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33 Cards in this Set

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a disorder of the mind
factors that contribute to development
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)
a handbook of clinical disorders used to diagnosing psychopathology
examination of a person's mental state in order to diagnose possible mental illness
particular acts that the OCD patient feels driven to perform over and over again
part of the basal ganglia that helps suppress impulses
major depression
a disorder characterized by severe negative moods and a lack of interest in normally pleasurable activities
a form of depression that is not severe enough to be diagnosed as major depression
bipolar disorder
a mood disorder characterized by alternating periods of depression and mania
manic episodes
elevated mood, increased activity, diminished need for sleep, grandiose ideas, racing thoughts, extreme distractibility
hypomaniac episodes
heightened creativity and productivity, extremely pleasurable and rewarding
a less extreme form of bipolar disorder
seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
a disorder in which periods of depression occur during the times of year with less sunlight
cognitive triad
depressed people think about themselves, their situation and the future in a negative manner
learned helplessness model
a cognitive model of depression in which people feel unable to control events around them
a mental disorder characterized by alterations in perceptions, emotions, thoughts or consciousness
positive symptoms
symptoms of schizophrenia, such as delusions and hallucinations, that are excess in behavior
false personal beliefs based on incorrect inferences about reality
fake sensory perceptions that are experienced without an external force
loosening of associations
a speech pattern among schizophrenic patients in which their thoughts are disorganized or meaningless
negative symptoms
symptoms of schizophrenia marked by deficits in functioning such as apathy, lack of emotion, slowed speech and movement
personality disorder
a class of mental disorders marked by inflexible and maladaptive ways of interacting with the world
borderline personality disorder
a personality disorder characterized by identity, affective and impulse disturbances
antisocial personality disorder
a personality disorder marked by a lack or empathy and remorse
elimination disorders
feces or urination in innappropriate places
learning disrders
low performance in reading, maths and written performance according to age, and education
mental retardation
below average intellectual functioning, limited adaptive functioning
rumination disorder
regurgitating or re-chewing of partially digested food
selective mutism
failure to speak in certain situations, interferes with social or academic achievment
tourette's disorder
motor and vocal tics that cause distress or impairment
a developmental disorder involving deficits, impaired communication and restricted interests
Asperger's syndrome
high-functioning autism in which children of normal intelligence have specific deficits in social interaction
attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder
a disorder characterized by restless, inattentive, and impulsive behaviors