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136 Cards in this Set

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DSM-V Major Depressive Disorder

5 or more over 2 weeks

Mood change (every day)










Melancholic Dperession

Typical old lady picture:

Worse in the morning. Loss of weight. Catatonic

Atypical Depression

Typical teenager depressed picture:

Eating lots, gaining weight, sleeping less, worse in afternoon.

Postpartum blues definition

Transient mild depression following childbirth (affects 80% of mothers) lasts up to 10 days

Depression with a peripartum onset

Mood disturbance onset within 4 weeks postpartum (can begin during pregnancy). Typically lasts 2-6 months, residual symptoms can last 1 year.

Definition of Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia)

Depressed mood for most of the day, more days than not, for at least 2 years. During the two years never been without symptoms for 2 months

2 or more of the symptoms of MDD

Lifestyle factors




Eating Healthily


Stress - Hobbies

Warning when starting anti-depressants

Take 14 days to be affective (but energy improved therefore increased suicidality). Trial of 6 weeks is required for an adequate trial of antidepressants.

When changing antidepressants

Must have antidepressant free interval

SSRI options

Citalopram - 20mg-40 mg taken morning

Fluoxetine - under 21





Mirtazapine - weight gain

What drug is contraindicated with SSRI + SNRIs


2nd line options for antidepressants

Reversible MAO inhibitor

Irreversible MAO inhibitor - cheese effect (hypertension, intracranial haemorrhage --> death)

TCA - amitriptyline, clomipramine

TCA overdose presentation

Anticholinergic effects

Prolonged QRS


Renal failure

Metabolic acidosis

Presentation in Serotonin Syndrome

Caused by Combination not overdose


Cognitive - Agitation, confusion

Autonomic - hyperthermia, diaphoresis

Neurological - hyperreflexia, tremor,

Mx Serotonin syndrome

Cease medication

Sedate - benzo


Presentation in NMS

Antipsychotics - increased dosage



Autonomic Changes

Rigidity of Muscles

Mental State Changes

Management of NMS

Dantrolene - muscle relaxant

Bromocriptine - dopamine agonist

DSM V for mania

Abnormality for at least 1 week most of the day nearly every day/hospitalised







Ideas (flight of)



DSM V hypomanic

4 consecutive days/ never hospitalised

Management for MDD


Bio - rule out organic, antidepressants, ECT

Psycho - CBT, IPT, psychodynamic, supportive psychotherapy, mindfulness based

Social - social worker referral, social skills support, optimise lifestyle

DSM V adjustment disorder

Within 3 months of stressor, out of proportion to intensity of stressor, MFP, once stressor subsides does not persist for more than 6 months

Sodium valproate considerations + AE

Narrow therapeutic window

Can be used with lithium.

Causes weight gain, liver, pancreas dysfunction

Depression vs grief

G: loss/empty, waves, associated with reminders, can experience joy, wants to joint deceased

MDD: depressed, persistent, no associated reminder, life's not worth living

Delusions vs overvalued idea

Delusion held with absolute conviction, overvalued idea is not 100% firmly held.

Nihilistic delusions

A belief that one is dead or a catastrophe will occur

Capgras syndrome

Delusion of doubles (someone's been replaced by an imposter)


Delusion that the person is a werewolf or other animal

DSM V delusional disorder

The presence of one or more delusion for 1 month or more AND

NOT schizophrenic

Functioning NOT impaired


Brief psychotic disorder

schizophrenic symptoms, 1 day or more but less than 1 month



More than one months but less than 6 months

Schizophrenia DSM V

2 or more of the following in aperiod of greater than 6 months



Disorganised speech

Grossly disorganised or catatonic behaviour

Negative symptoms


Tactile hallucination

False perception of touch or surface sensation


Crawling sensation on or under the skin

Schizoaffective disorder DSM V

1- Uninterrupted period of illness during which there is a major mood episode concurrent with schizophrenia

2- 2 weeks of delusions or hallucinations alone during the course of the illness without mood


Differentials for psychiatry








EPSE's and Mx

Acute dystonia - Benztropine

Parkinsonism - Benztropine

Akathisia - Diazepam or propanolol

Tardive dyskinesia - Switch to clozapine

Switching between antipsychotics

1-2 week crossover

Second generation/Atypical antipsychotics

5-20mg Olanzapine - metabolic syndrome

Quetiapine - sedation

2-8mg Risperidone - hyperprolactinaemia

Sertindole - QT prolongation



Management of a dangerous acutely psychotic patient who will not accept oral

Midazolam IM

Clozapine councelling

Good for negative symptoms and treatment resistant


AE: agranulocytosis, myocarditis, matbolic syndrome - diabetes & weight gain

Monitoring: FBEs weekly for a month then fortnightly. Before commencing needs FBE, Echo, BSL, cholesterol and weight

Depot antipsychotics

Risperidone consta



Olanzapine (still patent)

Zuclopenthixol decanoate (WAS IN QUIZ!!!)

