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40 Cards in this Set

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What are theories

Coherent set of ideas that help us explain data and predictions

Goal of personality theory

Understand, predict, control, describe

Why do we have them?

Reduce info, advance knowledge

A Good theory is

Clearly defined, falsifiable, parsimonious

Freud minds

Conscious mind: what you're aware of at the moment

Unconscious mind: instincts and information you aren't aware of but still impact thoughts and behaviours

Pre-conscious: not current in your conscious but can enter conscious mind (ie. Your age)

Freud: ID


The devil

Core of personality in unconscious mind

goals: reduce tension

Increase pleasure

Minimize discomfort

Impulses of ID

Basic impulses

Eros-libido-life instinct

Thanatos-aggression-destructive, death instinct

Freud: Superego


The angel

unconscious & conscious

Functions: conscious


Forming ideals

Frued: Ego


Conscious and unconscious


tries to please id and superego

PSOD- oral stage

Needs and gratification:

Oral, sucking, biting, chewing

Fixated adults:

Smokers, nibblers, sarcasm, gossip, dependence and depression

PSOD: Anal stage

Gratification: learning to control bladder and anus

(Toilet training: attention and praise)

Fixated adults: excessive orderliness, stingy, stubborn


Messy and disorganized

PSOD: phallic stage

Gratification: self stimulation(penis-envy for girls)

Oedipus/Electra complex

Fixated complex:

Trouble with intimacy

Flirty, heavy masturbation

Excessive modesty

PSOD: Latency stage


Dormant libido

Suppression of sexual urges

Develop shame, disgust, morality

PSOD: genital stage

Puberty onward

Libido energy reawakens

Sexual conduct and gratification


Manifest content: face value

Latent content: symbolism, unconscious living

Tensions and repressed desires vented

Wish fulfilment


Releasing and redirecting misplaced libido energy

Free associations


Dream analysis


Jung difference from freud

Cause of repression is not always sexual

Libido is not main source of energy

Ego doesn't understand whole self

Anima & animus

Passive fem, assertive masculine.

Mediator between conscious and unconscious

Anima: witch hag Mother Earth

Animus: old man, grouch, sorcerer


Central most important archetype - totality of a person

Union of conscious and unconscious

Symbol- mandala. God

Centre: self rest: other personality

Jung's dreams

Restore psychological balance, dream Symbols can be taken at face value.

(Not repressed sexual desires)

Fung's personal growth

Not linear

Individuation - achieve wholeness

1) unveil persona

2) confront shadow

3)merge anima and animus

4) develop self


Founder of individual psychology

Inferiority complex

Organ inferiority-physical limitations

Psychological inferiority-told dumb weak ugly

Inferiority as children-big adults

Superiority complex

Strive to be perfect

Cover up inferiority by pretending to be superior


Social interests

•behaviour takes place in a social context

•3 life tasks

-occupational (advances society)

-societal (friendship)

-love (species survival)

Lack of social interest is mental illness

Mother: key in development of social interest

3 things in childhood that lead to faulty lifestyles

1) physical inferiority: childhood illness, self-centred.

2)spoiling/pampering: taught to take and not give back, lack confidence

3)neglecting: worthless angry selfish cold and hard

Adler's dreams

Expression of style of life

Unified w/ conscious life

Helps you resolve probs

Jung's personality theory

2 attitudes

4 functions

Models of consciousness and unconsciousness



Adler's psychotherapy

Personal growth and knowing self and social interest

Adler's Birth order

Only child: pampered, low coop

1st born: entitlement, problem child

2nd born: competitive, discouraged

Middle child: 2nd born

Youngest child: pampered, 2nd most likely to be problem child

Earliest memories

• How are you expressing yourself

• Your perception of your childhood is more important than what actually happened

• Childhood problems

Jung's 2 attitudes and 4 functions

Introversion:inward oriented

Extroversion:outward oriented

Functions are ways of experiencing world

Gathering info

Sensation -info from your senses, concrete fact

Intuition- following hunches

Making judgements

Thinking: logically

Feeling: emotion responses

Jung's psyche

Ego (also an archetype)

Personal unconscious

Collective unconscious

Personality develops as collaboration between conscious and unconscious

Personal unconscious

Forgotten memories

Things we know but are not present conscious of

Things once conscious of but have forgotten

Things perceived by senses but not by conscious

Collective unconscious

Deepest layer of unconscious

Universal and not rooted in personal experience


Uncovered through dreams art and expressed through archetypes


Unlearned tendency to experience things in a certain way

Represent memories of our ancestors

Each major structure in personality is an archetype

Forms: universal, content: individual

Personality archetypes




Anima & animus



Our darker self

What we refuse to accept

Creative energy

Symbols: dwarf, devil snake,monster

The better we know it, the less it dominates


The mask we wear

Protects ego

Social roles

Symbols: clothing, diploma, car house

Can take over whole personality

Freuds major concepts

Body is all source of mental energy

Psychic determinism

Conscious unconscious and preconditions

Basic impulses Eros-gratifying


Cathexis- libido energy attached of invested in person idea or thing

Oedipus/Electra complex

Dreams: wish fulfilment, early memories :current issues