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31 Cards in this Set

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Mental structures people use to organize info from the social world around them
Self- Fulfilling prophecy
when our expectations about someone influence the way we treat them, and the way we treat them leads that person to act in the way we expected all along

when our expectations about someone influence the way we treat them, and the way we treat them leads that person to act in the way we expected all along
Mental shortcuts people use to make judgements quickly and efficiently
make judgments based on how easily something comes to mind
A mental shortcut whereby we start with some figure in mind and adjust (up or down) from this point, often fail to adjust as much as needed
-ex. is the pop of turkey more than 20,000,000? its actually 77,000,000 but we anchored our answer around that number
automatic thinking: 2 types
heuristic and schemas
Conscious, intentional, voluntary and effortful
Mentally changing aspects of the past to imagine what might have been
E.g., “If I hadn’t forgot my passport, I wouldn’t have missed my flight”
counterfactual thinking and olympic medal winners
Silver medalists:
Less happy
More counterfactual thinking
“I could have won gold”
Bronze medalists:
More happy
Less counterfactual thinking
“At least I got a medal”
pros and cons of counter factual thinking
pro: can improve for next time
cons: Can lead to rumination, where we repeatedly focus on negative things
The attempt to avoid thinking about something a person would prefer to forget
2 part process of thought suppression
1. Monitoring system – searches for unwanted thoughts
2. Operating system – distracts from unwanted thoughts
when is thought suppression most difficult?
Under cognitive load (distraction, tired, etc.), thought suppression is more difficult
cost of thought suppression:
-stressful: decreases immune functioning
for ex. Write about personal topic for 3 days
Some told to suppress thoughts of writing topic
Thought suppression  decrease in immune functioning
stereotyping and schemas
-increases speed of recall for schema consistent info
ex. Asked to rate english and french canadians, could answer faster about steretypical characteristics
-used to fill in the blanks about people
what does the shoot no shoot game suggest?
-that stereotyping can have life or death consequences
-the black person holding a gun matches better with peoples schemas of black people, so they were more likely to shoot hte black person wether he was a holding a gun or not
-fast decisions=automatic thinking
korsakov's syndrome
-have difficulty forming schemas
the extent ot which schemas and concepts are at the forefront of ur mids and therefore are likely to be used when we are making judgements about hte social world
schemas can be accessibile for 3 reasons:
1chronically accessible to due to past experiences
2 related to a current goal
3 temporarily acessable because of recent experiences
recent experiences increase the accessibility of a schema trait or concept
-occurs quickly unintentionally and unconsciously
perseverance effect
peoples beliefs about themselves and the social world persist even after the evidence supporting these beleifs is discreditied
experiment that highlights the perseverance effect:
try to find which suicide notes were real or fake
-get positive or negative feedback
-told feedback was a lie, but people still thought they did better or worse based on the feedback
-because they had formed a schema of themselves as either food or bad
how did the teachers in the rosenthal study help create the self fulfilling prophecy
they were more warm to the bloomeres
they gave them more difficult material
more feedback on work
gave them more chances to respond in class
availability heuristic
people base judment on the ease with which they can bring something to mind
the problem iwth it is that sometimes what comes to mind easiest is not typical of the over all picutre
representative heuristic
people classify something according to how similar it is to a typical case
we rely on this when deciding if people belong to a particular category
-can make you ignore the base rate
the monitoring process
searches for evidence that the unwanted thought is abot to intrude on consciousness.
the operating process
the controlled part of the thought suppression system
-attempt ot distract onesself by finding something else to think about
how do the monitoring process and the operating process work in tandem for thought suppression?
trying to keep kid away from fast food
monitoring parent : alert! theres a macdonalds
operating parent: look kid, theres a statueof spongebob
what happens to thought suppression when the person is tired or distracted?
-the monitoring process still works, but goes undistracted by the operating process
-this creates a state of hyperaccessibility, in which the unwanted thought occurs with high frequency
cognitive load
when we are tired or preoccupied: this makes it more likely that thoughts will spill out unchecked
over confidence barrier
the barrier that results when people have to much confidence in the accuracy of their judgements people's judgements are usually not as correct as they think