DSM V panic disorder

recurrent unexpected panic attacks followed by 1 month or more of persistent concern about consequences of panic attack or maladaptive change in behvaiour


Panic attack criteria DSM V

4 out of






Excessive Heart rate




Fear of dying, losing control, crazy

3 C's: Chest pain, chills choking

Agoraphobia DSM V

Marked anxiety about 2 or more of the following'

- using PT

- open spaces

- closed spaces

- standing in crowd

- leaving home alone

lasts for 6 months

Can have panic disorder with agoraphobia

Generalised anxiety disorder DSM V

Excessive anxiety and worry most days for at least 6 months in a number of settings.

3 or more of the following


Blank mind (concentration), Easily fatigued, Sleep disturbance, Keyed up, irritable, Muscle tension

ASK: worry often, hard to control worry, what worries you



Traumatic event

Reliving the trauma

Avoiding associated stimuli

Unable to function

More than a month

Arousal increased

Management anxiety disorders

Bio - SSRIs/SNRIs (benzos in acute setting)

Psycho - CBT, relaxation, Mindfulness based therapy, psychotherapy

Social - sleep hygeine, diet, exercise, avoid caffine/ETOH, counselling, exposure therapy, IPT

ECT explanation

Given 3x week 2-4 weeks

usually stop other medication unless acutely unwell

AE: headache, memory loss, muscle aches, small risk of death, anaesthesia

C/I: recent MI, raised ICP, aneurysm, bleeding disorder, Pacemakers

Causes of Delirium


Eyes&ears (sensation)

Low oxygen (PE, AMI, stroke)



Ictal state

Under nutrition
Metabolic - hypoglycaemia, hyponatraemia, hypothyroidism

Compare and contrast the different types of dementia

Alzheimers (60%) - Aphasia, apraxia, agnosia, executive function

Vascular - stepwise

Lewy body - parkinsonism, visual hallucinations, fluctuating cognition

Frontotemporal- disinhibition, memory sparing, decreased social awareness

Management of alzheimers

Optimise physical and mental health

Challenging behaviour, alagesic, antidepressants

Cholinesterase inhibitor donepezil (MMSE <12) - cholinergic

Reversible causes of dementia

Intoxication or withdrawal (wernicke'korsakoff)




Chronic subdural haematoma


Pseudodementia vs. dementia

PD - acute onset, emphasis failures, 'don't know'

D - insidious onset, delights in accomplishments, sundowning common, guesses answers

Pharmacotherapy for ADHD

Methylphenidate (ritalin) dexamphetamine


Management for ADHD

Bio - Methylphenidate (ritalin) dexamphetamine

Psycho - social skills training, family therapy, anger control

Social - parental Mx & education, positive reinforcement, classroom intervention

ODD vs conduct disorder

ODD - gets angry lots

CD - Violates others

Autism assessment

ADOS, hearing and visual, neurological evaluation (exclude epilepsy) karyotyping, FBC/dietary assessment, Denver II,

Management Autism

Early intervention

Multidisciplinary - school, psychologist, OT, physio, Speech therapy, paediatrician, psychiatrist

Family education

Pharmacotherapy - SSRI

Substance Abuse vs dependence

Abuse: Not fulfilling obligation, causing danger to themselves or others, legal problems, interferes with function

Dependence: Tolerance, in larger than intended amounts, recurrent attempts to cut down, replacing other activities

Mx Alcohol dependence

Bio - Naltrexone (reduce craving), disulfiram (makes uncomfortable - can be dangerous), acamprosate (can cause impotence), thiamine

Psycho - motivational interviewing, behvaiour modification

Social - supportive services e.g. halfway houses, AA, detox centres

Delirium tremens

stage 4 of alcohol withdrawal.3-5 days after last drink

Confusion, delusions, hallucinations, agitation, tremor, autonomic hyperactivity


Mx alcohol withdrawal

Diazepam, thiamine

Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome

Wernicke's encephalopathy - nystagmus, ophthalmoplegia, ataxia, confusion

Korsakoff's syndrome - chronic, 20% are reversible. Anterograde amnesia


Opiate overdose management

DRABC - naloxone

Long term management opiate withdrawal

methadone once daily at clinic. CBT, counselling, social support

BMI ranges

under 18.5 - underweight

18.5-25 - normal

25-30 - overweight

30+ - obese

Anorexia complications

Hypochloraemic hypokalaemic alkalosis



Dry skin/brittle hair

Postural hypotension

Vitamin deficiency

Bradycardia/arrhythmia (hypokalaemia)

