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24 Cards in this Set

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sleep paralysis
state of being unable to move just after falling asleep or right before waking up
our subjective experience of the world, our bodies, and our mental perspectives
circadian rhythm
cyclical changes that occur on a roughly 24-hour basis in many biological processes
biological clock
term for the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) in the hypothalamus that's responsible for controlling our levels of alertness
rapid eye movements (REM)
darting of the eyes underneath the closed eyelids during sleep
non-REM (NREM) sleep
Stages 1 through 4 of the sleep cycle, during which eye movements do not occur and dreaming is less frequent and vivid
REM sleep
stage of sleep during which the brain is most active and during which vivid dreaming most occurs
lucid dreaming
experience of becoming aware that one is dreaming
difficulty falling and staying asleep
restless legs syndrome
urge to move our legs or other body parts, often while attempting to sleep
disorder characterized by the rapid and often unexpected onset of sleep
sleep apnea
disorder caused by a blockage of the airway during sleep, resulting in daytime fatigue
night terrors
sudden waking episodes characterized by screaming, perspiring, and confusion followed by a return to deep sleep
walking while fully asleep
activation-synthesis theory
theory that dreams reflect inputs from brain activation originating in the pons, which the forebrain then attempts to wave into a story
out-of-body experience (OBE)
sense of our consciousness leaving our body
near-death experiences (NDE)
out-of-body experiences reported by people who've nearly died or thought they were going to die
déjà vu
feeling of reliving an experience that's new
mystical experience
feelings of unity or oneness with the world
set of ritualized practices that train attention and awareness
set of techniques that provides people with suggestions for alterations in their perceptions, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors
part life regression therapy
therapeutic approach that hypnotizes and supposedly age-regresses patients back to a previous life to identify the source of a present-day problem
sociocognitive theory
approach to hypnosis based on people's attitudes, beliefs, and expectations
dissociation theory
approach to explaining hypnosis based on a separation between personality functions that are normally well integrated