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86 Cards in this Set

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what is Thomas Szasz famous for?
arguing that "mental illness is a myth" and that mental disorders are nothing more than conditions society does not like
5 criteria for what a mental disorder is...
1. statistical rarity 2. subjective distress 3. impairment 4. societal disapproval 5. biological disfunction
who created the moral treatment approach and what did it change in asylums?
Phillippe Pinel and Dorothea Dix

treated patients with dignity and respect and gave them more freedoms in the asylums, like to walk around and talk to others
what are the 4 misconceptions about psych classification?
1. psych diagnosis is just sorting people into different "boxes" 2. diagnosis is unreliable 3. diagnosis are invalid 4. diagnosis stigmatize people
diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders- diagnostic system containing the American Psych Assoc criteria for mental disorders
how many different classes of disorders are there according to the DSM?
what are the criteria for diagnosing a person with major depression?
must exhibit at least 5 of the 9 symptoms including 1 of the first 2 over a two week period
dimension of functioning
percent of people within a population who has a specific mental disorder
co-occurrence of 2 or more diagnoses within the same person
categorical model
model in which a mental disorder differs from normal functioning in kind rather that in degree
dimensional model
model where a mental disorder differs from normal functioning in degree rather than kind
which model is a downfall of the DSM-IV and why? categorical or dimensional?
it relies to much on categorical because it tends to say a mental disorder is either present or absent, no in between
involuntary commitment
putting someone with mental illness in a psych hospital based on their potential danger to themselves or others
somatoform disorder
condition marked by a physical symptom that suggest an underlying medical illness, but that are actually psychological in origin
what percent of people will meet diagnostic criteria for an anxiety disorder sometime in their life?
generalized anxiety disorder- continual feeling of worry, anxiety, tension etc across many areas of life functioning

(3% of population have this)
fear of being in a place of situation from which escape is difficult of embarrassing, or in which help is unavailable in the event of a panic attack
specific phobia
intense fear of objects, places, or situations that is greatly out of proportion to their actual threat
social phobia (social anxiety disorder)
marked fear of public appearances in which embarrassment or humiliation seems likely
persistent idea, thought, or impulse that is unwanted and inappropriate, causing stress
repetitive behavior or mental act performed to reduce or prevent stress
major depressive disorder
-lingering depressed mood/ diminished interest in fun
- weight loss
- sleep difficulties
manic episode
-inflated self esteem
-no need for sleep
-excessive involvement in pleasurable activities
bipolar disorder 1
presence of 1 or more manic episodes
dysthymic disorder
low-level depression of at least 2 years
hypomanic disorder
less intense manic episode
bipolar disorder 2
patients must experience at least 1 major depressive episode and 1 hypomanic episode
cyclothymic disorder
cycles of numerous periods of hypomanic and depressive symptoms
cognitive model of depression, who created it?
theory that depression is caused by negative beliefs and expectations

Aaron Beck
learned helplessness
tendency to feel helpless in the face of events we can't control
who experimented on learned helplessness?
Martin Seligman (and Bruce Overmier)
formerly called manic depressive disorder, condition with manic episodes
bipolar disorder
which is the most genetically influenced of all mental disorders?
bipolar disorder
2 highest risk of suicide disorders?
depression and bipolar disorder
suicide takes what number leading cause of death in the united states?
11th leading cause of death (3rd in children and young adults)
about how many people commit suicide in the US every year?
5 big myths about suicide
1. talking to persons with depression about it makes them more likely to do it 2. suicide is almost always done without warning 3. as depression lifts, suicide risk decreases 4. most people who threaten are seeking attention 5. people who talk a lot almost never commit
personality disorder
condition in which personality traits, appearing as a child, are inflexible, stable, expressed in a wide variety of situations and lead to distress or impairment
borderline personality disorder
condition marked by extreme instability in mood, identity and impulse control
psychopathic personality
condition marked by superficial charm, dishonesty, manipulativeness, self-centeredness and risk taking
antisocial personality disorder (ASPD)
condition marked by a lengthy history of irresponsible and/or illegal actions
dissociative disorder
condition involving disruptions in the consciousness, memory, identity or perception
what is known as the "cancer" of mental illnesses?
schizophrenia, bc it is the most severe and mysterious
strongly held, fixed belief that has no basis in reality