Difference between bulimia and anorexia

Bulimia - can't control their eating, binge and then regret - maintain insight

Normal BMI usually

More likely to self harm/ substance abuse

Worse prognosis in bulimia

Cluster A personality disorders

Schizoid - doesn't like others, loner, withdrawn, aloof, cold

Schizotypal - wants relationships but hasn't got social skills. Also has magical thinking

Paranoid - suspicious

Cluster B personality disorders

Histrionic - dramatic, centre of attention, egocentric, vain, shallow

Antisocial - Unlawful, lies, steals, delinquent, criminal

Narcissistic - Grandiosity, self importance, entitled

Borderline - instability in mood, unstable identity, intense anger, empty

Cluster C personality disorders

Avoidant - Hypersensitive to potential rejection or shame, social withdrawal, needs affection

Dependent - Doormat, passive, needs to be taken care of

Obsessive compulsive - perfectionist, indecisive, preoccupation with order and control, egosyntonic

Psychotherapy for borderline PD


When to use psychodynamic psychotherapy

Past events predispose to current problem. Deal with that past event, clarify emotions, rarely confront

When to use interpersonal therapy

Role transition (loss of loved one, new mother) role disputes (work of relationship issues)

When to use family therapy

Any disorder where multiple members of the family are indicated/ causing the tension

Eating disorders are a big one

Risk assessment components


Medication non-compliance

Young or dependent harm




Suicide/self harm

Oh dollaazz


SSRI adverse effects


-Sexual dysfunction



-Nausea & diarrhoea

-Anxiety and restlessness

-Serious: suicide and SS

Define malingering

Intentional production of false physical or psychological symptoms motivated by an external reward - avoiding work, financial compensation

Define Factitious Disorder

Feigning psychological or physical symptoms in order to assume the sick role where external incentives are absent

Somatic Symptom Disorder

One or more somatic symptom with excessive thoughts, feelings or behaviours related to the symptom that are - disproportionate, cause anxiety, time and energy devoted.

6 months


Illness anxiety disorder

Preoccupation with having or acquiring a serious illness - no symptoms, anxiety about health

6 months + MFP

(Previously hypochondriasis)

Conversion disorder

Functional neurological symptom disorder

Symptoms of altered voluntary motor or sensory function

Do not make sense and neurological assessment cannot find anything

Autochthonous delusion

'Out of nowhere' realises something bizarre, doesn't understand why they didn't realise before.

Clang associations

Playing with words, stringing together words that sound similar with different meanings or rhyme


Repeated complex series of movements 'habit'. Waving hand then brushing tie


Repetitive uncontrolled short action, e.g cough

Pharmacotherapy for Generalised anxiety disorder


2. Venlafaxine/duloxetine

When to use supportive therapy

listen & clarifying emotions

Management in psych always!


Psych first aid - exercise, diet, drug, community program




Pt is depressed and needs to gain weight and eat and sleep. What drug


Symptoms of lithium overdose

Diarrhoea, N/V

CNS - hyperreflexic, tremor, confusion

Cardiac - QT prolongation

Criteria for involuntary treatment

1. Person must appear mentally ill

2. Person must require immediate treatment

3. Involuntary treatment is necessary

4. Refused consent or unable to consent

5. Cannot be undergone in a less restrictive manner

Questions to ask for Antisocial Personality Disorder

Have you been in trouble with the police?

Would you be described as honest?

Do you plan ahead?

Irritable or aggressive?

Longest in relationship/job?


How long?

Question to ask for paranoid personality disorder?

Others exploiting or harming?

Trust others?


Spouse cheating?

Hidden negative meanings in events?

Question to ask for schizoid personality disorder?


Alone or in group? (alone)

Sexual partners?

Activities you enjoy?

Opinions of others important to you?

Questions to ask for schizotypal personality disorder?

Do you see things other people don't see?

Things are referring to you?


Social anxiety?


Questions to ask for histrionic personality disorder?

Do you need to be the centre of attention?

Sexually seductive?

Easily influenced?

Concerned with physical appearance?

Questions to ask Borderline personality disorder?



Suicide/self harm?

Stable sense of self/labile mood?

Scared of being abandoned?

Feel empty?

Questions to ask narsissistic personality disorder


Dream of unlimited success?


