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81 Cards in this Set

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(T/F) If only one partner is infatuated, the relationship can not move onto a lasting mutual love.


Hormones are most likely to affect sexual orientation ______.

in utero

What was the Comstock Act of the 1870's?

A bill that outlawed the selling of birth control information or devices.

(T/F) Oral contraceptive pills do NOT protect against sexually transmitted infections.


(T/F) Beauty is partly in the eye of the beholder, and partly a function of cultural standards.


(T/F) Infrequent ejaculation may lower a man's sperm count.


(T/F) Males prefer women with larger breasts, but not huge breasts.


According to Sternberg the three fundamental components of love are ______.





A miscarriage is also called _______.

spontaneous abortion

(T/F) Sperm carrying the Y chromosome are faster swimmers.


Just prior to ovulation, basal body temperature ________.

dips slightly then rises and remains elevated until menstruation.

Sperm counts have been increased by ______.

surgical repair of the varicose veins in the scrotum.

What are some causes for fertility issues in men?

-low sperm count

-low sperm motility

-thyroid disease

The condom is making a comeback as a contraceptive device because ________.

it protects against STIs and HIV

(T/F) You are more likely to become romantically involved with someone who possesses different personality and background characteristics than your own.


Down Syndrome

a chromosomal abnormality caused by an extra chromosome on the 21st pair.

As a contraceptive, condoms work best with _______.


(T/F) Many bisexuals have a stronger attraction to one gender than another.


In addition to physical features, men and women's ratings of each other's attractiveness appears to depend on________.

gender role expectations

What should be considered when selecting a contraceptive?



-protection against STIs

(T/F) Homophobia is more common among men.

True, duh

A major component of attraction is _____.

Physical attraction

Historically , people have attempted methods of contraception since ______.

the discovery that coitus is associated with contraception

Kinsey believed that homosexuality and heterosexuality are ______.

opposite ends of one continuum

How long does it take a zygote to reach the uterus?

3-4 days

Love characterized by passion, intimacy, and commitment is called _____.

consummate love

several days into the germinal stage, the cell mass takes the form of a fluid filled ball of cells which is called a ______.


How long must a sperm be able to swim after ejaculation to be considered normal?

2 hours

During an average month, a human female is fertile for how long?

5-6 days

List the stages of prenatal development

germinal, embryonic, fetal

Cross culturally men ten to place more emphasis on _______ in their preferences for a mate. Women tend to place greater emphasis in _______ in their preferences for a mate.

youth; earning capacity

The term that describes the direction of ones romantic interests and erotic attractions is _____.

sexual orientation

The influences of the religions of colonists and pressures to socialize into the European American culture led to a greater rejection of lesbians and gay men within the ________ culture

Native American

spermicide suppositories should be inserted when?

no less than 10 to fifteen minutes before intercourse.

(T/F) If one identical twin is gay, the other twin has a higher than normal chance of being gay also.


Gendernonconformity refers to the failure to conform to

the gender-role stereotypes that are consistent with ones anatomical sex.

(T/F) Among ancient Greeks, relationships between men and adolescent boys were common.


(T/F) In the last 20 yrs the average age of first marriages had decreased.

False, it has increased

Trichomonas vaginalis is a _____.


the most commonly diagnosed sexual disorder is what?

hypoactive desire disorder


Criticizing the other's personality over an issue rather than defining the actual issue

(T/F) Fear of not being able to achieve an erection may result in a man having performance anxiety.


(T/F) Jealousy is more common in cultures that stress a machismo tradition.


Hugging and kissing are only abusive when _____.

it is sexual intent

Too much self esteem can be a detriment to a relationship if it leads one to be ______.



whenever a suggestion to a resolution is posed, there is always a reason why that solution will most likely not work.


In an argument the refusal to talk or acknowledge what the other person is saying

the first symptom of syphilis for a man is likely to be what?

a chancre sore on his penis

When trying to communicate a concern, most likely it will be a positive experience if ____.

the communication begins with "I ...."

if a sexually active woman has a thick, cloudy discharge from her vagina, the most likely diagnosis is_____.


Sexual maltreatment of another

sex abuse

(T/F) Early childhood erections and vaginal lubrication are reflexes and do not necessarily indicate sexual interest.


(T/F) The prevalence of sexual dysfunctions decreases with age

False, it increases with age

Vaginismus is diagnosed as _____ disorder.

sexual pain disorder

Having orgasms consistently is associated with ______.

more emotional closeness within the relationship.

Gonorrhea is often called ______.

the Clap

Sexual arousal disorder in men is referred to as ______.

erectile dysfunction

Sexual dialogue between caregiver/child is when

questions are answered taking into account the child's age and maturity

(T/F) Many boys experience their first erections?

in the womb

(T/F) Children may masturbate as early as five months old.


Online people who meet and explore the potential romantic interest in each other ten to disclose ______.

more personal information sooner than in face to face meetings

(T/F) In Healthy committed relationships all decisions are joint decisions.

False, each partner maintains their individual interests and needs.

sexual desire disorders

characterized by a lack of sexual interest and and/or aversion to sexual activity.

(T/F) Gonorrhea infections can occur in urethra, eyes, and throat


Same gender sexual behavior in childhood may be ____ common than heterosexual play


In male puberty, what accelerates testosterone production?

FHS production

It is normal for children to feel

sexual around their caregiver

(T/F) Voyeurs/exhibitioners are considered pedophiles


(T/F) All children and adolescents are considered high risk of being sexually abused


What are the primary motivations for many marriages in America

the desire for companionship and and happiness

Small talk

exchanging information according to breadth of topic coverage but not depth

It is "normal" for children to be curious about______.

sexual anatomy


refraining from sexual intercourse

During puberty ______ causes the changes of puberty in girls. _______ causes the changes of puberty in boys.

estrogen; testosterone

Lower self esteem is associated with

problems developing and maintaining relationships

(T/F) Physical sexual abuse of the victim could include fondling and mutual masturbation


Many sexually transmitted infections that affect women are


Two thirds of the STIs reported each year occurs in people

under the age of 25

(T/F) Passive collusion is considered as damaging as the act of incest itself


(T/F) All women can achieve orgasm through penetration alone



when a person marries someone who is ethnic religious background is similar to that of their own