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41 Cards in this Set

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What is the age of early childhood?

3 to 5

(preschool age)

What is the age of middle childhood?

5 to 12

elementary school

What does the marshmellow task look at?

the ability to delay gratification

(the abiility to delay gratification is a form of emotional regulation)

When does the ability to delay gratification develop?

it begins in early childhood, and gets better in middle childhood

What does the christmas gift video show?

a child's ability to feign delight in middle childhood

ability to express emotions that they are not actually feeling subejctively

What is the emotional regulation?

The ability to modulate the form, intensity, and duration of emotions according to situational demands

What are 3 different types of emotion regulation?

- delaying gratification

- feigning delight

- display rules

What is delaying gratification?

when kids inhibit their intense emotions in order to achieve a goal

What are display rules?

cultural and social guidelines for expressing emotions

Describe a study where children demonstrate their understanding of display rules in middle childhood

The children were shown vignettes of either a teacher or peer doing something that was not hostile, hostile, or ambiguous

What were the results of the study?

The children interpreted the kid's actions to be hostile more often than the teachers.

The children stated that they would feel more emotion in response to the child than to the teacher

despite reporting that they would feel the same amount of anger, boys reported that they would express their anger more than the girls

the older children showed a more differentiated response in line with the display rules, which shows that kids internalize and get a better understanding of display rules as they grow older. (display rules for situations with teachers, but not with peers became more apparent at an older age)

Describe a study that shows the cultural differences of display rules

compared two remote villages

each group of children completed the Challenging Situations Test

What was the prediction?

Both cultures value interdependence however the Tamang group focuses on avoiding strong emotions, and the Chhetri-Brahmin group focuses on self awareness and emotional discipline

so they predicted that the kids in the Chhetri-Brahmin group would engage in more emotional regulation strategies to reduce their expression of negative emotions

How does the Challenging Situations Test work?

Children are presented stories about situations that are sad, upsetting etc.

and the child is asked to report how the situation would make them feel, whether they would express emotions in that situation and if whether they would engage in emotion regualtion strategies

What were the result?

The kids in the Chetri-Brahmen group reported more often that they would engage in strategies to self-regulate their negative emotions, compared to the kids in the other groups

the chetri brahmen group were more likely to mask their emotions

What does this study show?

that there are cultural difference in display rules, and these differences in display rules influence the child's emotional development and emotional regulation skills

this study also shows that these 6 to 9 year old kids had internalized and were using these display rules

kids start using display rules in middle childhood

Conclusion of early and middle childhood:

children experience and can express many different emtions and they can also do strategies to regulate and modifiy their expression of emotions in certain situations

What are some new contexts that children have in early and mid childhood?

- school

- peers

- play

What is the definition of play?

A behaviour where the process in more important than the outcome of the action.

the means of the behaviour is more important than the ends

and the behaviour appears to have no apparent function

What are the 3 types of play and describe each:

- object play (ex: playing with dolls)

- social play (playing imaginary with friends)

- physical play (Ex; on a swing, rough play with peer)

What is one evolutionary function of play?

-creativity and figuring out novel solutions to problems

what is the relationship between innovation and play?

innovation is seen more often in the young rather than the old members of a population across species

play is also seen more often in the young rather than the old membres of a population, including kids

so it is theorized that play is important because it fosters innovation

Describe an observational study that shows that juveniles in a species are more innovative than the older members?

experimenters placed potatoes near the monkeys, nobody knew what to do with them until the younger kids started to take the potatoes to the salt water to wash off the dirt and then eat then, eventually the older women in the community started to do that to

so evolutionary function of play:

reinforce creativity and be flexible in finding adaptive solutions to problems (be innovative)

What are the 2 theories of the function of play?

1) the function of play is to prepare the young ones for their adult roles in society, it develops social, cognitive and motor skills

2) the function of play is immediate. it fosters self-efficacy and mastery in the individual which encourages him to play more and try new things, which allows him to find something that he is interested in, and get better at that thing and develop those skills

(beneficial later in development

beneficial immediately)

What is another theory of the purpose of play?

It socializes children into their gender roles, it makes gender differences more pronounced, and socializes them to their gender role so that they are prepared to adopt their adult gender roles in society.

ex: boys prefer rough and touble play so they play together, and girls prefer maternal play, so there is a seperation of boy and girl play in middle childhood

What skills do kids need in order to be successful in school?

academic skills, but also cogntiive and emotional skills like motivation and delaying gratifiation

What are child characteristics associated with school success:

- low temperamental distractibility

- temperamental positive moods and moderate intensity

- perceived control over learning

- social skills

what do teachers rate as the skill most important for school readiness?

able to communicate needs, wants and thoughts

and then be enthusiastic and curious

What is emotionality?

it is a subtype of temperament

it is general disposition to experience relatively high or low reactivity

and approach withdrawal tendencies!

What can emotionality do in the school context?

- it can increase motivational learning

- it can facilitate goal directed behaviour

- it can focus selective attention

What are positive aspects of peer relationship?

there are 6

- enhances self-worth

- opportunities for intimacy and affection

- provides instrumental aid

- opportunities for nurturing behaviour

- promotes sense of reliable alliance

- provides companionship

What are negative aspects of peer relationships?

opportunities for bullying

opportunities for victimization

what is the underlying theme/concern in

early childhood

middle childhood

- maximize positive emotions through play

- peer inclusion, avoid rejection, self-presentation

What is the salient conversational topic in friendship

early childhood

middle childhood

- play coordination, and conflict resolution

- gossip with negative evaluation of peers

Emotional development

early childhood

middle childhood

early - manage arousal in social interactions

middle - acquire display rules with respect to interpersonal interactions

gender differences of emotion become more apparent in middle childhood


Describe a study that shows a different in the emotional regulation and expression of emotions between geneders, that is influenced by display rules

in an experiment, the participant played a game with confederate child. the participant is rigged to loose, when they lose the confederate makes provokative comments, the child's reactions and emotional expression and subjective expeirience is recorded

what were the results of the study:

the girls were more likely to experience sadness as a result of the comments, and they made for sad verbalizations

the boys were more likely to experience anger as a result of the comments and they made more angry verbalizations

and these gender differencs were the same across the ages!!

Girls are more likely to display what types of emotions;

- emotions that will take into account social relationships in some way (ex: sadness elicits social support from others)

and that increase the social relatioonship

and boys

they are more likely to to diplsay emotions that weaken the social relatioonship