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82 Cards in this Set

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Why was the brain damage theory in 1940's and 1950's of ADHD discarded?

it can only explain a small amount of cases

In the DSM how do we classify ODD and CD?

disruptive behavior

What is the lifetime rate of ODD and CD respectively?

12% and 8% (ODD comes first and is less severe)

What are the early symptoms of conduct disorders in girls?

sexual misbehaviors

By their late 20s ____ (how many?) former deliquents have stopped offending ?


What is the core attentional deficit of ADHD?

sustained attention/vigilance

What are the results of the multimodal treatment study of children with ADHD?

none of the above

The most common specific phobia in children is fear of animals.. is believed to be due to what?

evolutionary process

____ is the most common secondary diagnosis for children with anxiety disorder?

social phobia

children and adolescents with ____ have lowest rate of remission for any anxiety disorder?

panic disorder

which is true regarding antisocial behavior in adolescence?

very few adolescents refrain from anti social behavior and tend to not be well adjusted

The two factor theory explains anxiety as arising and persisting through the combination of what?

classical and operant conditioning

Which neurotransmitter system is most often implicated in anxiety disorders?


Perspective studies of adolescents has found that the age of onset of first depressive episode is what?

13-15 years olf

Depression prone individuals tend to make ____ attributions for the causes of negative events?

internal (Self blame, self doubt), stable (stable across situations), global ( the rest of the world sees them that way)

Which of the following regarding bipolar is false?

girls are more commonly diagnoses (aka they are not more commonly diagnosed with bipolar)

in general ___ is the first treatment for bipolar?


In comparison to the IQ scores of normally developing children, those with developmental delays or mental retardation are ____?

more stable

In comparison to the IQ scores of normally developing children, those with developmental delays or mental retardation are___?

more stable (not developing and improving)

To be labeled with mental retardation, below average intellectual and adaptive abilities must be ____?

before the age of 18

The suggestion that children with mental retardation demonstrate the same behaviors and underlying processes as typically developing children who are the same level of cognitive functioning is referred to as____??

similar structure hypothesis

Which of the following statements regarding the causes of mental retardation is false?

the causes of mild mental retardation are understood better than the causes of moderate- severe cases of mental retardation

Virginia Douglas made the argument that?

in addition to hyperactivity, inattention and deficits in impulse control are the primary symptoms of ADHD

Recently the symptoms that have been emphasized as the central impairments of ADHD?

difficulty regulating behavior and poor self regulation

What is the most common anxiety disorder of childhood?

separation anxiety

Which of the following is not a common occurrence among children with separation anxiety disorder?

conduct disorder

Which of the following distinguishes children with generalized anxiety disorder from other types of anxiety?

worry about minor events

What is angoraphobia?

fear of having a panic attack in public or somewhere where they cant escape

Anacyltic depression was the term used by Renee Spitz in the 1940s to describe the pattern of behavior he saw in what?

institutionalized infants

Which of the following is NOT a core feature of PTSD?

persistent irritability and agitation

The cognitive triad refers to what?

a depressed individuals negative outlook on oneself, the world, and the future

Which child would be more likely to display and positive illusionary bias?

ADHD hyperactive and has conduct problems

In comparison to children with ADHD HI, children with subtype ADHD PI are at greater risk for what?

anxiety and mood disorders

Which of the following is NOT true about ADHS PI (predominantly inattentive)?

children with ADHD PI are also described as being aggressive and rude

What might be the most difficult task for a child with ADHD?

working 45 minutes on a sheet of math problems

When is a child with ADHD most likely to display motor activity than other children?

sitting at his desk

The only FDA approved SSRI currently approved for treatment of depression in children?


The ADHD prevalence estimate for school aged children in north america?


____ is the most common form of retardation resulting from chromosomal abnormalities?

down syndrome

____ is the most common cause of inherited mental retardation?

fragile X

Which of the following causes of mental retardation is associated with involuntary urge to eat?

prater willeye ( idk how to spell that)

The majority of individuals with mental retardation are ____ retarded?


Many people with down syndrome function at the ____ level of retardation?


which of the following statements regarding adjustment of families with children with mental retardation is false?

none are false

what is an example of a situational specific phobia?


which is not associated with fetal alcohol syndrome?

all are associated

subaverage intellectual functioning is described as an IQ approximately ___?

two standard deviations below

Children with ADHD who are at higher risk for conduct or oppositional problems?

behavior impulsivity

what percent of intelligence is inherited?


depression in children is characterized by ___ rates of recovery and ___ rates of relapse?

high and high

selective mutism is believed to be a type of which of the following?

social phobias

psychopathology is marked by...?

a pattern of decitful, callous and remorseless behavior

in comparison to adolescents, limited path to anti social behavior those...

all of the above

Which of the following is true regarding ODD and CD?

CD is almost always preceeded by ODD

The earlier concept of masked depression was that ___?

Depression can be masked or sealed by a variety of behaviors thus any clinical symptom could be evidence

Who display a ____ are at high risk for psychiatric problems and impairment in functioning?


Children with conduct disorder usually have fathers who..?

are anti social personality, substance use and criminality

Twin studies suggest that ___ factors play the largest role in accounting for ADHD?


Which of the following is an additional criteria for a diagnosis of ADHD?

symptoms must produce significant impairments in the childs social or academic performance

Which of the following is most likely to cause ADHD (sugar, lighting etc..)?


Research into casual factors provides evidence for ADHD as a disorder with ____ determinates?


An educational intervention for ADHD may include?

all of the above

which of the following is true regarding gender differences in antisocial behavior?

boys are more aggressive than girls in childhood, but this difference decreases or disappears by adolesence

Children who engage in primarly overt behaviors are typically..?

negative, irritable, and resentful in their reactions to hostile situations

Children with adolescent onset CD are ____ than those with child onset CD?

less likely to persist in their antisocial behavior as they get older

The single most powerful predictor of conduct problems in adolescence is?

the combo of early antisocial behavior and involvement with deviant peers

In comparison to children on the adolescent-limited path to anti social behavior, those on the life course persistent path?

all of the above

What treatment components were used to achieve fast track goals?

all of the above

Which of the following is not true of anxiety disorders?

while prevalent in adults, they are relatively rare in children

____ fears increase with age?


Which of the following distinguishes children with generalized anxiety disorder from other anxiety disorders?

worry about minor events

What is the intention of compulsions?

to reduce anxiety

The parenting style most often associated with anxiety disorders in children is one in which parents are ?

overly controlling

children who experience depression?

are at risk for future depressive episodes

The increase in depression from childhood to adolesence appears to be largely a result of

biological maturation

Major depressive disorder in children is more likely to occur after the onset of all other psychiatric disorders except?

substance abuse

A history of depression during the school years increase the risk for later?

all of the above

In the DSM-IV-TR the level of retardation, reflecting a child's degree of difficulty, is based upon?

the extent of cognitive impairment

the ___ category of mental retardation has an overrepresentation of minority groups?


Persons with profound mental retardation have a IQ level of?


Which of the following psychiatric diagnosis is the least common among children with mental retardation?


Which of the following is not associated with FAS?
