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40 Cards in this Set

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the combination of psychological characteristics and behavior patterns that characterize the uniqueness of an individual and the ways in which the individual relates to the world and adapts to environmental demands is called


freud developed an approach to personality called __ theory


freud's psychoanalytic theory posits that the preconscious consists of __

information that can be retrieved from memory and brought into awareness at any time

freud's psychoanalytic theory posits that the superego consists of __

the internalized moral teachings of parents or other significant others that may be partially conscious of partially unconscious

the psychoanalytic theory, __ is to reality principle as __ is to pleasure principle.

ego; id

the psychoanalytic theory, the personality structure that organizes ways to handle delays of gratification and represents "reason and good sense"


which part of the personality might be described as "the great compromiser"?


in freudian theory, the failure to acknowledge a threatening impulse or desire is called


rationalization is

using self-justifications to explain away unacceptable behavior

regarding freud's view on personality development, which of the following statements is false?

freud believed that boys develop womb envy and girls develop penis envy

what is the correct ordering of freud's psychosexual stages of development?

oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital

a major contribution of Jung to the psychodynamic approach was his belief in

a collective unconscious

Jung believed that similarities among cultures in dream images, art, and religious symbols are an essential part of the

collective unconscious

according to adler, because of their small size and limited abilities, all children harbor feelings of


in karen horney's theory of personality development, children may develop a deep form of resentment toward their parents. horney labeled this is as

basic hostility

karen horney's feminine psychology emphasized the importance of our basic anxiety, which is __

our feelings of "being isolated and helpless in a potentially hostile world"

psychodynamic theory has been criticized on all but which of the following grounds?

it places too much emphasis on social influences

in alport's view, cardinal traits are

the most pervasive characteristics of one's personality

the most widely adopted trait model of personality today is the

five-factor model

Tifara takes a personality test measuring the "big five"factors of personality. results from one of the test's subscales suggest that Tifara is conforming, practical, and conventional. which factor is being measured with this subscale?


the construct of __ represents the belief that behavior involves an interrelationship between personality traits and situational factors.


the most widely held view in contemporary psychology is that __

genetic factors are somewhat more important than environmental factors in determining our personalities

an extension of behaviorism that includes roles for internal mental processes and the influences of other people on our behavior is called

social-cognitive theory

in social-cognitive theory, all but which of the following play a role in explaining personality?

a person's unconscious impulses

an individual's general belief about his or her ability to obtain reinforcements is referred to as

locus of control

albert bandura's theory emphasizes the importance of an individual's efficacy expectations, by which is meant __

our beliefs about our own abilities to perform tasks we set out to accomplish

regarding self-efficacy, which of the following statements is false?

successful experiences boost self efficacy in children but not in adults

in mischel's theory, which person variable concerns the ability to plan courses of action to achieve goals and obtain rewards?

self-regulatory systems and plans

psychologist walter mischel emphasizes the importance of self-regulatory systems and plans, by which is meant __

our ability to plan courses of action to achieve our goals and to reward ourselves for accomplishing our goals

the social-cognitive perspective of personality development is associated with which approach to therapy?

cognitive-behavioral therapy

in the humanistic perspective, realization of one's own potential is known as


according to humanists, personality is

the expression of conscious experience of directing ourselves towards achieving our own unique potentials

in comparison to psychodynamic and behaviorist explanations of human behavior and though processes, humanistic theory

is more positive and endorses the idea of personal freedom

gerneralizing from roger's ideas about positive regard, which tactic should parents take with their children?

prize their children regardless of their behavior at any particular time

in humanistic theory of rogers and maslow, personality is best described as

a process, rather than an outcome

when taken to extremes, collectivistic values might lead to undesirable consequences, such as __

needlessly limiting creativity, innovation, and personal initiative

when taken to extremes, individualistic values might lead to undesirable consequences, such as __

needlessly encouraging unrestrained greed and the exploitation of others

__ are the most widely used method for learning about personality today.

formal personality tests

the use of projective tests in measuring personality is most consistent with which perspective on personality?


regarding psychological tests, which of the following statements is false?

one problem with objective tests is their stimulus pull