes significant distress or impairment
What is Dissociative Fugue?
-Complete memory loss of identity/previous life
-Semiconsciously wandering (take on new identity)
-Become more fun-loving & sociable
-Rare but very stressful
What is Dissociative Identity Disorder?
-Somewhat like Dissociative Fugue
-"multiple personality disorder"
-Switch from one person to another abruptly and repeatedly
What are 2 Personality Disorders?
-Schizoid Personality Disorder
-Antisocial Personality Disorder
What is Schizoid Personality Disorder?
-"loners", no friends, no desire for contact
-Show little emotion
-Results in loss of care for hygiene
-Happens throughout lifetime
What is Antisocial Personality Disorder?
-asocial (wanting to be left alone)
-hostile and disruptive
-lying, irritable, agressive
What is Anorexia Nervosa?
-Refusal to maintain a healthy body weight
-Fear of gaining weight
-1% of females
What is Bulimia Nervosa?
-3% of females
-bingeing/loss of control
-Compensatory behavior (throwing up, laxatives, exercise)
-2 times a week for 3 months
What is Schizophrenia?
-Having delusions (strange false beliefs)
-Having hallucinations (false perceptual experiences)
-about 1% of population
What are the 3 subtypes of Schizophrenia?
-Paranoid Schizophrenia
-Disorganized Schizophrenia
-Catatonic Schizophrenia
What is Paranoid Schizophrenia?
-Delusions that seriously distort reality
-of grandeur- I am Jesus Christ
-of persecution- everyone's out to get me
What is Disorganized Schizophrenia?
-Delusions have little recognizable meaning
-Speech is disorganized along with behavior
-Inappropriate facial expressions
What is Catatonic Schizophrenia?
-Psychomotor disturbance
-immobility, excessive motor activity, waxy flexibility
-Echoalia (parrot like repetition of words)
-Echopraxia (repetitive imitation of movements of another)
What study did Elaine Walker conduct?
The "home movie studies"
-subtle abnormalities in early motor development
-Behavioral signs way before clinical onset
What is Delusional Disorder?
-Paranoid delusions of grandeur and persecution
-NOT Paranoid Schizophrenia because NOT hallucinations and delusions are less illogical
What are Mood Disorders?
-Psychological disorders involving depression and/or mania
-Gender difference
-Women more likely for depression
What is Major Depression?
-Deep unhappiness & loss of interest in life, suicidal thoughts
-Ranges from mild to severe
-Positive family history
What is Bipolar Disorder?
-Periods of mania alternate irregularly with periods of depression
-usually 3 to 4 changes per year
What is mania?
Intense euphoria, unrealistic optimism and heightened sensory pleasures
What are the 8 types of therapies?
-Cognitive Behavior Therapy
-Cognitive Therapy
-Treatment of Depression
-Behavior Therapy
-Cognitive Restructuring
-Interpersonal Psychotherapy
-Drug vs. Talk Therapy
What is Psychotherapy?
-People helping people
-Asking questions & making suggestions
-Not with drugs
-Ethical standards
What is Psychoanalysis?
-Based on Freud (Id, ego, superego)
-Bring information out of unconscious mind
What are some techniques of Psychoanalysis?
-Free association (talk in undirected way)
-Dream interpretation
-Interpretation of Resistance
-Interpretation of interaction
What is Cognitive Behavior Therapy?
-Social learning theory of personality
-Fear reduction
-Social skills training (use shaping and + reinforcement to change behaviors)
What is Cognitive Therapy?
-Change faulty, maladaptive cognitions (thoughts)
Treatment: cognitive restructuring
What are some types of cognitive therapy?
-Selective abstraction (base thoughts on small detail)
-Overgeneralization (gen. conc.)
-Arbitrary Inference (conc. based on little or no evidence)
-Magnification/minimization (out of proportion)
-Personalization (all about me)
-Absolutistic Thinking (all or none)
What is Treatment of Depression?
-Based on theories of causes
-Biological: genetic component
-Cognitive/Behavioral: thoughts & behaviors
-Psychodynamic: conflict/guilt/low self esteem due to childhood exp.
What is Behavior Therapy?
-Deficient social skills
-Stressful life events disrupt scripts
-Treatment: change environment, improve social skills
What is Cognitive Restructuring?
-Identify and monitor dysfunctional automatic thoughts
-Recognize connection between thoughts, emotions, and behavior
-Evaluate reasonableness
-Substitute more reasonable thoughts
-Identify and alter dysfunctional assumptions
What is Interpersonal Psychotherapy?
-A brief treatment for depression
-Focuses on present
-Relate feelings to problems
-Express feelings constructively
-Identify unhealthy relationships
-master new roles
What is Drug vs. Talk Therapy?
-Combination works best
-Mostly talk
-Drugs are faster but it's hard to find the right one
-Prozac: anti-depressant (slows re-uptake)