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18 Cards in this Set

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Greek physiologist that thought the mind or soul resided in the brain; believed it was composed of a physical substance: mind-body dualism


Famous for staying “know thy self”


Greek philosopher that believed that who we are and what we know are innate


Plato’s student who believed that who we are and what we know are acquired from experiences

John Locke

believed that knowledge comes from observation and what we know comes from experience (aligns with Aristotle); he coined the term “trabula rasa” meaning blank slate and said “the mind is a blank slate in which the environment writes upon”

Rene Descartes

Believed that what we know is innate (aligns with Plato) and focused much of his research on how the nervous system responds; said: “I think therefore I am”

Charles darwin

Came up with the theory of natural selection; wrote origin of species

Wilhelm Wundt

Is credited as the founder of scientific psychology as he in 1879 set up a research lab in Germany; help found the school of structuralism which aimed to focus on the structure of the mind and identify the basic elements of consciousness

William James

A psychologist that felt that Wundt was asking the wrong questions; more interested in the function or purpose of behavioral acts; wrote first psychology textbook

Max wertheimer

Founded gestalt psychology; the whole is more than the sum of its parts

Sigmund freud

Developed the psychoanalytic approach and focused on unconscious desires (Freudian slips, life and death instincts, libido, early life experiences)

Abraham Maslow

Wrote hierarchy of need; leader of humanistic approach along with Carl Rogers

Carl Rogers

Wrote unconditional positive regard and led the humanistic approach along with Abraham maslow

John B Watson

is aligned with behaviorism; wrote a behavioral manifesto-psychology as the behaviorist views it

Mary whiton calkins

American philosopher and psychologist who was the first women to become president of the American psychological association and the American philosophical association

Margret floy Washburn

leading American psychologist worked on animal behavior and motor theory development; first women granted PHD in psychology

Gilbert Haven Jones

First African American to receive a PHD in psychology

Kenneth Clark

American psychologist who pioneered experiments evaluating the affect of racial segregation on children; research played key role in Brown vs board of Ed