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28 Cards in this Set

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What is learning?
Process by which experience produces a relatively enduring change in an organism's behavior or capablities.
What does ethology focus on?
evolution, functions of behavior, and adaptive significance
What classical conditioning?
learning process where an oraganism learns 2 stimuli unrelated... Pavlor experiment with the dogs
what are the 3 types of learning?
classical conditioning, operant conditioning, observational learning
What is an uncondition stimuli?
stimulus that automatically triggers a response
what is an unconditioned response?
an automatic response
what is are conditioned stimuli (CS)?
a neutral stimulus that leads to a conditioned response
what are conditioned reponses?
learned responses
What is opernant conditioning?
a type of learning in which behavior is influenced by the consequences that follow it.... repear -> rewards.... avoid -> punished
what is observational learning?
learning through the experiences of others
What is generlization?
example: a person gets bit by a pitbull, and they become afraid of all dogs
What is discrimination?
example: The ablity to distinguish the difference between a car alarm and a fire alarm.
True or flase.... cognitive process and biological predisposition effects behaviorism?
What pyschologist is associated with operative conditioning?
What is shaping?
reforcing by experimenter to get desired behavior
What are principles of reinforcement?
any consequences that strengthens behavior
what is positive reinforcement?
something desirable is added
what is negative reinforcement?
something undesirable is removed... you put on a jacket so you dont get cold
What is the differences between primary reinforces and secondary reinforces?
primary reinforces are stimuli that satisfy biological needs, secondary reinforces are strenghted by primary reinforces. examples of secondary reinforces are money, praise,grades etc
What is a fixed ratio schedule?
What is it's response rate?
reinforcement after a certain number of responses
has a high response rate
what is a rariable ratio schedule?
what is its response rate?
reinforcement after an unperdictable number of responses
high response rate, resistant to extinction
what is a fixed interval rate schedule?
what is its response rate?
reinforcement only after a specifized time interval
response rate is slow after each reinforcement, increase right before next reinforcement

craming for a test is an example
what is a variable interval schedule?
what is its response rate?
reinforcement at unpredictable times
steady rate of response
What are two ways to extinguish a behavior?
operant extinctintion- no reinforcement -> extinguishes behavior

punishment- weakens behavor, supresses behavior
What are 2 different types of punishment?
adversion- actively apply adversive response

response cost- behavior followed by removal of something
What are some important things to remember about punishment?
-behavior may be removed -> increase aggression, creation of fear, axeity, depression etc
-needs to be present immediatly
-tells what not to do, not what to do
-can backfire
-can have inhibiting effect
-avoid physical violence
-punisher associated with punishment
What is latent learning?
learning without reinforcement
what are the 4 steps to modelling behavior?
1. attention
2. retentsion
3. reproduction
4. motivation (knowledge vs perforcemence)