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77 Cards in this Set

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Alfred Adler

Personality, overcompensation, birth order, inferiority

Mary Ainsworth

Development, strange situation, attatchment

Gordon Allport

Personality, trait cardinal, central

Solomon Asch

Social, conformity, lines study

Elliot Aronson &Gonzalez

Social, jigsaw classroom-prejudice, stereotypes

Albert Bandura

Personality, reciprocal determinism, social-bobo, observational learning

Diane Baumrind

Development, parenting styles

Aaron Beck

Abnormal, depression, cognitive triad, attributional style

Alfred Binet

Intelligence, 1st intelligence test, mental age, stanford binet

Blakemore & Cooper

Sensation, visual processing cats, visual critical periods

Keller and Marian Breland

Learning, instinctive drift

Donal Brodabent

Cognition, filter theory

Paul Broca

Neuro, broca's area speech

Walter Cannon

Emotion, Cannon Bard theory

Raymond Cattell

Intelligence, fluid, crystallized, personality trait 16 PF

Noam Chomsky

Cognition, theory of language acquisituion, LAD, nature

Mary Cover Jones

Learning, desensitization, Peter and rabbit

Charles Darwin

History, evolutionary, natural selection, motivation, instincts

Dorothea Dix

Treatment, humane hostpital reform

Hermann Ebbinghaus

Cognition, remembering and forgetting, forgetting curve

Paul Ekman

Emotion, universal facial expressions

Albert Ellis

Treatment, cognitive, rational emotive therapy, cognitive restructuring

Erik Erikson

Development, psycho social stages, discontinuous

Hans Eysenck

Personality, factor analysis, trait, treatment effectiveness

Gustav Fechner

Sensation, psychophysics, measurement

Leon Festing

Social, cognitive dissonance, boring task, lie study

James Flynn

Intelligence, flyne effect, increase in scores, health, nutrition, schools

Friedman & Rosenman

Stress, type A and B personality, heart disease

Sigmund Freud

Personality, psychosexual stages, id, ego, superego, defense mechanisms

Consciousness, repression, dreams-wish fulfillment, treatment psychoanalysis

Franz Gall

Personality, phrenology, bumps on head

Francis Galton

Intelligence, psychomotor testing, eugenics, coined phrase nature/nurture

Jogn Garcia

Learning, classical conditioning, taste aversion, garcia effect

Howard Gardner

Intelligence, multi-intelligence

Carol Gilligan

Development, criticized Kohlber for anti female morality norming

Stanley Hall

History, 1st APA president

Harry Haslow

Development, cloth mom monkeys, touch

Ewald Hering

Sensation, vision-opponent process theory

Ernest Hilgard

Consciousness, hypnosis-dissociative theory, hidden observer


Personalities, temperaments, humors,

Karen Horney

Personality, neo-Freudian, womb envy

David Hubel & torsten Weisel

Sensation, vision, feature detectors, parallel processing

Clark Hull

Motivation, drive reduction theory

William James

History, functionalism, emotion, james lange theory

Irving Janis

Social, groupthink

Carl Jung

Personality, analytic theory, temperaments, collective unconscious

Leon Kamin

Learning, blocking

George Kelly

Personality Person construct theory

Lawrence Kolberg Development

Morality stages, discontinuity

Wolfgang Kohler

Learning, insight theory, perception-gestalt principles

Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

Development, stages of death and dying

Latane & Darley

Social, bystander intervention, diffusion of responsibility, altruism

Kurt Lewin

Stress, conflict types (approach, avoidance)

Elizabeth Loftus

Cognition, memory, confabulation, misattribution effect, misinformation effect

Richard Lazarus

Emotion, cognitive appraisal theory

Konrad Lorenz

Development, imprinting, critical periods, motivation-instinct theory

Abraham Maslow

Motivation, maslows hierarchy, humanist-personality-holistic dynamic theory

Master's & Johnson

Motivation, sexual response cycle(rope)

Robert McCarley & Hobson

Consciousness, dreams, activation synthesis theory

David McClelland

Motivation, obedience to authority study ethics electric shock study

Walter Mischel

Personality, CAP theory, impulse control-marshmallow test(emotional intelligence)

Henry Murray

Testing, TAT projective

Ivan Pavlov

Learning, classical conditioning, contiguity model

Fritz Perls

Treatment, humanistic gestalt therapy, empty chair

Jean Piaget

Development, cognitive development stage theory, nature, discontinuity

Wilder Penfield

Neuro, mapped somatosensory and mortor cortex

Philippe Pinel

Treatment, humane hospital reform

Robert Rescorla

Learning, contingency model

Carl Rogers

Personlaity, ideal, actual self, UPR, therapy-empathy, active listening, true potential


Testing, projective, inkblot

David Rosenthal

Social-bloomer study, self fulfilling prophecy

Julian Rotter

Personality, social learning theory, internal, external locus of control

Peter Salovey and Jogn Mayer

Intelligence emotional intelligence

Stanly Schacter

Emotion, singer 2 factor theory, cognitive

Martin Seligman

Learnign, learned helplessness, depression

Hans Selye

Stress, general adaptation syndrome

William Sheldon

Personality, somatotype theory

Muzafir Sherif

Social, contact theory, super