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27 Cards in this Set

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the stimulation of visual receptors


recognizing an object

which type of receptor is slower, but better at adapting to the dark?


Which part of the eye contains the nerves?


Perception of brightness of a color is affected mainly by:

the amplitude of the light waves

In dim light, the pupil of the eye is:

Dilated; producing an image that is not as sharp

Peripheral vision is not associated with:

peripheral vision

What happens when the pupils widen?

Vision may begin to blur

Past experiences and current expectations often influence the way we perceive sensory information because they create:

a perceptual set

we often perceive a series of dots on a printed form as a “solid” line because of the Gestalt principle of:


The perception of timbre corresponds to sound waves


The physical stimuli for the sense of taste

chemicals that are soluble in water

The theory of hearing that views the basilar membrane as being like a drumhead is

frequency theory

which sensory system is the only one which does not involve the thalamus before projecting to the primary cortex?

Olfactory System (smell)

The pathway for pain that results in the experience of pain being less localized and longer lasting in the:

slow pathway

Structure that controls pupil size:


Bland food taste better with a head cold because…

flavor is influenced by smell as well as taste, and with a reduced sense of smell your sense of flavor will be diminished

The sense associated with the perception of taste is referred to as …


incoming pain sensations must pass through and opening in the spinal cord and this opening could be closed, this blocking ascending pain signals; what theory is this referring too?

gate-control theory

Where are auditory stimuli changed into neural signals?


A picture with parallel sides of a runway will lack depth because the failure to make use of the monocular depth cue of :

linear perspective

If you started to starve and see people as food, this would support the idea that visual information is processed:


How is visual info transmitted to the brain?

signals from both eyes go to both hemispheres of the brain

With color vision; the level of the cones color vision occurs via:


Involving color vision; the process in the thalamus and visual cortex is:


Non-tasters tend to have:

fewer taste buds than super-tasters

Stimulations of the sensory receptors of the skin are processed in the:

parietal love