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65 Cards in this Set

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Vallerand & Losier have concluded, “To the extent that the reasons for taking part in the activity are intrinsic, or at least express one’s choice, ____________ ______________ should follow:
skill acquisition
A majority of contemporary theorists agree that:
motivation is an entity.
J.G. Nicholls determined that by age ______ children are able to differentiate luck, task difficulty, and effort from ability, enabling a differentiated perspective.
According to Nicholls (1989) which of the following are associated with ego involvement?
out performing others

task involvement- mastery, self reference, and demonstrating improvement
Maladaptive achievement behaviors include:
-avoiding the task.
-avoiding the challenge
-decreased persistence in the face of difficulty.
-exerting little effort.
The concept that individuals are predisposed to either an ego or a task achievement goal orientation is based upon the belief that goal orientations:
are dynamic cognitive schemas.
With regard to the Perception of Success Questionnaire (POSQ) and the Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire (TEOSQ):
both have demonstrated acceptable reliability and construct validity.
With regard to sport, ego orientation has been linked to which of the following views:
a.Sport should provide one with social status.
b.Sports should enhance one’s popularity.
c.Sports should teach superiority and deceptive tactics.
d.Sports should build a competitive spirit.
With regard to achievement goals and their link to moral cognitions and moral behavior in sport, recent studies have identified fairly consistent relationships between task and ego orientations and:
b.moral functioning.
c.endorsement of aggressive tactics among both youth and adult competitive athletes.
d.moral atmosphere.
The term ____________ describes the goal structure emphasized in the achievement context
motivational climate
The question, “How well did I perform this task in relation to how well it could possibly be performed?” represents a:
task-referential term
The perspective endorsed by Nicholls that goals are ________; that is, being task- or ego- involved is independent, which means that one can be high or low in each or both orientations at the same time.
Amy’s coach has identified a relatively high-ego state of involvement. In consultation with the team’s sports psychologist ___________ is most likely recommended.
enhancing Amy’s task-involved state
In the film Friday Night Lights, all of the following represent a deficit in motivational climate EXCEPT
a.Charlie Billingsley berating his son and knocking him to the group for fumbling the ball
b.Coach Gaines’ halftime statement, ‘Being perfect is not about the scoreboard or winning. Being perfect is about not letting your friends down.’
c.Coach Gaines demonstrating tacit acceptance of Charlie Billingsley’s condemnation and disapproval toward in son in front of the team and other coaches by ignoring and accepting the behavior
d.Charlie Billingsley duct-taping a football to his son’s hands and calling him ‘Little Fumble.’
Burton’s (1989) research showed the key element in competitive events may be to encourage participants to focus on the _________ dimensions of the activity and not on the ______________ dimensions.
Three factors of prime importance with regard to intrinsic motivation are:
autonomy, competence, relatedness
Vallerand’s (1997, 2991) proposed model of for the integration of the different levels at which motivation research has been conducted has been termed:
Achievement Motivation and Win Orientation Model (AMWOM)

