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42 Cards in this Set

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Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorder (DSM-IV-TR).

Primary took for diagnosing and treating individuals. Disorders found are: psychotic disorder, mood disorders, anxiety disorders, somatoform disorders, personality disorders, sexual and gender identity disorders, and dissociative disorders.

Anxiety disorders

Occurrence of anxiety without and obvious external cause, affecting daily functioning. Characterized by blind, unreasoning, overwhelming fear.


(Anxiety disorder)

Exaggerated unrealistic fears

Of specific things.

Generalized anxiety disorder

Top ten fears

Fear of snakes

Fear of being buried alive

Fear of heights

Fear of being bound or tied up

Fear of being drowned

Fear of public speaking

Fear of health

Fear of hurricanes or tornados

Fear of fire

Obsessive compulsive disorder

(Anxiety and personality disorder)

Characterized by obsessions: unwanted, intrusive, repetitive thoughts. And compulsions: urges to carry out obsession, often as a ritual, usually to reduce anxiety. Common compulsions are counting, hoarding , and washing/cleaning.

Dissociative identity disorder

DD. Multiple personality disorder. History of abuse. 70% of diagnoses have been victims of sexual abuse, could also be biological issue.

Dissociative amnesia

Inability to recall important events. Had extreme memory loss that's cause by extensive psychological stress

Dissociative fugue

Have amnesiac but also travel away. They travel to hospital and don't know where they are or how they got there. Wander away from home and upon arrival of new location they can't recall how they got there.

Mood disorders

Disturbances in emotional experience that are strong enough to intrude on everyday living

Major depressuin

15 million Americans suffer

Women are twice as likely to experience

More intense than normal depression, lasts longer, more intense, have no clear trigger.

Symptoms include reduce pleasure in activities, depressed mood, significant weight loss or gain, loss interest, trouble sleeping or sleep too much, fatigue or loss of energy.

Bipolar disorder

When people swing between highs and lows

Strong genetic influence

Strongest link between genetics and disorder


Highs of bipolar, feel elated, euphoric, feel hyperactive, feel little

Personality disorders

Disorder characterized by a set of inflexible maladaptive behavior patterns that keep a person from functioning appropriately in society

Antisocial personality disorder

Individuals show no regard for the moral and ethical rules of society or the rights of others. Don't feel guild for wrongdoing

Borderline personality disorder

Individuals with this disorder display a pattern of instability in interpersonal relationship and self-image

Childhood disorders

Depression, ADHD, autism


2.5% of children and more than 8% of adolescents suffer from depression

Symptoms may include exaggerated fears, clinginess, avoidance of everyday activities or delinquency

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Inattention, impulsiveness, a low tolerance for frustration, and a great deal of inappropriate activity

Possibly caused by dysfunctions in nervous system


Sever developmental disability that impacts children's ability to communicate and relate to others.


Sever developmental disability that impacts children's ability to communicate and relate to others.

Psychodynamic therapy

Unresolved last conflicts and unacceptable impulses from the unconscious mind into the conscious mind

Free association


Patient says aloud whatever comes to mind. Analyst connects this to the unconscious

Dream analysis


Examining dreams for clues to the unconscious. Manifest content: the dream. Latent content: symbolism or stuff about the Dream.



The transfer of feelings to a psychoanalyst of lover or anger. Thought it happened with every patient starts to have feelings for psychologist.

Behavioral therapy

Treatment approaches that build on basic processes of learning. Both normal and abnormal behaviors are learned.

Aversive therapy


Reduced the frequency of undersized behavior by paring an aversive, unpleasant stimulus with that undesired behavior. Ex: give a pill to an alcoholic that makes them throw up if they drink.

Systematic desensitization


Gradual exposure to an anxiety producing stimulus is paired with relaxation to extinguish the response of anxiety

Cognitive therapy

Teach people to think in more adaptive ways. Changing their dysfunctional cognition about the world and themselves.

Cognitive-behavioral incoperstes principles of learning to change the way people think. Very affective with depression mood disorders and panic disorder

Humanistic therapy

People have control over behavior. Can make choice about their lives. Are essentially responsible for solving their own problems. Self responsibility.

Person centered therapy


Goal is to reach ones potential for self actualization. Carl Rodgers

Unconditional positive regard


Expressing acceptance and understand regardless of the feelings and attitudes the client expresses.

Biomedical therapy

Drug or antipsychotic drugs.

Antipsychotic drugs

Temporarily reduce psychotic symptoms such as agitation, hallucinations, and delusions. Most work by blocking dopamine receptors.

Antipsychotic drugs

Temporarily reduce psychotic symptoms such as agitation, hallucinations, and delusions. Most work by blocking dopamine receptors.


Medications used for severe depression to improve the patients mood. Sometimes used for anxiety and bulimia.

Selective serotonin re uptake inhibitors increase serotonin. Zoloft, Prozac, Paxil.

Electroconvulsive therapy

A procedure used in the treatment of severe depression.

An electric current of 7-150 volts briefly administered to a patients head. Main goal is to cause a seizure in the brain. Side effects- memory loss, fear of procedure

Antipsychotic drugs

Temporarily reduce psychotic symptoms such as agitation, hallucinations, and delusions. Most work by blocking dopamine receptors.


Medications used for severe depression to improve the patients mood. Sometimes used for anxiety and bulimia.

Selective serotonin re uptake inhibitors increase serotonin. Zoloft, Prozac, Paxil.

Electroconvulsive therapy

A procedure used in the treatment of severe depression.

An electric current of 7-150 volts briefly administered to a patients head. Main goal is to cause a seizure in the brain. Side effects- memory loss, fear of procedure

Transcranial magnetic stimulation

An alternative to ECT

A precise magnetic pulse is directed to a specific area of brain.

Community psychology

Branch of psychology that focuses on the prevention and minimization of psychological disorders in the community


Transfer of former mental patients from institutions to the community