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54 Cards in this Set

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Biological Treatments/Therapies
Drug Therapies
Drug Therapies
Antipsychotic Drugs
Antidepressant Drugs
Antianxiety Drugs
Antipsychotic Drugs
*believed to work by affecting dopamine receptors
*lots of side effects
*reduce symptoms of psychosis(loss of reality testing, hallucinations, delusions)
ex) Therazine
Antidepressant Drugs
*reduce symptoms of depression (dadness, loss of appetite, sleep disturbances)
Antianxiety Drugs
reduce symptoms of anxiety
*reduce symptoms of mania
ECT (Electroconvulsive Therapy)
originally for schizophrenia
found out NOT effective for schizo, but works for depression
*causes brain seizure for about a minutes
not common, labotamy
rTMS repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulaton
uses magnets to stimulate targeted parts of the brain
Psychological Therapies for Mental Disorders
*Psychodynamic therapies
Humanistic therapy
Behavior therpies
Cognitive Therapies
help to gain insight into unconscious thoughts.
*theraputic alliance
*working through counter transference
*free association
Humanistic Therapy
helps explore their own values and patients and fufill their potential more fully by providing a worm and supportive relaionship
*client-centered therapy
*unconditional positive regard
Behavior Therapies
behavioral assessment
Cognitive therapies
change maladaptive thought patterns
Somatoform Disorders
group of disorders where people experience significant physical symptoms for which there is no apparent organic cause (can’t be documented)
*subjective experience of many physical symptoms, with no organic cause
Psychosomatic Disorders
actual physical illness present and psychological factors seem to be contributing to the illness
Deliberate faking of physical symptoms to avoid an unpleasant situation, such as military duty
Factitious Disorders (Munch-Hausen’s Syndrome):
Deliberate Faking of physical illness to gain medical attention
Factitious disorder by proxy
parents fakes or created illness in their children in order to gain attention for themselves
Five types of Somatoform Disorders
5.Body Dysmorphic
Conversion Disorder
*loss of functioning in a part of the body for psychological rather than the physical reasons
*children can have symptoms from things that have happened to close loved ones
*Most dramatic type of somatoform disorder
La-belle indifference
people become completely unconcerned about the loss of functioning they are experiencing
*common during both world wars for dealing with traumatic events
Glove anesthesia
people loose all feeling in one hand, Freud found they regained feeling when they recalled painful feelings
Somatization Disorders
history of complaints about physical symptoms, affecting many different areas of the body, for which medical attention has been sought but that appear to have no physical cause.
Diagnostic Criteria for Somatization Disorder
o A history of many physical complaints over a period of several years, for which the person seeks treatment
o Symptoms in each of the following areas must occur at some time during the course of the disorder
 Pain symptoms in at least four areas of the body
 At least 2 gastrointestinal symptoms other than pain (nausea)
 At least one sexual symptom
 At least one apparently neurological symptom (paralysis)
o The symptom or deficit cannot be fully explained by a medical condition, the effect of drugs.
Pain Disorder
people who only complain of chronic pain
chronic worry that one has a physical disease in the absence of evidence that one does; frequent seeking of medical attention
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
excessive preoccupation with a part of the body the person believes is defective
*could be related to obsessive-compulsive disorder
Dissociative Disorders
extreme experiences in which aspects of people identities split apart
*: DID, Dissociative fugue, Dissociative amnesia, Depersonalization disorder
Dissociative Fugue
The person moves away and assumes a new identity, with amnesia for the previous identity. There is no switching among personalities, as there is in DID.
Dissociative Amnesia
The person loses memory for important personal facts, including personal identity, with no apparent organic cause
Organic amnesia
caused by a brain injury resulting from disease, drugs, accidents, or surgery
Anterograde amnesia
involved often in organic amnesia which involves inability to remember new information
Psychogenic amnesia
absence of any brain injury or disease and is thought to have psychological causes
Retrograde amnesia
inability to remember information from the past; can have organic and psychogenic causes; often only for personal information
Depersonalized Disorder
There are frequent episodes in which the individual feels detached form his or her mental state of body. The person does not develop new identities or have amnesia for these episodes
Repressed memories
memories of childhood abuse that eventually resurface in psychotherapy
Bi-polar disorder
manic depression
energy and enthusiasm for everything, fizzing over with ideas, talking and thinking so fast that her friends could not keep up with her
energy and enthusiasm were gone, and she was slow to think, talk, and move.
Unipolar Depression
experiencing depression without mania that is present in bipolar disorder
Major depression
experience either depressed mood or loss of interest in usual activities, plus at least four other symptoms of depression, chronically for at least two weeks
Dysthymic Disorder
less severe/ more chronic
*Experiencing depressed mood plus two other symptoms of depression for at least two years, without a two month laps in that time period
the end result of the complex interaction of social, psychological, and biological forces
Four types of suicide
death seekers, death initiators, death ignorers, and death darers
Death seeker
clearly want to take life, often write a will, buy a gun, give away possessions
Death Initiator
believe they are hasting in inevitable death, many people with severe illnesses fall in this category
Death Ignorers
intend to end life, but don’t believe this is the end of their existence; religious groups, suicide bombers
Death darers
take actions that greatly increase their chances of death, but do not guarantee it. May want attention or to make someone else feel guilty more than they want to die.
subintentional deaths
acts in which people indirectly contribute to their own death
Social Perspectives on Suicide
*economic harship
*serious illness
*loss or abuse
*Durkheim's theory
*Suicide Contagion
Psychological Theories of Suicide
*Psychodynamic- extreme expression of anger toward love on that hurt person
*Mental Disorder
*Cognitive- hopelessness and dichotomous thinking increase the risk of suicide.
Biological Theories of suicide
*genetic theory
*neurotransmitter theory(seratonin)
mercy killing, assisted patient suicide