The Hierarchical Model of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation (HMIEM)?
Research in competition and sport revealed all of the following EXCEPT:
a.Research using a cognitive task shows that a competitive focus undermines intrinsic motivation of young adults
b.A competitive focus undermined intrinsic motivation 10-12-year-old children in a balancing task
c.Winners, or those with subjective feelings of having done well, displayed higher levels of intrinsic motivation than losers or those with subject feelings of not having done well.
d.Lavish praise by a coach for any effort displayed by the athlete increased intrinsic motivation
Based on Weiner’s (1974,1980) reformulation of Heider, and Rotter, these formulations O= f (A,E,T,L) represent Outcome as a factor of:
ability, effort, task difficulty, luck
According to principals of reinforcement, if doing something results in a good consequence (such as being rewarded), individuals will tend to try to __________________ to receive additional positive consequences.
repeat the behavior
The most widely used methodology to access mental process in the sport psychology literature is:
2. Split-brain investigation into functional differences in brain regions (Sperry & Gazzaniga) determined that the left temporal/parietal is associated with ______ processes and the homologous right regions are associated with ________ processes.
3. _______ ___________ is one of the essential characteristics of skilled athletic performance. The muscular actions of Carl Lewis, the great American sprinter, exemplify this characteristic and have been described as a state of “_________ _________.”
efficient movement/relaxed explosiveness
According to the theory and research of Selye’s general adaptation syndrome, repeated negotiation of a stressor results in:
a stage of adaptation
Lay et al.’s (2002) research with a group of subjects who underwent training on a rowing ergometer demonstrated all of the following EXCEPT:
A. no difference in coordination between muscle groups
B. decreased EMG activity in the bastus lateralist muscles
C. decreased EMG activity in the biceps brachii
D. greater coordination between muscle groups
E. increased consistency or stability in movement pattern
Daniels’ (1985) research with superior runners showed that as a group they exhibited all of the following EXCEPT:
A. lower O2 consumption per kilogram of body weight when running at the same speed and grade as less accomplished runners
B. less load and wear and tear on the body
C. an increased capacity to process complex mathematical problems
D. minimization of unproductive and unnecessary muscular activity
7. With regard to motor behavior and conscious regulation, Fitts & Posner (1967) posited all of the following as occurring during progressive stages of learning from beginner to mastery EXCEPT:
A. a preparatory stage of being unconscious of motor behavior stemming from amotivation
B. a stage of cognitive analysis of the motor behavior
C. an intermediate stage of association during which conscious regulation of the motor processes is required
D. an advanced stage of automaticity in which the performer negotiates task demands w/o conscious effort
___________ resolution refers to the sensitivity of a measure to detect changes in brain activity as a function of time and is high in ___________ and ___________.
temporal/EEG, MEG
A state of relaxation is generally indicated in an EEG as a (n) ___________ frequency
The asleep state is generally measured by an EEG as < ____ Hz.
The drowsy time is composed largely of _________ and _______ frequencies.
Excited time series is primarily
With regard to the International 10-20 System for Standard EEG Sensor Placement, 10-20 represents:
fixed percentages of the distance between standard landmarks such as nasion and inion
Sterman and Mann 1995 concluded:
A. EEG alpha is inversely related to cognitive load
B. Experts showed remarkably reduced cerebral cortical activation relative to novices
C. Their findings were consistent with findings of Haier et al (1992)
One of the earliest studies of cortical activity during psychomotor performance was conducted with which of the following populations:
15 elite world-class competitive marksmen
Milton et al. (2004) were interested in learning which of the following
A. differences in brain functioning between professional and novice golfers
B. how novice golfers alter their brain activity over one year of instruction and practice
Hatfield & Kerick recommend including which of the following in future studies in cognitive-motor behavior:
A. Incorporate multiple measures in addition to cerebral cortical assessment
B. Use of a systems perspective to incorporate stress-related studies that examine cortical dynamics and autonomic activity
C. Use of a systems perspective to incorporate stress-related studies that examine kinematic analyses of limb movement and EMG activity
Among the exciting possibilities of utilizing virtual reality technology in cognitive and affective neuroscience research are:
Such environments are conducive to EEG recording while performing under pressure
Give the findings of cognitive and affective neuroscience, the applications to coaching would include:
Utilize a teaching style that is based on positive reinforcement
20. Dr. Richard Davidson conducted research with 17 subjects at the University of Wisconsin who were asked to spot numbers in a rapidly flashing series of letters. Due to ______________ participants spotted the first number in the series, but missed the second number.
attentional blink
Yuri L Hanin is which of the following
a russian sports psychologist
sidestepping the search for an all encompassing definition of emotion, Vallerand & Blanchard 2000 state that researchers instead discuss ______, _____, and ______
dimensions, categories, and components
Hanin 2007 notes that one concept of emotion is an organized psychophysiological reaction to on going ________-_________ (PE) relationships
in the sport context, there are three interrelated types of performance-related experiences_________, ____________, & ________
statelike, traitlike, and meta experiences
during the past two decades, most sport research on emotion research has focused mainly on _______ and ____ experiences rather than ________
statelike, traitlike, meta experiences
_____ adds a special meaning and a new quality to perceived situational state, which is interpreted as facilitating or debilitating
meta experience
in its curent form, the IZOF model posits all of the following basic dimensions that capture defining characteristics of emotion experience as a component of different pschobiosocial states related to performance
form, content, intensity, context

not goal orientation
Hanin and Sambulova 2002, presented 85 skilled russian athletes with the following statement to be completed by them. Prior to my best competition I felt like a _____. this is an example of a _____ method
metaphor, generation
general categories of emotional experiences wherein emotion content is a qualitative characteristic include all of the following
positive-negative, functionally optimal-dysfunctional, facilitating-debilitating

not idiosyncratic-typical
the concept of a set of basic emotions has been debated in sport psychology research. all of the following emotion labels are among the most researched
fear, anger, sadness, disgust

not pride
all of the follwoing are among the most popular scales to describe how athletes feel before, during, or after performances
profile of mood state (POMS),
Sport anxiety scale (SAS), state-trait anxiety inventory (STAI),
positive and negative affect schedule (PANAS).

not profile of idiosyncratic affect schedule (PIAS)
regarding the question of pure versus mixed emotions, hanin recommends which of the following
obtaining the entire profile of an athletes emotional experience provides a better assessment of emotional impact on performance than only measuring a level of anxiety

clusters of emotion content and intensity may change from pregame to midgame and postgame situations
in their meta analysis of sport performance and anxiety levels jokela and hanin 1999 found that
less than 5% of the studies reported that different athletes had the same optimal levels of anxiety
according to raglin and hanin 2000 the main emphasis in the IZOF anxiety research they performed was
identifying the individually salient intensity of state anxiety
with regard to empirical evidence and unpleasant emotions hanin states the following
unpleasant emotions do not always harm athletic performance
hanin 1997, 2000 with 12 top finnish xcountry skiers estimated perceived effects of each self generated emotion on their performance along the entire range of intensity. it was shown that
being outside the optimal zones may have a detrimental effect
folkmas and lazarus 1985 define emotion as an _________ process. hanin 1997 concluded that it involves 2 basic functions ________ and _______
alexa particularly enjoys sunny days and has been fretting about the weeklon string of bad weather as she practiced for a big game. it may be said that she is more focused on the ____ dimension than the ______ dimension
weiners research into intrapersonal determinants of self direction emotions include all of the following
efficacy beliefs
mastery orientation

not shame v guilt
self directed emotions include

not contempt
other directed emotions include
joy at the shame of another
it is important to distinguish intrapersonal, interpersonal, and _____ antecedents of emotional experiences, according to hanin
the notion of unctional effect is not new, it has been around in psychology under the labels
optimal arousal
favorable stimulus
facilitating-debilitating anxiety
the following equation can be used to represent the process of determining emotion impact
emotio content X Intensity = emotion impact