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18 Cards in this Set

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Tiny electrical charge that occurs when positive sodium ions rush into channels located in gaps between myelin sheaths
Action potential
A series of separate action potentials that occur segment by segment as they move down the axon
Nerve impulse
If ap starts at the beginning of an axon it will continue at the same speed to the very end
Action potentials follow the all or none law
thin layer of cells that covers nearly the entire surface of the forebrain where the vast majority of neurons are located
Fatal condition of being born with little or no brain
gyri & sucli
Involved in many different functions voluntary motor movement personality emotions normal behavior and many more
Frontal lobe
Functions include hearing speaking coherently and understanding verbal and written information
Temporal lobe
Primary function is processing visual information example being hit in the back of the head seeing stars
occipital lobe
relatively meaningless bit of information that result when the brain processes electrical signals that come from sense organs
When a sense organ changes physical energy into signals that can be sent to the brain
A decreasing response sense organs have to a continuous stimulus
One particular segment of electromagnetic energy that we can see because these waves are the right length to stimulate receptors in our eyes
Visual spectrum
Send impulses from back of eye to a pit stop in the thalamus for initial processing
Optic nerve
Transforms impulses into simple visual sensations and send those out to visual association areas to form complex meaningful images
Primary visual cortex
Interdisciplinary field of scientific study that examines the structure and function of all parts of the nervous system including the brain spinal cord and network of brain cells
Internal timing devices that are genetically set to regulate various physiological responses for different times
biological clocks
refers to a biological clock which regulates physiological responses within an approx. 24-hour time period
circadian rhythm