What kind of people do you surround yourself with?

Questions to ask avoidant personality disorder

Avoid activities with interpersonal contact?

Restraint within intimate relationship

Things you need to know about OCD

Obsessions: intrusive and unwanted + attempts to ignore thoughts

Compulsions: Feels driven to perform + aiming to reduce anxiety

- time consuming

Explaining CBT to a patient

Talking therapy

Focuses on here and now

Recognition that conscious thoughts rather than deeper feelings - look at things differently

Usually one-to-one

Occurs once-a-week for 8-12 session

Patient will get homework

Lithium counselling

Mechanism unknown - but very effective

Pre test - ECG, renal function, TFT

Regular blood monitoring - lithium levels, TFT, creatinine, urinalysis, ECG

Once a day at night

AE - initial: Metalic taste, tremor, N/V, polyuria/polydipsia

AE - long: Renal problems (Diabetes insipidus), weight gain, Thyroid, acne, teratogenic (+breast feeding)

Acute toxicity: DIARRHOEA, N/V, Coma, seizures, ataxia

Usually lifelong, at least a year

severity of Alzheimer's

Severe: 0-11

Moderate: 11-18

Mild: 19-24

If well educated move them up a severity rating

Person who is on an antidepressant becomes confused on a really hot day. What drug causes this?

SSRI's - hyponatraemia

Cause of left sided hemispatial neglect

Right parietal lobe lesion (non dominant)

Temporal lobe lesion causes

Memory and language

Frontal lobe lesion causes

Executive functioning

Restricted vs blunted vs flat affect

Restricted - mildy reduced

Blunted - very reduced (schizophrenia)

Flat - nothing

Delusion vs overvalued idea vs obsession

Delusion: fixed, false belief that usually cannot be swayed (illogical reason for it)

Overvalued idea: Not held with as much conviction - they question it! (they don't make up illogical reasons)

Obsession: recurrent intrusive thoughts that patient recognises as irrational and may find distressing or try to resist

Flight of ideas vs loosening of association

FOI: Abnormal connection between statements (no meaningful connection, rhyme or pun)

LOA: There is no association

Tangentiality vs circumstantiality

Tangentiality: Speaker never gets to the points, always speaks of irrelevant things

Circumstantiality: Indirect and delayed reaching the point, lots of parenthetical remarks

Schizoid PD vs Schizotypal PD


Detachment from scoial relationships, restricted range of expression of emotions. Loner


Uncomfortable in social situations but wants to be involved. Fantasy thinking. Crazy

Poor memory + walking problems + confused + fluctuating + visual/auditory hallucinations

Dementia with Lewy bodies

Renee, aged 66 became upset about 6 months ago as someone was stealing from her. Usually these were small inexpensive but last week the pearl necklace belonging to her mother went missing. In the absence of signs of forced entry, she was obliged to conclude that her daughter had used her key to take it (and presumably the other things as well).

Alzheimers disease with psychosis

Patient on clozapine stable for 6 months. He has a monthly FBE which is normal, what investigation?


What investigation do you do for alzheimers

MRI brain

Man with visual hallucinations 3 days after being admitted for surgical treatment of injuries sustained in MVA. What drug caused the side effects?


Chronic pain + maximum dose of analgesia + tried all antidepressants + getting worse


Supportive therapy

Therapy used when dealing with a current manifestation of a previous deep psychological trauma

i.e. struggles with authority figures, hated parents when younger

Insight orientated

Man + delusion that dying of cancer + thinks he deserves it. Diagnosis?

MDD with psychotic features

Man in hospital following a fall + initially well but now confused + fluctuating cognition + ants over flaw + Problems with short term recall. Diagnosis?

Delirium tremens

visual hallucinations common

Old lady acutely confused investigation?

UTI - urine microscopy and culture

After partial response to treatment patient became very agitated with excessive persipiration after dose was increased

SSRI (causes anxiety and sweating)

Levels of depression and management?

5/9 - mild - CBT

7/9 - moderate - SSRI/SNRI

9/9 severe - Admission SSRI ECT

Someone refuses to eat because so depressed. Mx?


Man very stressed at work. Needs something to tide him over the next few weeks.


Patient presents with delusion what do you need to ask

Why do you think that?

What would you say if I disagreed with you?

MMSE findings in OSCE what they mean

NOT diagnostic - screening test. Say you'd refer to specialist but MMSE is "consistent with dementia"

Above 26 is normal but take into account tertiary education

Acute delirium management


Dose of citalopram


Dose of fluoxetine


Dose of Risperidone


Dose of clozapine


Dose lithium