and what is the most common type?
sensory perception that occur in the absence of an external stimulus

command hallucinations, auditory hallucination telling a person what to do
catatonic symptoms
motor problems: extreme resistance to complying with simple suggestions, holding the body is bizarre positions, curling up in the fetal position
-deficits in language
-social bonding
- imagination
- mild mental retardation
called the common cold of psychological disorders
one of the most controversial challenges in diagnosing ADHD in children is distinguishing it from....
early-onset bipolar disorder
T/F a symptom typical of an individual with a schizoid personality disorder is detachment from social relationships?
what idea of mental disorders is the diathesis-stress model of schizophrenia built on?
they are a product of genetic vulnerability combined with stressors that trigger the vulnerability
the medical model
regards mental illness primarily as a physical disorder requiring medical treatment
theorist who proposed that depression should be seen as a social disorder bc they seek excessive reassurance which causes other people to reject them.. ?
according to Seligman there are striking parallels between learned helplessness and _____ symptoms
According to Freud, the goal of psychoanalysis is to __________ by bringing to awareness previously repressed impulses, conflicts, and memories
decrease guilt and frustration
how many patients appear to actually become worse following psychotherapy?
5 to 10 %
therapist who can regard the world as the patient views it
Dean’s therapist employed the two-chair technique to help him integrate the “party boy” and “mama’s boy” aspects of his personality. This technique is a hallmark of _______ therapy
Bob is about to undergo vagus nerve stimulation to treat his severe depression. Where will the surgeon implant the stimulator device?
near his breastbone
Vagus nerve stimulation is primarily used to treat what?
severe depression
interpersonal therapy has been successful in treating what?
what has led to a recent decrease in the prescribing of antidepressants?
FDA warnings about side effects
the two-chair technique is used by ____ therapists
tardive dyskinesia
involuntary movements
medication is effected by the 3 following differences between people
weight, age, and race
person with no professional training who provides mental health services
T/F the type of psychotherapy you pick is more important than the therapist
false- the choice of therapist is every bit as important as the type of therapy
psychodynamic therapy
treatments inspired by the classical psychoanalysis and influenced by Freud's techniques
insight therapies
psychotherapies, including psychodynamics, humanistic and group approaches with the goal of expanding awareness and insight
what are the 6 primary approaches psychoanalytic therapists use to fill Freud's goal of psychoanalysis
1. free association 2. interpretation 3. dream analysis 4. resistance 5. transference 6. working through
free association
technique in which clients express themselves without censorship of any kind
interpersonal therapy (IPT)
treatment that strengthens social skills and targets interpersonal problems, conflicts, and life transitions
advantages of group therapy

cautions of group therapy
social support, cost effective, practice with social skills

some people need individual sessions, embarrassment,
dodo bird verdict
some researchers believe that all treatments are equal and effective
spontaneous remission
unrelated to therapy
placebo effect
"im receiving treatment therefore i should be feelings better"
self-serving biases
convince themselves they've been helped, invested time and money so I must be getting better
regression to the mean
extreme scores become less extreme on re-testing
retrospective rewriting of the past
adjusting pretreatment memories
systematic desensitization
clients are taught to relax as they are gradually exposed to what they fear in a stepwise manner
anti-anxiety medications treat what (3)
alcohol detox, depression, control blood pressure
antidepressants treat what (4)
panic disorders, pain relief, eating disorders, OCD
mood stabilizers treat what (1)
bipolar disorder
antipsychotics treat what (1)
tourette syndrome
electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
patients receive brief electrical pulses to the brain that produce a seizure to treat serious psych problems